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About noe1n

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  1. lol, again. there are 2 ways. a) killing GG - best way is to replace the nwindow.dll for a specific one that won't make GG start when you run l2.exe. The problem is that with l2x GG, replacing that nwindow.dll won't make the client connect (the new .dll is based on the retail one and would only work if the old one was also retail, seems not). b) emulating GG - Almost bypass guaranteed. Usually done throu ACTools or an Apache Server. Can't tell yeh precisely how it's done thou.
  2. not hybrid, usual in fact. anyways, since I guess the nwindow.dll is not the retail file; emulating the GG is the only way to bypass it. Not sure though. Like I said before, Apache Webserver would do the trick for an emulation. or.. http://www.actool.net/
  3. I already managed to disable GG but I can't connect when it's disabled. I guess it's because the .dll you replace in order to kill GG is not the default one. Well guys, start googling for Apache Server lol.
  4. I guess the problem on l2x oog is the transition between l2extreme1.com to l2extreme3.com or l2extreme2.com the ig client can make this transition but the oog can't, that's why you can pick the char and then you lose connection. the way to fix this is to create a dynamic rerouting system, thus sockscap / l2wpp + ppc. should fix it. I also imagine there's another protection that detects faulty login packets but sauron's tool should bypass it.
  5. I need: a) engine.dll b) l2.ini c) test account upload a) and b) to a host such as usaupload.net register an account where I can test
  6. where do I have to extract it?
  7. the protection is probably Hauth. get the port the server gives us back instead of the 2106. configure Proxy P-C of W504F according to that and should be fixed, no?
  8. any1 here with decent knowledge of networks and W504F? mail me to the.noein@gmail.com - we'll share ideas
  9. sure, I'll scratch your back as long you scratch mine... LoginServerIP= LoginServerPort=2106 ProtocolVersion=656 Token=5F 3B 35 2E 5D 39 34 2D 33 31 3D 3D 2D 25 78 54 21 5E 5B 24
  10. this is as far as I got with og.. I don't use those WP504F or hlapex because I don't know how to use it, just 10.6.4 og. 02:13:34 on:o) 02:13:34 Enjoy! 02:13:35 Link LoginServer Succeed. 02:13:35 Login LoginServer Succeed. 02:13:35 服务器[01]当前在线率:30.40%,能否登陆:能 02:13:35 服务器[01]当前在线率:30.40%,能否登陆:能 02:13:35 服务器[01]当前在线率:30.40%,能否登陆:能 02:13:36 Link GameServer Succeed. then I choose char, and it just doesn't happen anything. any1 knows how to bypass this protection?
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