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Posts posted by Kolibri

  1. 1 minute ago, Red-Hair-Shanks said:

    this feature have a bug, you can stuck the stats of ls many times.

    As i said its pretty simple and can be improved for sure but i got no interest on it anymore . Anyone who wants can improve and i can update the post with improved versions. 






    As i was going through some old files i found this code that i made a while ago
    its pretty simple and can be improved for sure but i got no interest on it anymore .


    The code checks what type of life stone it is Mid High Top etc. and augments the weapon based on the augment rate of your server if its a skill it will disarm weapon and show you the name and type of skill .


    for example

     player.sendPacket(new CreatureSay(0, SayType.HERO_VOICE, "[" + type + "]", "You got " + name));
            sendMessage(player, type + " : You got " + name);


    you also have to register it on your net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.ItemHandler.java


    registerHandler(new FastAugmentation());


    and on your items xml file

    e.g gameserver/data/xml/items/8700-8799.xml


    add this

    add this 
    <set name="handler" val="FastAugmentation" />
    It should be like this 
    <item id="8762" type="EtcItem" name="Top-Grade Life Stone: level 76">
    		<set name="material" val="LIQUID" />
    		<set name="weight" val="2" />
    		<set name="price" val="4800000" />
    		<set name="handler" val="FastAugmentation" />
    		<set name="is_stackable" val="true" />
    		<cond msgId="113">
    			<player level="76" />


    it can be easily adapted for any l2j pack the code above is for aCis 398? if not mistaken



    package net.sf.l2j.mods.itemhandlers;
    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.data.xml.AugmentationData;
    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.enums.Paperdoll;
    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.enums.SayType;
    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.IItemHandler;
    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.Augmentation;
    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.Playable;
    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.Player;
    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.item.instance.ItemInstance;
    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.CreatureSay;
    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ExShowScreenMessage;
    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.InventoryUpdate;
    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SocialAction;
     * @author RKolibri
    public class FastAugmentation implements IItemHandler {
        public void useItem(Playable playable, ItemInstance item, boolean forceUse) {
            Player player = (Player) playable;
            ItemInstance weapon = player.getInventory().getItemFrom(Paperdoll.RHAND);
            Augmentation topLs = AugmentationData.getInstance().generateRandomAugmentation(76, 3);
            Augmentation highLs = AugmentationData.getInstance().generateRandomAugmentation(76, 2);
            Augmentation midLs = AugmentationData.getInstance().generateRandomAugmentation(76, 1);
            Augmentation noGradeLs = AugmentationData.getInstance().generateRandomAugmentation(76, 0);
            InventoryUpdate iu = new InventoryUpdate();
            int ls = item.getItemId();
            if (weapon == null) {
                player.sendMessage("You have to equip a weapon first.");
            if (weapon.getItem().getCrystalType().getId() <= 3) {
                player.sendMessage("Fast Augmentation available only for A and S grade  Weapons!");
            if (weapon.isHeroItem()) {
                player.sendMessage("Hero weapons can't be augmented!");
            if (weapon.isAugmented()) {
            } else {
                player.destroyItem("Consume", item.getObjectId(), 1, null, false);
                Augmentation augmentation;
                if (ls == 8762) {
                    augmentation = topLs;
                } else if (ls == 8752) {
                    augmentation = highLs;
                } else if (ls == 8742) {
                    augmentation = midLs;
                } else if (ls == 8732) {
                    augmentation = noGradeLs;
                } else {
                if (weapon.getAugmentation().getSkill() == null) {
                    player.sendMessage("No luck try again!");
                } else {
        public static boolean removeAug(Playable playable) {
            Player player = (Player) playable;
            ItemInstance weapon = player.getInventory().getItemFrom(Paperdoll.RHAND);
            InventoryUpdate iu = new InventoryUpdate();
            return true;
        private static void checkAugmentResult(Playable playable) {
            Player player = (Player) playable;
            ItemInstance weapon = player.getInventory().getItemFrom(Paperdoll.RHAND);
            String name = weapon.getAugmentation().getSkill().getName();
            boolean isChance = weapon.getAugmentation().getSkill().isChance();
            boolean isActive = weapon.getAugmentation().getSkill().isActive();
            boolean isPassive = weapon.getAugmentation().getSkill().isPassive() && !isChance;
            InventoryUpdate iu = new InventoryUpdate();
            String type;
            if (isChance) {
                type = "CHANCE";
            } else if (isActive) {
                type = "ACTIVE";
            } else if (isPassive) {
                type = "PASSIVE";
            } else {
            player.sendPacket(new CreatureSay(0, SayType.HERO_VOICE, "[" + type + "]", "You got " + name));
            sendMessage(player, type + " : You got " + name);
            player.broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(player, 3));
        public static void sendMessage(final Player player, final String message) {
            player.sendPacket(new ExShowScreenMessage(message, 3000, ExShowScreenMessage.SMPOS.TOP_CENTER, true));




