server fail , because there was too low population and 1 ally which was very skilled , i was there , enemy has no chance , then they leave and there was no pvp
I will fuck join this server again :-) best pvp i ve ever had was there , on l2rose ^Undefeated Adventurer "Skaf^
Love A grade pvp location
Love Backstab (can be used only in back of target)
Just epic setting for dagger <3
join noobs :-D
then i will translate ,1. u can save your acc like :barak pw:obama , save it like "prezident" , and then click to auto login and log in.
2. u can setup your keys to clicking randomly your Fs (F1,F2 ...) , they can do it like "loop" or just 1 time.
3. no clicking to dualbox for dance , song , heal , pp buffs , nothink , just setup keybot and play.
Hello everybody , i d like to present u new ultimate keybot for L2 , works everywhere , everytime and is rly helpfull , pls rate and comment.
pm to owner on or here on forum. O0
ps:watch in high quality...
This tool is not my master piece , i m only beta tester , owner is "Phoenix , he´s in forum too , he´s the boss. :troll:
- You can have KeyBOT for each window (unlimited).
- You can have own settings for each instance of KeyBOT.
- 3 programmable keys with recorded F-Key sequence (with Looping).
- Automated login with settings.
- You don't need to switch windows if dualbox or more.
- It's helpful when you farm hard :D.
- If you have good specs you can easily kill RaidBoss alone.
- It's multithreaded.