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Everything posted by CraneTop

  1. I am thinking about making a new template too. I made this one, because I love simple templates for websites. Thank you for your advice! ;)
  2. Thank you for your crossed fingers :good sir: ------------------------------------------------------------------- There are 13 listed servers and 4 on the waiting list! Go add your server now and get your Free Premium Membership!
  3. Today I had some extra time and I checked the code. Had some errors, but now it's all fixed and working 100% ! First post updated! Happy New Year!
  4. I thought that I should help the Administrators of servers with Vote Reward System, to reward only the players that voted, not all players at once! Now, with CraneTop.ro it is possible! FOR FREE! How it works ? Simple! Every time a user votes for your server, he gets one random code. Then, he goes back to your server's Vote Reward System, enters the code, and get the reward! That simple! So... how can you do that? 1. Go to Profile and set Reward System to ON. Now, every time a user votes for your website, he will receive a random code, so that he can get his reward. 2. Now you must do some new section in your website, or add the code below, to your Vote Reward System if you have one. It's not necessarily to have Vote Reward System on your website! Read further! 3. Website part You must add the following form in your website: <form action="check.php" method="post"> Character Name: <input type="text" name="char"><br /> Reward Code: <input type="text" name="code"><br /> <input type="submit" value="Submit"> </form> Now, create a new file named "check.php" and add the following content in: <?php ########################################## $host = "localhost"; $user = "root"; $password = ""; $dbname = "l2jdb"; $serverid = 'YOUR SERVER ID'; $connection = mysql_connect($host,$user,$password) or die("I can not connect to MySQL!"); mysql_select_db($dbname, $connection) or die("I can not find give database!"); ########################################## $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if(isset($_POST['char'])) $char = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['char']); if(isset($_POST['code'])) $code = intval($_POST['code']); $url = "http://www.cranetop.ro/check/" .$serverid. "/" .$ip. "/" .$code; $myresult = file_get_contents($url); $check = mysql_query("SELECT `last_code` FROM characters WHERE `char_name`='$char'"); $check2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM characters WHERE `char_name`='$char' AND `reward_time`>DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 12 HOUR)"); if(mysql_num_rows($check)>0) { if(mysql_num_rows($check2)>0) { echo "You have already received a prize in the last 12 hours!"; } else { while($row = mysql_fetch_array($check)) $lastcode = $row['last_code']; if($code != $lastcode) { switch($myresult) { case 'Y': mysql_query("UPDATE characters SET vote=`vote`+1, `last_code`='$code', `reward_time`=NOW() WHERE `char_name`='$char'"); echo "Thank you for voting!"; break; case 'X': echo "The code you have entered is not valid!"; break; case 'N': echo "You must vote in order to get rewarded!"; break; } } else { echo "You have already used this reward code!";} } } else { echo "Character name is incorrect!";} ?> That's all you must do in the website part. 4. MySQL Part Now you must do some little changes to your game server's database, and run the following MySQL command: ALTER TABLE characters ADD (`vote` int(10) NOT NULL, `last_code` int(6) NOT NULL, `reward_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00'); 5. L2JServer side http://pastebin.com/KpXQV3aX 6. L2J DataPack side http://pastebin.com/n8d3aJeW TESTED AND WORKING 100% !! I made the patch for the latest version from l2j trunk folder. You are free to change the files as you want, I just made a working example for you to have.
  5. New feature! I thought that I should help the Administrators of servers with Vote Reward System, to reward only the players that voted, not all players at once! Now, with CraneTop.ro it's possible! How will it work ? Simple! Every time a user votes for your server, he gets one random code. Then, he goes back to your server's Vote Reward System, enters the code, and get the reward! That simple! I will post later, here and on my forum, tutorial of how to use it! Add your server now! Thank you!
  6. Hello people! First of all, thank you for giving attention to my topic. I will try to keep you here only for few moments, after all, there aren't too many words to say, topic title says all. :-beep- yeah: There is such a long time since I wanted to make this project, but i never managed to find time, until now! One month ago I've quit my job(long story.. not important) and I finally got my time to make this project. I know, there are already few projects out there, but for me this is a hobby and I want to dedicate my free time for this website and... for you, after all. Features: * free advertising for your server! * uptime charts for each server! * protection against proxy vote!(as it can be, not 100% of proxy's are detected) * At the end of each month, the server with the most number of votes will get free Premium Membership for one month! * One random server will also get free Premium Membership for one month! * Clean website, without hundreds of annoying advertisements! * etc... You can see all features in the site! Upcoming Features: * Host your L2 website on our hosting for free! Click here for website If you find any error on the website, please post in forum and I will fix it right away! Thank you very much! P.S. : First 10 added servers get approved without waiting time, for the rest of the servers, you must wait 1-2 days to monitor your server's uptime!
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