    Have fun and enjoy

    Author : RKolibri

    Credits : RKolibri


    • Upvote 1
  3. On 9/6/2022 at 2:36 AM, Williams said:

    this system is confusing I put spawn time 2 and spawn random 1 to total 3 hours it bugs whenever it goes back when the time is like this they don't come back

    Spawn 2 and random 1 means 1 hour or 2 hours or 3 hours 

    And if you edit your database while your server is running it won't work 

    Shutdown gameserver edit database make sure to set remaining spawn time to 0 start server kill raid and check time again

  4. 9 hours ago, Zake said:

    Open any declaration of this systemmessage, and see where it's called

    I'm struggling 4 days now and can't find anything till now 

    i only found the id of the system message (1693) but nothing else and the strange thing is that it does on every HtML dialog and not only on the olympiad ones 

    Fixed was an error on request bypasstoserver 

    @Zake thnx for your time!


  5. Hello i have this error  [javac]                                   for (Player player : activeChar.getKnownList().getKnownTypeInRadius(Player.class, 1250))
        [javac]                                                                  ^
        [javac]   symbol:   method getKnownList()
        [javac]   location: variable activeChar of type Player
        [javac] 2 errors


    i changed L2PcInstance with Player on code but this error still there

  6. opa file pareksigisa .... esy enooyses thema toy site

    egw nomizaa oti enooyses to pack toy server an einai l2j h a einai off ktl ( mias kai edw einai Discussion gia L2j pack's )

    oxi kala katalaves den ennow to site   :P

    ta server files ennow !


    edit: aplws exw bei se pollous rwsikous server kai einai akrivws t idio 

  7. Θα μπορούσες μήπως να μας ποστάρεις τα config του GS σου; Με αυτόν τον τρόπο θα προσπαθήσουμε να σε βοηθήσουμε περισσότερο. Ευχαριστώ.

    # ---------------------------------
    # Сетевые настроки сервера
    # ---------------------------------
    # 1 - Адрес на котором прослушивается игровой сервер
    # - все доступные
    # 2 - Порт игрового сервера
    GameServerHostName = localhost
    GameServerPort = 7777
    # 1 - Порт логин сервера
    # 2 - Адрес логин сервера
    LoginPort = 9014
    LoginHost = localhost
    # Внешнесетевой адрес сервера
    ExternalHostname = localhost
    # Внутрисетевой адрес сервера
    InternalHostname = localhost
    # ------------------------------------
    # Section: Subnets & Advanced  Routing
    # ------------------------------------
    # Define optional networks and router IPs
    # Format: 
    # Subnet = host, net/mask; host, net/mask, net/mask
    #          host - IP address ( or 
    #                 fully qualified domain name (example.org)
    #          net/mask - mask or 
    #                     would be 192.168.*.*
    # External - external hostname, you defined in server.properties
    # Internal - internal hostname, you defined in server.properties
    # Example:
    # Subnet =,, 111.222.333.0/
    InternalNetworks =
    OptionalNetworks =
    Subnet = Internal,,,,
    # Список хостов доступных для подключения к Telnet
    ListOfHosts =,localhost
    # ----------------------------
    # Настройка базы данных
    # ----------------------------
    # MySQL драйвер
    Driver= com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    # Список других драйверов
    # Driver= org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
    # Driver= com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver
    # Адрес базы данных
    URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/lucera
    # 1 - Логин базы данных
    # 2 - Пароль базы данных
    Login = root
    Password =to pass mou
    # Максимальное количество подключений к базе данных
    # Если у игроков лаги, увеличьте количество подключений
    MaximumDbConnections = 50
  8. γεια σας εχω ενα θεμα μολις ανοιγω το gameserver κανει auto shut down 

