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Everything posted by bonesaw

  1. Yeah, wrong section indeed, I was around exploits and ended up posting here -_- I'm sorry -_-; If any mod get here, please move it to the right section! Thanks in advance. I like this way better, it still works for today files, plus you can decrypt other files (like L2.ini, user.ini etc) with L2EncDec... 2 tools and you can do whatever you want ^^
  2. I don't know if this has been posted anytime before, if so, please delete/ignore this post. !!! BACKUP YOUR FILES BEFORE CHANGING ANYTHING, IF YOUR GAME STOPS WORKING, DON'T BLAME ME !!! Okay. I find this quite useful to me, so it might be useful to others, I hope. I like things done in my own way, reason why I'm making this guide, to people who like customized stuff. Anyways, let's rock. Tools needed: L2EncDec (redirects to the maker of it - so giving him his deserved credits) L2DAT_Full (I haven't ever found the official site nor the maker name - credits to "him/her") 1. Creating shortcuts for L2EncDec First, unpack the tools (close to each other to make it easier). After, make 2 shortcuts for L2EncDec (right-click l2encdec.exe and hit 'create a shortcut', twice). You will edit them now (right-click > properties). Now in the first box where it's the path to the executable, add a "-d". It should look like this: "X:\l2encdec\l2encdec_281\l2encdec.exe -d" Click ok and rename that shortcut to "L2EncDec Decrypt" or something similar. Now for the crypt part. On the other shortcut, you will do the same, edit it and change the first box again, but to: "X:\l2encdec\l2encdec_281\l2encdec.exe -e 413" (413 for C4, I'm not sure about C5 or Interlude, but may be 414 instead) Click ok and rename that shortcut to "L2EncDec Crypt 413" or something to be identificable by it's name. 2. Decrypting your npcname-e.dat Grab your npcname-e.dat from your /system/ inside your L2 installed directory. Throw it inside the L2EncDec folder. Now throw it over the "L2EncDec Decrypt" shortcut. If everything worked, you should now have a file named dec-npcname-e.dat on that folder. No, you cannot open it yet. Grab that new file and throw it in L2DatFull folder. Rename it to "npcname-e.dat" again. Open L2DatFull and select npcname-e.dat, then hit "Decode". Now you should have a file named npcname-e.txt on that folder. 3. Editing the name/title of the mobs Open the npcname-e.txt you just created, with notepad if you want to. Yes, it's plain text, but don't mess it too much. You have always to follow the structure of it. You should have something similar to this: npc_begin id=28 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Pincher] npc_end npc_begin id=29 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Ruin Zombie Leader] npc_end npc_begin id=30 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Langk Lizardman] npc_end npc_begin id=31 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Omen Beast] npc_end npc_begin id=32 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Pinrul] npc_end npc_begin id=33 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[shade Horror] npc_end npc_begin / npc_end: ignore this, just structural, leave 'em alone. id: This is VERY important to you. It's the ID of the mob. Some mobs have 2 or more mobs with the same name. Like.. chests. Example: npc_begin id=134 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Cave Maiden] npc_end npc_begin id=287 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Cave Maiden] npc_end This means you have 2 different mobs in drops and maybe stats, but the same monster in-game, with the same name. I know that the Cave Maiden with ID 134 drops EWB. How? 2 ways to do it. I find the first one quicker. Change the name of one of them, by simply editing their name over there or add a title to them, like "[Cave Maiden 1]" and "[Cave Maiden 2]" in case of name. Or just set the nick (title) to something like "nick=[iD 134]" and go spoil them. Once you find your first EWB, look at the mobs name/title so you will know which one was, after that you can re-edit your npcname-e and put the title(nick) as "[EWB]", so you will always know it ingame which one drops it only looking at their title. Cake. The second way to do it is by checking the drops in SQL, but you must install a L2OFF server or maybe a L2J (I don't know if the ID/drops are the same for both as I never even played on a L2J server). That's quite too much trouble only to check drops, unless they are EXTREMELY rare or you play on a really low rate server. I'm thinking about making a table with drops by id, but well, I don't have much time to install this kind of stuff. So I just use the first option. nickcolor (it's the mob's title - example: Raid Fighter): You can edit the color of the title of any mob by changing nickcolor. I'm not sure of the options, but one is "raid", to be shown in orange. Other one is "quest", which is very similar. The "default" is green. Not sure how to make it red, sorry, if anyone knows, I'll add to the guide and give proper credits. name: The name of the mob. You can enter whatever you want. For example: I edited the name of all gatekeepers because I was tired of aiming on her with dozens of players around them. I renamed all GKs to "x". Now I just do "/t x". Next step will do the same with Warehouse Keepers, but with "y", maybe. :) 4. Re-ecnrypting npcname-e Once you finish editing whatever you want on the txt file, save it. Delete your old npcname-e.dat inside the folder of L2DatFull. Now, open L2DatFull, select npcname-e.dat and hit "Encode". A file named npcname-e.dat should now appear on that folder. Throw it into L2EncDec's folder, then throw it into the "L2EncDec Crypt - 413" shortcut. (or 414 if you're on Interlude, I think - NOT SURE - can someone confirm?). You should now have a file named enc-npcname-e.dat. Rename it to npcname-e.dat (delete any other file with that name first). Throw this npcname-e.dat to /system/ inside your L2 folder, replacing your old one (did you remember to backup your old one?). Run the game, see if it's all ok and have fun. For treasure chests/boxes, I have these id codes: npc_begin id=13092 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Box] npc_end npc_begin id=13093 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Box] npc_end npc_begin