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About Daviddiamond

Profile Information
David Diamond
League Of Legends - David Diamond™
Daviddiamond's Achievements
Newbie (1/16)
Lineage 2 Eria interlude pvp server x5000. Max lvl 99 Max enchant 500 Full of customs Over up to 1.500.000 accounts Free registration and gameplay Free character with protection from donator ( donators can't kill normals ) Custom skills and features For more details please visit our website www.l2eria.net Event is running: PC Bang Event 2015 Collect 20.015 Pc bang and win from http://l2eria.net/upgrade/Platinum Pack #Top Vip Character. Event start o1/12/2014 until 05/01/2015 Hour 00:00 GMT+2 (Pc Bang Points reset to 0 at 01/12/2014 Hour 00:00). "Attention needed to are active , your character will be disconnect every 30 minutes from server". HAPPY NEWYEAR!!! •——•——••——•——•——••——• Pc bang event, to event xekinise 01/12/2014 stis 00:00 kai ligi 05/01/2015 ora 00:00.Pos na diloso simetoxi sto event?.Prepi na peze kathimerina toulaxiston 3-9 ores , etsi mazevete pc bang points kai tha prepi na silexete 20,015 pc bangs gia na kerdisete upgrade http://l2eria.net/upgrade/ton sigkekrimeno platinum apo to site, ean den epithimite ton upgrader tote mporite na kanete donate axias 2015€ !!! Ori simetoxis.1) Oxi dual box @ 2) oxi afk ston server @ 3)oxi agora pc bang me donate @ mesos oros game play 1-9 ores / mera. New server is comming please vote what server you want to play this new year!!! http://l2eria.net/newserver/
[GR]Πως κλεβω FACEBOOK Λογαριασμους
Daviddiamond replied to ~Grey Hat~'s topic in Hacking Tutorials & Guides
το έχω κάνει και εγώ στο παρελθόν δεν έπαθα τίποτα απλά όταν το ανέβασα σε κάποιο server και το είχα πλέον online μετά από 30 λεπτά αρκετοί browsers(chrome,mozilla,explorer) μπλοκάρανε την πρόσβαση στην σελίδα μου έβγαινε ένα μήνυμα που έλεγε οτι η σελίδα είναι κακόβουλη. Μόνο αυτό και μετά απλά το κατέβασα από τον server. -
Free Brazzer Premium Accounts: http://justpaste.it/269e
Discussion League Of Legends Random Topic!
Daviddiamond replied to GeneralKenody's topic in General Discussion [English]
Its Random Guide :troll: -
File katevasa ton buffer perasa to sql file bike sosta meta perasa sta scripts/custom/ton buffer kai oti ixes mesa kai otan benw sto server kanw spawn ton buffer pataw pano tou kai mou leei:You are either not on quest that involves NPc or you don't meet this npcs minimum quest requirements.Logika skeftika oti ftene ta import sys sto (__init__.py t) Ala ola lene l2jfrozen kai egw xrhsimopiw frozen ala kati ginete dn 3erw :/ mia apadisi opios borei na me help sto 8ema:You are either not on quest that involves NPc or you don't meet this npcs minimum quest requirements. dite to import bas kai exei tpt import sys from com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance import L2PcInstance from java.util import Iterator from com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.datatables import SkillTable from com.l2jfrozen.util.database import L2DatabaseFactory from com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.quest import State from com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.quest import QuestState from com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest
First time I see this error. It's a trap according with Dask
VS Blue or Red buff its the best for you??? Write your opinions ;)
Talon,Master Yi,Yorick,Teemo,
Malphite Guide Go here and select whatever you want ;)