    [INFO 16:48:35]: IdFactory: Cleanup items
    [INFO 16:48:35]: IdFactory: Cleanup clans
    [INFO 16:48:35]: IdFactory: Cleanup items on ground
    [INFO 16:48:35]: IDFactory: 102912 id's avaliable.
    [INFO 16:48:35]: MapRegionManager: Loaded 38 restartpoint(s).
    [INFO 16:48:35]: MapRegionManager: Loaded 23 restartareas with 145 arearegion(s).
    [INFO 16:48:35]: MapRegionManager: Loaded 235 zoneregion(s).
    [INFO 16:48:35]: MapRegionManager: Loaded 4 race depending redirects.
    ==========================================================-[ Announce Manager ]
    [INFO 16:48:35]: AnnounceManager: Loaded 0 announce
    [INFO 16:48:35]: AnnounceManager: Loaded 0 auto announce
    ========================================================-[ ID Factory Manager ]
    [INFO 16:48:35]: IdFactory: Free ObjectID's remaining: 1879048046
    ============================================================-[ Geodata Engine ]
    [INFO 16:48:35]: Geodata Engine: Disabled.
    ============================================================-[ Static Objects ]
    [INFO 16:48:35]: Static Objects: Loaded 29 object(s)
    ============================================================-[ Server Manager ]
    [INFO 16:48:35]: GameTimeController: Initialized.
    [INFO 16:48:35]: Initializing BoatManager
    [INFO 16:48:35]: Initializing InstanceManager
    [INFO 16:48:35]: Multiverse Instance created
    [INFO 16:48:35]: Universe Instance created
    ==============================================================-[ TaskManagers ]
    [INFO 16:48:35]: AttackStanceTaskManager: Initialized.
    [INFO 16:48:35]: DecayTaskManager: Initialized.
    [INFO 16:48:35]: KnownListUpdateTaskManager: Initialized.
    [INFO 16:48:35]: LeakTaskManager: Initialized.
    [INFO 16:48:35]: SQLQueue: started
    ============================================================-[ Teleport Table ]
    [INFO 16:48:35]: TeleportTable: Loaded 925 location
    ====================================================================-[ Skills ]
    [INFO 16:48:35]: SkillTreeTable:          Loaded 36066 skills.
    [INFO 16:48:35]: FishingSkillTreeTable:   Loaded 109 general skills.
    [INFO 16:48:35]: FishingSkillTreeTable:   Loaded 8 dwarven skills.
    [INFO 16:48:35]: EnchantSkillTreeTable:   Loaded 14520 enchant skills.
    [INFO 16:48:35]: PledgeSkillTreeTable:    Loaded 64 pledge skills.
    [INFO 16:48:37]: SkillTable: Loaded 31174 skill templates from XML files.
    [INFO 16:48:37]: SkillTable: Occupying arrays for 75061.
    [INFO 16:48:37]: ExtraSkillTable: Loaded  55 skills.
    [INFO 16:48:37]: ResidentialSkillTable: Loaded 0 skills.
    [INFO 16:48:37]: PetSkillsTable: Loaded 1594 skills.
    [INFO 16:48:37]: NobleSkillTable: Initialized.
    [INFO 16:48:37]: HeroSkillTable: Initialized.
    =====================================================================-[ Items ]
    [INFO 16:48:37]: Items: Cleanup items table
    [INFO 16:48:37]: ItemTable: Loaded 6882/6882 Items.
    [INFO 16:48:38]: ItemTable: Loaded 1014/1014 Armors.
    [INFO 16:48:38]: ItemTable: Loaded 1313/1313 Weapons.
    [INFO 16:48:38]: ArmorSetsTable: Loaded 51 armor sets.
    [INFO 16:48:38]: ArmorSetsTable: Loaded 51 armor sets.