id=13094 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Box] npc_end npc_begin id=13095 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Box] npc_end npc_begin id=13096 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Box] npc_end npc_begin id=13097 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Box] npc_end npc_begin id=13098 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Box] npc_end npc_begin id=13099 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Box] npc_end npc_begin id=13100 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Box] npc_end npc_begin id=13101 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Box] npc_end npc_begin id=13102 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Box] npc_end npc_begin id=13103 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Box] npc_end npc_begin id=13104 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Box] npc_end npc_begin id=13105 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Box] npc_end npc_begin id=13106 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Box] npc_end npc_begin id=13107 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Box] npc_end npc_begin id=13108 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Box] npc_end npc_begin id=13109 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Box] npc_end npc_begin id=13110 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Box] npc_end npc_begin id=13111 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Box] npc_end npc_begin id=13112 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Box] npc_end npc_begin id=13113 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Box] npc_end npc_begin id=13114 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Box] npc_end npc_begin id=13115 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Box] npc_end npc_begin id=13116 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Box] npc_end npc_begin id=13117 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Box] npc_end npc_begin id=13118 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Box] npc_end npc_begin id=13119 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Box] npc_end npc_begin id=13120 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Box] npc_end npc_begin id=13121 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Box] npc_end As for chests: (Warning: 2 different parts, don't paste 'em all together as you can have only 1 id for a mob) I think the ones "Out of Use" may be in use now on Interlude, I'm not sure as I don't have/play it. npc_begin id=1042 nickcolor=default nick=[Out of Use] name=[Treasure Chest] npc_end npc_begin id=1043 nickcolor=default nick=[Out of Use] name=[Treasure Chest] npc_end npc_begin id=1044 nickcolor=default nick=[Out of Use] name=[Treasure Chest] npc_end npc_begin id=1045 nickcolor=default nick=[Out of Use] name=[Treasure Chest] npc_end npc_begin id=1046 nickcolor=default nick=[Out of Use] name=[Treasure Chest] npc_end npc_begin id=1047 nickcolor=default nick=[Out of Use] name=[Treasure Chest] npc_end npc_begin id=1048 nickcolor=default nick=[Out of Use] name=[Treasure Chest] npc_end npc_begin id=1049 nickcolor=default nick=[Out of Use] name=[Treasure Chest] npc_end npc_begin id=1050 nickcolor=default nick=[Out of Use] name=[Treasure Chest] npc_end npc_begin id=1051 nickcolor=default nick=[Out of Use] name=[Treasure Chest] npc_end npc_begin id=1052 nickcolor=default nick=[Out of Use] name=[Treasure Chest] npc_end npc_begin id=1053 nickcolor=default nick=[Out of Use] name=[Treasure Chest] npc_end npc_begin id=1054 nickcolor=default nick=[Out of Use] name=[Treasure Chest] npc_end npc_begin id=1055 nickcolor=default nick=[Out of Use] name=[Treasure Chest] npc_end npc_begin id=1056 nickcolor=default nick=[Out of Use] name=[Treasure Chest] npc_end npc_begin id=1057 nickcolor=default nick=[Out of Use] name=[Treasure Chest] npc_end npc_begin id=1801 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Chest] npc_end npc_begin id=1802 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Chest] npc_end npc_begin id=1803 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Chest] npc_end npc_begin id=1804 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Chest] npc_end npc_begin id=1805 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Chest] npc_end npc_begin id=1806 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Chest] npc_end npc_begin id=1807 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Chest] npc_end npc_begin id=1808 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Chest] npc_end npc_begin id=1809 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Chest] npc_end npc_begin id=1810 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Chest] npc_end npc_begin id=1811 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Chest] npc_end npc_begin id=1812 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Chest] npc_end npc_begin id=1813 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Chest] npc_end npc_begin id=1814 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Chest] npc_end npc_begin id=1815 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Chest] npc_end npc_begin id=1816 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Chest] npc_end npc_begin id=1817 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Chest] npc_end npc_begin id=1818 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Chest] npc_end npc_begin id=1819 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Chest] npc_end npc_begin id=1820 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Chest] npc_end npc_begin id=1821 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Chest] npc_end npc_begin id=1822 nickcolor=default nick=[] name=[Treasure Chest] npc_end Just so you know which one is which, just by their ID code. Easy, isn't it? :) Of course you can do the same thing for anything inside L2DatFull options, like item names and whatever you want. This works as a charm for me since C3OFF and still on C4OFF. Haven't tried on C5 and Interlude, but hey, it's the same process. Hope everyone enjoys it. Peace out. PS: If anyone want to add anything, feel free to say it and I will. :) Edits: they were only to fix the title of the post so far, 'cause it was posted in the wrong section. Now it's ok, thanks mod!
