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About Sniffar

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  1. its 60 people online atm, when I pmed u u were afk its 22:00 here u should pm me 17-24 this time
  2. We're currently recruiting clan AureuS
  3. Server goes Livindor PTS after update on ruOFF :)
  4. Aureus is Lineage 2 clan estabilished on June 2007, we're mid-rate oriented clan and we will gladly accept new players and constant parties, we coexist of ex-genocide players, murkitos clan(mainly aYotech crew), LayLow and some of our friends (from core of AureuS). Main language in clan is english, we have people playing from 4hours daily and nolifers. Our clan consists of americans, argentinian, bulgarian, lithuanian, spanish, greek, romanian,polish players. Clan name : AureuS Status : - 10 Clan Lv - 2x Royal Guard - 4x Order of Knight - All clan skills - TOP GIRAN Clan HALL - Fortress What will you gain : - very experienced clan core of top EU/NA clans (also on GOD - NCSOFT up to 99, CORE up to 99, ASIMA x50 up to 99) - Team to kill russians - CC for Raidbosess - Fun Recruiting We're recruiting full CP's (non russian) and solo players that are willing to play for a clan as a group and will use teamspeak all the time, we do know it is x50 mid rate or rather pvp oriented server that is why the requiments are so low, but do not misunderstood .... we're not those that are easy to toy with. Being on main clan events and sieges/tw is OBLIGATORY. Using teamspeak III is also obligatory, but I think it is obvious. Clan Leader name : DrHell vCL : - elDzudzak (aka Iskierka) - Freckles (aka aYotech) if we are offline send mail to DrHell or elDzuDzak, remember TEAMSPEAK III is obligatory, the rest we will see in game it is x50 and we're playing on russian server where euro communiy is like 2% of server population.
  5. [glow=red,2,300]Octavis x50[/glow] - started on 21.12.12r http://raidboss.ru/servers - SERVER WEBSITE http://forum.raidboss.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=61 - SERVER ENGLISH FORUMS L2Raidboss x50 - The Official Promotional Video Our server - an ideal concept of PvP servers, mass PvP and battles will not let you get bored. We guarantee the stability and quality. Experience all the delights the official server (PTS) Lineage 2 Goddess of Destruction. Rates: EXP: x50; SP: x50; Adena: x30; Drop: x10; Spoil: x2; Quest Drop: x1; Our principles are: Donate does not affect the game balance; Classics of the genre; Maximum activity of the administration; Bonuses: Our server helps each new player on the server! From 1 to 85 lvl - You will receive coupons and unique items , for them you can get FREE armor, weapons and jewelry. More... Game Commands Autoloot - on our server you can turn on and off autoloot. Block Experience. - on our server, you can enable or disable the lock experience. Offline Trade - on our server you can use the offline trade with a special coupon that will be sold at Gm Shop. Other: For RbCoin You can buy premmium account. Premmium account gives - +40% to EXP, +60% to the SP + Mentoring The status noblesse of RbCoin Free Buffer to 85 levels Regen HP/CP/MP to vitamin manager Respawn Noobles RB is 12 hours Added features, additional drop RBcoin c Raid Boss: * Queen Ant * Baium * Octavis (both types) * Istina (both types) * Valakas * Antharas * Frintezza
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  7. up
  8. upupup
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  10. bump
  11. bump
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