    [INFO 16:48:38]: AugmentationData: Loaded: 52 augmentation stats.
    [INFO 16:48:38]: AugmentationData: Loaded: 1780 weapons skills.
    [INFO 16:48:38]: SkillSpellbookTable: Loaded 334 Spellbooks.
    [INFO 16:48:38]: SummonItemsData: Loaded 38 Summon Items from summon_items.xml
    [INFO 16:48:38]: Extractable items data: Loaded 344 extractable items!
    [INFO 16:48:38]: FishTable: Loaded 270 Fishes.
    [INFO 16:48:38]: ItemsAutoDestroy: initialized
    ================================================================-[ Characters ]
    [INFO 16:48:38]: CharNameTable: Loaded 0 character names.
    [INFO 16:48:38]: CharTemplateTable: Loaded 89 Character Templates.
    [INFO 16:48:38]: LevelUpData: Loaded 103 Character Level Up Templates.
    [INFO 16:48:38]: Helper Buff Table: Loaded 25 Templates.
    [INFO 16:48:38]: HennaTable: Loaded 180 Templates.
    [INFO 16:48:38]: HennaTreeTable: Loaded 7128 Henna Tree Templates.
    [INFO 16:48:38]: CoupleManager: loaded 0 couples(s)
    [INFO 16:48:38]: ClanTable: restored 0 clans from the database.
    [INFO 16:48:38]: Cache[Crest]: 0,000MB on 0 files loaded.
    [INFO 16:48:38]: Cache[Crest]: (Forget Time: 300s , Capacity: 50)
    [INFO 16:48:38]: HeroSystem: Loaded 0 Heroes.
    [INFO 16:48:38]: HeroSystem: Loaded 0 all time Heroes.
    [INFO 16:48:38]: BlockListManager: Loaded 0 character block(s).
    =================================================================-[ NPC Stats ]
    [INFO 16:48:38]: NpcTable: Loaded 7052 Npc Templates.
    [INFO 16:48:38]: NpcTable: Loaded 6 Custom Npc Templates.
    [INFO 16:48:38]: NpcTable: Loaded 447 Minions.
    [INFO 16:48:38]: NpcLikePc :Loaded 1 template(s)
    [INFO 16:48:38]: PetDataTable: loaded 12 pets.
    =============================================================-[ Auto Handlers ]
    [INFO 16:48:38]: AutoChatHandler: Loaded 32 handlers in total.
    [INFO 16:48:38]: AutoSpawnHandler: Loaded 129 spawn group(s) from the database.
    ===============================================================-[ Seven Signs ]
    [INFO 16:48:38]: SevenSigns: Currently in the Competition (Quest Event) period!
    [INFO 16:48:38]: SevenSigns: The Seal of Avarice remains unclaimed.
    [INFO 16:48:38]: SevenSigns: The Seal of Gnosis remains unclaimed.
    [INFO 16:48:38]: SevenSigns: The Seal of Strife remains unclaimed.
    [INFO 16:48:38]: SevenSigns: The competition, if the current trend continues, will end in a tie this week.
    [INFO 16:48:38]: SevenSigns: Next period begins in 4 days, 1 hours and 11 mins.
    [INFO 16:48:38]: SevenSignsFestival: first Festival of Darkness cycle begins in 2 minutes.
    ========================================================-[ Entities and zones ]
    [INFO 16:48:38]: CrownManager: Initialized.
    [INFO 16:48:38]: ClanHallManager: loaded 0 clan halls
    [INFO 16:48:38]: ClanHallManager: loaded 44 free clan halls
    [INFO 16:48:38]: ClanHallManager: 4 halls in Gludio
    [INFO 16:48:38]: ClanHallManager: 5 halls in Gludin
    [INFO 16:48:38]: ClanHallManager: 4 halls in Dion
    [INFO 16:48:38]: ClanHallManager: 5 halls in Giran
    [INFO 16:48:38]: ClanHallManager: 7 halls in Aden
