Greetings Lineage II players,
Lineage II Wicca is a new server project and is currently in need of player's opinions and talented people. We are giving you the opportunity to have your voice heard and help us make the ideal Lineage II server! Player satisfaction is our top priority, we are not doing this for money, we are doing this solely out of passion. We're open to staff applications as we need help in order to finish our project.
Please take the time to complete the survey. Alternatively, if you're interested in joining our team, you may submit an application.
You will find everything on our website.
Please spread the word about Lineage II Wicca!
If you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to e-mail us at: info[at]l2wicca[dot]com
More information will be available once we've reached enough answers on our survey.
Thank you,
~ Lineage II Wicca