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Everything posted by WaterFlood

  1. dudes this topic is older than the internet how come nobody saw the date and people keep answering xD
  2. Hey, I've been searching around for a while now and I can't find a legit link to download l2phx from and a script to augment instantly, every link I come across is infected with trojan and shits... Also most of them are extremly outdates, 4-6 years old links and files.... I would appreciate some help with the matter... Thanks in advance!
  3. no luck yet, but i'm not gonna wait 1 month for fantasia it's too long for me...
  4. fantasia looks nice, but that's 1 and a half months away :( i'm looking for something that's up atm..
  5. Hey, i'm looking for x5-15 c6 with or without NPC buffer, with or without items till B on shop, full retail or like casual, mammon in giran, gm shop till B etc etc... With around 200-300 online players...
  6. Am i asking for something like that? Quit adv all over the place... Jesus.
  7. Looking for a PvP server c6, I don't care if it has or not custom things, just with 200-300 people online at least, and maybe easy farm but hard enchant, something like that... Not getting max+ in 5 min, neither in 5 months...
  8. Avellan opens in 13 days.... And it has so many new features...
  9. I dont care about anything, any rune, champion,skin... doesn't matter... Just lvl 30... (E-mail included) 5 euro PaySafe Reply here and i'll PM you the skype name
  10. leona, 15 wins 1 lost :-beep- yeah:
  11. PS: I've got TS3 / Skype / Ventrilo and i'm online from 2 to 8h per game depending on my university's schedule...
  12. Name: George Age: 20 + Country: Greece Nickname: WaterFlood Server: EU NE Normal: Wins: 1.708 Losses: 1.611 Takedowns: 47.885 Monster and Minion Kills: 451.421 Ranked: Solo/Duo Queue: Gold Division III Lifetime Totals: 710 Kills 451 Deaths 883 Assists Per Game Averages: 6.5 Kills 4.1 Deaths 7.6 Assists Most Played champions on Ranked: Diana: 10 Wins / 6 Losses Ryze: 10 Wins / 2 Losses Leona: 9 Wins / 1 Loss Shen: 4 Wins / 1 Loss Champions: 97 Rune Pages: 11 Runes: 5x 9x Marks / 4x 9x Seals / 3x 9x Glyphs/ 5x 3x Quintessences I'm playing mid mostly, can also play extremely good support, pretty good ad carry, decent top and jungle. I'm looking for a team that needs a main mider. Contact me by replying in this post or with a private message. No in game friend requests, i will add you if i am interested.
  13. Name: George Age: 20 + Country: Greece Nickname: WaterFlood Server: EU NE Normal: Wins: 1.716 Losses: 1.625 Takedowns: 48.246 Monster and Minion Kills: 454.860 Ranked: Solo/Duo Queue: Gold Division III Lifetime Totals: 826 Kills 541 Deaths 985 Assists Per Game Averages: 6.3 Kills 4.1 Deaths 7.5 Assists Most Played champions on Ranked: Diana: 10 Wins / 6 Losses Ryze: 16 Wins / 5 Losses Leona: 11 Wins / 1 Loss Shen: 4 Wins / 1 Loss Champions: 98 Rune Pages: 11 Runes: 5x 9x Marks / 4x 9x Seals / 3x 9x Glyphs/ 5x 3x Quintessences I'm playing mid mostly, can also play extremely good support, pretty good ad carry, decent top and jungle. I'm looking for a team that needs a main mider. Contact me by replying in this post or with a private message. No in game friend requests, i will add you if i am interested.
  14. mine is 70 stable... :-beep- yeah: :LOL: :LOL:
  15. Diana... :-beep- yeah: OP shield, too low mana cost in addition to the dmg of her spells... also the Q-R combo.... :good sir: :good sir:
  16. eseis... epilogi sas...
  17. windows 7... but a couple of others on the virtual pcs :troll:
  18. Pos mporo na doso se mia metabliti (i opoia tha emfanizetai mesa se label) gramata apo to keyboard? :y u no?:
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