    [INFO 16:48:38]: ClanHallManager: 5 halls in Goddard
    [INFO 16:48:38]: ClanHallManager: 9 halls in Rune
    [INFO 16:48:38]: ClanHallManager: 4 halls in Schuttgart
    [INFO 16:48:38]: RegenTaskManager: Initialized.
    [INFO 16:48:39]: DoorTable: Loaded 224 Door Templates.
    [INFO 16:48:39]: Loaded: 9 castles
    [INFO 16:48:39]: SiegeManager: Loaded 0 registred siege(s)
    [INFO 16:48:39]: Initializing FortManager
    [INFO 16:48:39]: GuardReturnHomeManager: Initialized.
    [INFO 16:48:39]: WalkerRoutesTable: Loaded 626 Npc Walker Routes.
    [INFO 16:48:39]: Initializing Walkers Routes Table.
    [INFO 16:48:39]: NpcWalkerAiTaskManager: Initialized.
    [INFO 16:48:39]: DayNightSpawnManager: Day/Night handler initialized
    [INFO 16:48:40]: AttackableAiTaskManager: Initialized.
    [INFO 16:48:40]: SpawnTable: Loaded 37393 Npc Spawn Locations.
    [INFO 16:48:40]: SpawnTable: 0 Npc Not Spawned.
    [INFO 16:48:40]: Loaded: 21 fortress
    [INFO 16:48:40]: FortSiegeManager: Loaded 21 siege(s)
    [INFO 16:48:40]: ZoneManager: arena.xml loaded with 8 zones
    [INFO 16:48:40]: Initializing QuestManager
    [INFO 16:48:41]: ZoneManager: boss.xml loaded with 18 zones
    [INFO 16:48:41]: Siege of Gludio: Sat Feb 14 20:00:00 MSK 2015
    [INFO 16:48:41]: Siege of Dion: Sat Feb 14 20:00:00 MSK 2015
    [INFO 16:48:41]: Siege of Giran: Sun Feb 15 16:00:00 MSK 2015
    [INFO 16:48:41]: Siege of Oren: Sun Feb 15 16:00:00 MSK 2015
    [INFO 16:48:41]: Siege of Aden: Sat Feb 14 20:00:00 MSK 2015
    [INFO 16:48:41]: Siege of Innadril: Sun Feb 15 16:00:00 MSK 2015
    [INFO 16:48:41]: Siege of Goddard: Sun Feb 15 16:00:00 MSK 2015
    [INFO 16:48:41]: Siege of Rune: Sat Feb 14 20:00:00 MSK 2015
    [INFO 16:48:41]: Siege of Schuttgart: Sun Feb 15 16:00:00 MSK 2015
    [INFO 16:48:41]: ZoneManager: castle.xml loaded with 48 zones
    [INFO 16:48:41]: ZoneManager: clanhall.xml loaded with 44 zones
    [INFO 16:48:41]: ZoneManager: custom.xml loaded with 0 zones
    [INFO 16:48:41]: ZoneManager: fishing.xml loaded with 40 zones
    [INFO 16:48:41]: ZoneManager: forts.xml loaded with 42 zones
    [INFO 16:48:41]: ZoneManager: foursepulchers.xml loaded with 8 zones
    [INFO 16:48:41]: ZoneManager: misc.xml loaded with 34 zones
    [INFO 16:48:41]: ZoneManager: monstertrack.xml loaded with 2 zones
    [INFO 16:48:42]: ZoneManager: mothertree.xml loaded with 5 zones
    [INFO 16:48:42]: ZoneManager: pagan.xml loaded with 1 zones
    [INFO 16:48:42]: ZoneManager: peace.xml loaded with 42 zones
    [INFO 16:48:42]: ZoneManager: stadia.xml loaded with 22 zones
    [INFO 16:48:42]: ZoneManager: water.xml loaded with 200 zones
    [INFO 16:48:42]: MercTicketManager: loaded 0 Mercenary Tickets
    ===========================================================-[ Clan Hall Siege ]
    [INFO 16:48:42]: SiegeManager of Fortress Of Resistence
    [INFO 16:48:42]: SiegeManager of Bandits Stronghold
    [INFO 16:48:42]: SiegeManager of Devastated Castle
    [INFO 16:48:42]: SiegeManager of Fortres Of Dead
    [INFO 16:48:42]: SiegeManager of Wild Beasts Farm
    [INFO 16:48:42]: SiegeManager of Rainbow Springs Chateau
    ===========================================-[ Events/Script/CoreScript/Engine ]