‘Tis the season for giving, so this Snowdown we wanted to offer you all the opportunity to spread some holiday cheer. In the coming patch you’ll be able to buy champions, skins, and RP as gifts for the significant summoners in your life. The gifting center will only be open for a limited time, so be sure to plan your holiday shopping accordingly. Here’s how to give to a friend: Click on the Gifting Center in the store Choose the type of gift you’d like to purchase; you can give champions and skins with your RP, or buy RP to give to a friend Choose a friend Fill in your payment information if you’re gifting RP, or select the skin or champion you’d like to purchase for your friend; you’ll be notified if your friend is ineligible to receive the gift Add a touch of holiday cheer by filling in a personal message Your friend will receive his present along with your Snowdown sentiments the next time he logs in. This is the first time that we’ve offered gifting, so we’ve got a few rules in place to protect your account from any funny business or uncouth shenanigans. Here’s an overview: You need to purchase any skins, champions, or RP that you plan on giving away: we know that you might have some items in your inventory that you’re not using that frequently, but re-gifting is only classy when Amumu does it You can only give to summoners you’ve had on your friends list since early December: we apologize if you’re smitten with a new acquaintance, but for your own protection there’s no adding someone and then immediately showering them in gifts You must be at least level 20 to send a gift and level 10 to receive one: gifting is available for two weeks, so if you want to be a precocious gift-giver, level fast There are other restrictions on who can send gifts (no banned accounts) and how many gifts you can send or receive per day (generally 3/day): plan your gift-giving needs accordingly Now that the fine print is out of the way, let’s get back to what’s really important: the spirit of giving. When the next patch lands, throw on your Santa hat and head over to the store to start your holiday shopping. Αγοράστε δώρα για τους φίλους σας στις γιoρτές Έρχεται η περίοδος των δώρων. Γι' αυτό, στις φετινές Μάχες στα Χιόνια, θα θέλαμε να σας δώσουμε την ευκαιρία να μεταδώσετε το εορταστικό πνεύμα στους γύρω σας. Στην επερχόμενη ενημέρωση θα μπορείτε να αγοράσετε ήρωες, αμφιέσεις και πόντους RP ως δώρα για τους επικαλεστές που αγαπάτε. Το κέντρο πώλησης δώρων θα είναι ανοικτό για περιορισμένο χρονικό διάστημα, γι' αυτό φροντίστε να κάνετε τις αγορές σας έγκαιρα. Μπορείτε να κάνετε δώρο σε ένα φίλο σας ως εξής: Κάντε κλικ στο κουμπί «Κέντρο δώρων» στο κατάστημα Επιλέξτε τον τύπο του δώρου που θέλετε να αγοράσετε. Μπορείτε να δωρίσετε ήρωες και αμφιέσεις με τους πόντους RP σας ή να αγοράσετε πόντους RP για να δώσετε σε ένα φίλο σας Επιλέξτε ένα φίλο Συμπληρώστε τα στοιχεία πληρωμής σας αν κάνετε δώρο πόντους RP ή επιλέξτε την αμφίεση ή τον ήρωα που θέλετε να αγοράσετε για το φίλο ή τη φίλη σας. Αν ο φίλος ή η φίλη σας δεν έχει δικαίωμα να λάβει δώρο, θα ειδοποιηθείτε με μήνυμα. Δώστε μια εορταστική αύρα με ένα προσωπικό μήνυμα Ο φίλος ή η φίλη σας θα λάβει το δώρο μαζί με τις ευχές σας για τις φετινές Μάχες στα Χιόνια την επόμενη φορά που θα συνδεθεί. Αυτή είναι η πρώτη φορά που προσφέρουμε τη δυνατότητα αποστολής δώρων, γι' αυτό έχουμε ορίσει μερικούς κανόνες, ώστε να προστατέψουμε το λογαριασμό σας από περίεργες συναλλαγές ή άσχημες απάτες. Ακολουθεί μια επισκόπηση: Επιτρέπεται να αγοράσετε μόνο αμφιέσεις, ήρωες ή πόντους RP που θέλετε να δωρίσετε: Γνωρίζουμε ότι ενδεχομένως να έχετε μερικά αντικείμενα στο απόθεμά σας που δεν χρησιμοποιείτε τόσο συχνά, αλλά το να στέλνει κανείς χρησιμοποιημένα αντικείμενα ως δώρο θεωρείται ευγενικό μόνο όταν το κάνει ο Αμούμου Επιτρέπεται να στείλετε δώρο μόνο σε επικαλεστές που είχατε προσθέσει στη λίστα φίλων σας έως τις αρχές Δεκεμβρίου: Ζητούμε συγγνώμη αν έχετε ερωτευτεί παράφορα κάποια νέα γνωριμία σας, αλλά για τη δική σας προστασία, δεν επιτρέπεται να προσθέσετε έναν επικαλεστή και να τον πνίξετε στα δώρα Πρέπει να είστε τουλάχιστον επιπέδου 20 για να αποστείλετε δώρα και τουλάχιστον επιπέδου 10 για να λάβετε δώρα: Θα μπορείτε να αποστέλλετε δώρα μόνο για δύο εβδομάδες, γι' αυτό αν θέλετε να προλάβετε, ανεβείτε επίπεδο γρήγορα Επίσης, υπάρχουν και άλλοι περιορισμοί σχετικά με το ποιοι μπορούν να αποστέλλουν δώρα (δεν επιτρέπεται σε αποκλεισμένους λογαριασμούς), καθώς και σχετικά με το πόσα δώρα μπορείτε να στέλνετε κάθε μέρα (γενικά, θα μπορείτε να στέλνετε έως 3 δώρα τη μέρα): Με βάση αυτούς τους κανόνες, αποφασίστε πού θέλετε να στείλετε τα δώρα σας Τώρα που τελειώσαμε με τα νομικίστικα, ας επιστρέψουμε σ' αυτό που έχει πραγματικά σημασία: το πνεύμα της δωρεάς. Όταν κυκλοφορήσει η επόμενη ενημέρωση, βάλτε το καπέλο του Άι Βασίλη και πηγαίνετε στο κατάστημα για να ξεκινήσετε τις αγορές σας.
