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Everything posted by Stereotype

  1. This aint a problem... i can change it.
  2. 1. The quality will be low as damn (Just like the old ones was) 2. I guess im bored of the old .gif stuff 3. Time for new changes 4. If i do the stars red also will be to much red :P
  3. I wait an opinion about this... This, This... and This
  4. Create them in System folder Npcgrp.dat & NpcName-e.dat file... Then create a HTML inside your Pack.
  5. This is not my problem, I just designed them... Maxtor chosed the thing with levels.
  6. Or we can try like that This, This... and This
  7. What you think? When you complete the Experience: Acquirements: - Half Green Star - New collor on the "M" Letter - New collor on the "XP" Bar - New Rank (ex: MARQUIS) Exemple: P.S: I can improve it. I can resize it. CHANGES: V1 V2
  8. Ce ziceti baieti? Cand completezi experianta Primesti: - Jumatate de stea verde - O noua culoare pentru litera "M" - O noua culoare pentru bara de "EX" - Si rank nou (ex: VISCOUNT) Exemplu:
  9. Da stiu e doar un demo... ii pot da resize si mai pot face si modificari deja am niste idei
  10. Ce ziceti baieti? Cand completezi experianta Primesti: - Jumatate de stea verde - O noua culoare pentru litera "M" - O noua culoare pentru bara de "EX" - Si rank nou (ex: VISCOUNT) P.S: Pot sa o mai perfectionez.
  11. Ma gandeam la Life with Louie... Desenul copilariei mele :D
  12. Ok o sa incerc sa ii fac o editare calumea... Ma duc sa iau ceva d has xD
  13. Haha :D Cristal Linule da o idee de signatura pentru tine, ma plictisesc :P
  14. Na si tu ce rank am : Validus Bine ca nu: In-Validus :happyforever: :happyforever:
  15. AFO // Freestyle de vară în living (The Fugees - How Many Mc's Beat)
  16. Dragonu' - Speciial (cu Specii & DJ Al*bu)
  17. Ha Ha inca nu are masina? :< App u ce ai facut cu Sala sau Traseu' ce tre sa dai?
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