    [INFO 16:48:42]: BuffHolder: Loaded 3 buffScheme(s)
    [INFO 16:48:42]: Loaded: 29 quests
    ======================================================================-[ HTML ]
    [INFO 16:48:42]: HtmCache: Loaded 4035 HTM file(s) for 2 language(s)
    ====================================================================-[ Spawns ]
    [INFO 16:48:42]: Despawned 232 creature(s), spawned 601
    [INFO 16:48:42]: RaidBossReturnHomeManager: Initialized.
    [INFO 16:48:42]: RaidBossSpawnManager: Loaded 192 Instances
    [INFO 16:48:42]: RaidBossSpawnManager: Scheduled 0 Instances
    ===================================================================-[ Economy ]
    [INFO 16:48:42]: CursedWeaponsManager: loaded 2 cursed weapon(s).
    [INFO 16:48:43]: TradeListTable: Loaded 634 Buylists.
    [INFO 16:48:43]: ManorSystem: Manor period approve updated
    [INFO 16:48:43]: ManorSystem: Schedule for period approve @ Fri Feb 06 06:00:43 MSK 2015
    [INFO 16:48:43]: ManorManager: Loaded 256 seeds
    [INFO 16:48:43]: AuctionManager: loaded 38 auction(s)
    [INFO 16:48:43]: TimedItems: loaded 0 items
    ==================================================================-[ Olympiad ]
    [INFO 16:48:43]: Olympiad System: Loading Olympiad System....
    [INFO 16:48:43]: Olympiad System: Currently in Olympiad Period
    [INFO 16:48:43]: Olympiad System: 33552 minutes until period ends
    [INFO 16:48:43]: Olympiad System: Next weekly change is in 10050 minutes
    [INFO 16:48:43]: Olympiad System: Loaded 0 Nobles
    [INFO 16:48:43]: Olympiad System: Competition Period Starts in 0 days, 1 hours and 11 mins.
    [INFO 16:48:43]: Olympiad System: Event starts/started : Thu Feb 05 18:00:43 MSK 2015
    ===========================================================-[ DimensionalRift ]
    [INFO 16:48:43]: DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 7 room types with 56 rooms.
    [INFO 16:48:43]: DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 462 dimensional rift spawns, 0 errors.
    ============================================================-[ FourSepulchers ]
    [INFO 16:48:43]: FourSepulchersManager: Loaded 4 mausoleum(s)
    [INFO 16:48:43]: FourSepulchersManager: Four Sepulchers will open at Thu Feb 05 16:55:00 MSK 2015
    ====================================================================-[ Bosses ]
    [INFO 16:48:43]: GrandBossReturnHomeManager: Initialized.
    [INFO 16:48:43]: QueenAntManager: State of QueenAnt is ALIVE.
    [INFO 16:48:43]: ZakenManager: State of Zaken is ALIVE.
    [INFO 16:48:43]: CoreManager: State of Core is ALIVE.
    [INFO 16:48:43]: OrfenManager: State of Orfen is ALIVE.
    [INFO 16:48:43]: SailrenManager: State of Sailren is NOTSPAWN.
    [INFO 16:48:43]: VanHalterManager : State of High Priestess van Halter is ALIVE.
    ===============================================================-[ GrandBosses ]
    [INFO 16:48:43]: AntharasManager: State of Antharas is NOTSPAWN.
    [INFO 16:48:43]: BaiumManager: State of Baium is NOTSPAWN.
    [INFO 16:48:43]: ValakasManager: State of Valakas is NOTSPAWN.
    [INFO 16:48:43]: LastImperialTombManager: Init The Last Imperial Tomb.