Preseason Balance Update 1 - Patch Notes
Daviddiamond posted a topic in General Discussion [English]
Hey guys, I wanted to take a moment and fill you in on our reasoning behind today’s balance update. This patch was mostly focused on champion balance and dealing with the biggest hot-button issues. We want people to explore and experiment as much as possible (allowing us to gather feedback over a longer period of time), but we need to make sure the game isn’t damaged by one or two crazy options! Black Cleaver is probably the biggest culprit here, as are a few champions (namely Teemo, Zyra, Rengar and Diana). We’ve done some balance work to ensure the game doesn’t come down to a few godlike picks, and to ensure that one item doesn’t trump all other itemization efforts. Many of you have pointed out that these are the obvious things to hit, and we agree. We think the latest changes will leave these champions and items viable while keeping them from invalidating other choices. Some of you may have expected more sweeping changes, especially to items and the jungle. We want to avoid any knee-jerk reactions and give you guys more time to really dig into the substantial preseason modifications. Some of the issues (especially the jungle) are more complicated, so we’d rather avoid giving everyone balance whiplash by waiting a bit longer and ensuring any changes are accurate and effective. We’re still listening to your feedback, and we’re looking critically at all this, even if we don’t change everything in every patch. League of Legends v1.0.0.153 Cho'Gath Carnivore health restore adjusted to 20-71 from 34-68 Diana Crescent Strike Base damage reduced to 60/95/130/165/200 from 70/110/150/190/230 Pale Cascade Orb detonation damage radius reduced Adjusted orb hit box to better match the visual effect Moonfall Maximum pull distance reduced Lunar Rush Cast range reduced to 750 from 900 Elise Volatile Spiderling Fixed a bug where Volatile Spiderlings were only lasting for 2.5 seconds, rather than the intended 3 seconds Skittering Frenzy Now immediately starts Elise attacking at her faster attack speed, rather than waiting until her next attack starts Fiora Blade Waltz The cooldown and manacost are refunded if Fiora is suppressed while casting Blade Waltz before it has started to have any effect Master Yi Alpha Strike Initial cast time reduced Chance to deal bonus minion damage adjusted to 50% at all ranks from 20/30/40/50/60% Bonus minion damage adjusted to 260/320/380/440/500 from 400 at all ranks Meditate Reduced the startup time before channeling Wuju Style Cooldown reduced at later ranks to 25/23/21/19/17 seconds from 25 seconds at all ranks Nidale Nidalee and all her skins are looking stunningly stylish after receiving a complete Visual Upgrade this patch. For more details, read the original announcement or check out Nidalee's Champion Spotlight. Rengar Battle Roar Base damage reduced to 50/80/110/140/170 from 60/100/140/180/220 Heal reduced to 10% from 15% Thrill of the Hunt Fade time increased to 1.25 from .75 seconds Now has fade pushback time (1 second per hit, up to 3 seconds) Teemo Toxic Shot Ability Power ratio on impact reduced to 0.3 from 0.4 Noxious Trap Damage reduced at later ranks to 200/325/450 from 200/400/600 Fixed: Tooltip now indicates the correct cooldown