  3. I think you only use the pet to lure the mob to your real target (player). That's why you don't hit control, the pet doesn't attack the player, the mob does. You logoff to don't be the target of the mob once your pet disappears as you logout. Never tried. Someday, maybe. :D
  4. I know. Just saying you don´t need such a program to make it run smoothly if you have enough hw for it. -.- I´ll just stay quiet then, back to read-only mode. ^^
  5. I dont have any lag at all even without this program, running on a core 2 duo E6600 w/ 2gb ram and a X1900XT@XTX.. with 2 clients.. when I run 3+ I have to hit alt+p 'on em all so I can still play, but it runs smooth and they don't stop following me ever.. :P
  6. Lots of people used to do that with Baium. I doubt it wouldnt work well on Antharas... The main problem is that on most patched servers, the mobs just wont attack any target with -9+ levels than himself. Which means, you just cannot reflect any damage as they dont attack you, only petrify. Thats the reason why I looked for a boss with fighters being lower so I could get petrified and still get attacked. But it didnt work out. *snap* :P You can still tank for a lil while being petrified with hate aura/agression, without losing life, lol.. but its quite useless. I say, patched in most servers.
  7. I cant see this yet (not enough posts) but isn't it possible to dual box by simply editing the ini (user.ini or l2.ini, dont remember, been ages since I last edited em :P) and then stop using any kind of loader? If I want to try any other server instead the one I play in, I just decrypt (using l2encdec) the l2.ini and change ip/port then connect to the other one... plus it lets me open as many clients as I want, since the loader is responsable for not allowing you to run more than one client.
  8. Try here for L2Dat... :) You must know what you're doing or it just won't work. I can't pass the string I used on google to find it as it's a reference to other forum... I think. I only put titles on the mobs I wanted to spoil something specific.. Like, you have one mob named "Cave Maiden", but if you check the npcname, you'll see twice that name with different IDs. Which one spoils EWB? You can change their title/name and try to spoil one ingame, once you find out which one is, set the title to the one with the right ID for EWB. Or.. you could find a list of which mob (by ID - not name) drops/spoils something.. but I don't have that table. Maybe if I install L2OFF and check on SQL.. that list must exist, but it'll treat items as ID as well, so eh, quite a pain. There's a lot of npcname floating around with full goodies spoils on mobs titles, just google it.. I use my own one, few spoils only.. :P
  9. Tested (not the first post, the ones below) and it doesnt work where I play. But I did it different, got a RB level 49 (my char was level 57) and with 2 tattoos of reflect damage + reflect damage (DA) The RB fighters were level 48, as you all know, if you hit any RB/RF of -9+ level difference, you get petrified. So, I hit the boss so they all would hit me and then hit a fighter, bam, petrify. Cake. Problem is, no damage is returned at all. They dont damage me, I dont damage them. Even tho they try to hit me. I just logged off while petrified as it doesnt count as combat if no one hits each other... So, in my case, it's fully patched. Unless dance of medusa still works, which I cannot test as I have no BD for it. Someone should test this elsewhere.. never tried.
  10. That works pretty well not only with treasures, I've been using that for quite a long time.. You can put title on any monster, like a Cave Maiden, you can put an "EWB!" title so you know which one spoils it.. You only need L2EncDec + L2Dat to decrypt the npcname-e.dat and edit it the way you want :D I always mess with it, quite fun.. plus undetectable as it's purely client-side, unless there's gameguard to mess with it.. Even tho I'm not going to use this npcname (mine has dozens of edits, not changing em :P), thanks for the share!
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