    [INFO 16:48:43]: FrintezzaManager: State of Frintezza is NOTSPAWN.
    ==========================================================-[ Factions Manager ]
    [INFO 16:48:43]: Faction Manager: disabled.
    ==================================================================-[ Handlers ]
    [INFO 16:48:43]: RecipeController: Loaded 865 recipes.
    [INFO 16:48:43]: ItemHandler: Loaded 2349 handlers.
    [INFO 16:48:43]: SkillHandler: Loaded 92 handlers.
    [INFO 16:48:43]: ChatHandler: Loaded 16 handlers.
    ======================================================================-[ Misc ]
    [INFO 16:48:43]: ObjectRestrictions: loading...
    [INFO 16:48:43]: ObjectRestrictions: loaded 0 restrictions.
    [INFO 16:48:43]: SiegeStatus: loading...
    [INFO 16:48:43]: TaskManager: initalized.
    [INFO 16:48:43]: TaskManager: Registered: 6 Tasks.
    [INFO 16:48:43]: PetitionManager: initalized.
    [INFO 16:48:43]: Fishing Championship Manager : started
    ===========================================================-[ Offline Service ]
    [INFO 16:48:43]: Offline Manager: restore traders disables.
    =============================================================-[ ServerThreads ]
    [INFO 16:48:45]: Connecting to login on
    [INFO 16:48:45]: FollowTaskManager: Initialized.
    [INFO 16:48:45]: AttackFollowTaskManager: Initialized.
    [INFO 16:48:45]: IOFloodManager: initialized.
    [INFO 16:48:45]: Registered on login as Server 1 : Bartz
    ===================================================================-[ Daemons ]
    [INFO 16:48:45]: PCCaffe: Task scheduled every 10 minutes
    ====================================================================-[ Events ]
    [INFO 16:48:45]: GameEventManager: Loaded 4 events.
    ======================================================================-[ Mods ]
    [INFO 16:48:45]: Cristmas event status: Off.
    [INFO 16:48:45]: Medals event status: Off.
    [INFO 16:48:45]: StarlightFestival event status: Off.
    [INFO 16:48:45]: L2Day event status: Off.
    [INFO 16:48:45]: BigSquash event status: Off.
    =================================================================-[ Gm System ]
    [INFO 16:48:45]: GmController: Loaded 308 handlers.
    [INFO 16:48:45]: GmController: Loaded 0 admin players.
    ================================================================-[ Extensions ]
    [INFO 16:48:45]: Loaded 0 extensions.
    =============================================================-[ Tasks Manager ]
    [INFO 16:48:45]: TaskManager: Loaded: 3 Tasks From Database.
    ===============================================================-[ Server Info ]
    [INFO 16:48:46]: Free memory: 570 Mb of 910 Mb
    [INFO 16:48:46]: Ready on IP:
    [INFO 16:48:46]: Max players: 1000
    [INFO 16:48:46]: Load time: 12 Seconds.
    ==================================================================-[ Shutdown ]
    Saving Data Please Wait...
    Disconnecting all players...done
    Saving SevenSIgns data...done
    Executing shutdown hooks...1 total, 1 successfully
    GameTime controller stopped
    Disconnected from login
    Network disabled
    ThreadPoolManager: all threads stopped
    Disconnected from database
  • Create New...