Zyra Rise of the Thorns Damage reduced to 100-440 from 124-549 Missile Speed reduced to 1900 from 2200 Missile Width reduced to 70 from 90 Grasping Roots Missile Speed reduced to 1150 from 1325 Vine Lasher Fixed a bug where the plant was sometimes slowing by more than 30% Items Aegis of the Legion/Runic Bulwark Fixed a bug where the Legion Aura from both items was stacking on teams Blackfire Torch Fixed a tooltip inconsistency with the cooldown reduction value Brutalizer Flat Armor Penetration reduced to 10 from 15 Spirit Visage Fixed a bug where the item was healing for less than intended The Black Cleaver Armor Reduction per stack reduced to 6.25% from 7.5% (Maximum reduction is now 25% from 30%) Flat Armor Penetration reduced to 10 from 15 and is now UNIQUE Youmuu’s Ghostblade Flat Armor Penetration is now UNIQUE Summoner Spells Smite damage increased to 490-1000 from 445-870 Twisted Treeline Changed altar capture mechanics Taking damage while capturing an altar will now cancel the capture and prevent capturing for 2 seconds Capture interruptions will be denoted by a shiny particle Crystal Scar Tweaked global aura Armor penetration removed Magic penetration removed Energy champions now receive 2 bonus energy per second Fury champions now benefit from the aura Tryndamere receives 33% bonus Fury for attacks, critical strikes, and kills Renekton receives 33% bonus Fury for attacks Shyvana receives 25% bonus Fury for attacks Healing reduction now only affects self-heals and regeneration Reduced ranged minion base magic resistance by 5 Reduced super melee minion base magic resistance by 15 Crystal Scar and Proving Grounds Health Relics will now grant Fury Tryndamere receives 10 Fury Renekton receives 20 Fury Shyvana receives 6 Fury Summoner Name Changes Several million inactive summoner names in NA, EUW and EUNE have been made available for purchase Summoner name changes are 650 RP (50% off) in the Other tab of the Store until December 26 Ward Skins Two Snowdown Showdown ward skins can be placed in-game for free during the holiday The ward skins can be activated and deactivated in the Ward Skins tab in the Store The ward skins will be removed from all accounts at the end of Snowdown Showdown Gift Center The Gift Center will be accessible in the Store through December 26 Players may purchase RP, champions and skins for summoners that were on their friends list in early December Only new purchases can be gifted – not pre-owned content or RP There are several additional restrictions on gifting, including: Only Level 20+ summoners can send gifts Only Level 10+ summoners can receive gifts Summoners with active bans cannot send gifts Rioters are ineligible to send gifts A maximum of 3 RP gifts and 3 gifts of other types can be sent per day A maximum of 15,000 RP can be gifted per day Payment information must be re-entered for each RP gift General Consumable items now display a stack count in the scoreboard Fixed a bug where Honor animations would sometimes play more than once for users that have already unlocked the crest Fixed a rare bug where the incorrect Honor animation would play for users with a lot of Honor Friend Notes You can now add and edit notes about your friends by right-clicking their name or clicking on the note icon that appears when you hover over their name. You may view friend notes by hovering over the note icon that appears once you have saved a note for that friend. Friend notes are tied to your account and can be accessed anywhere you log into League of Legends Changes have been made to the scoreboard to improve readability Adjustments have been made to the in-game chat box font size Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash when closing the shop while the scoreboard was open -
Slay Belle Katarina Dark Candy Fiddlesticks Bad Santa Veigar Snow Day Ziggs
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