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About lol!

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  1. it's working nice! thnx!!!
  2. thnx and gz for the topic!
  3. gve is the server wich not allowed greek players right?
  4. when i try to configure mysql i get this error
  5. Gratz and thnx for the share!!!
  6. qq pou na pekseis kai se low rate...
  7. kai egw to idio provlima exo...parolo pou kanw tis ri8miseis klp.. pataw na arxisei na exparei alla @@ kagelo o m@N!!
  8. 819
  9. Loipon pedes eimai n00b sxetika me to walker kai 8a i8ela tin voi8eia sas....sxetika me to walker ston E-global.... loipon katevasa to IG Walker apo bymafe pou eixe pei kapoios...wrea mexri ekei... 8a i8ela tin voi8eia sas oso afora tis ri8miseis pou prepei na kanw gia na leitourgisei swsta..... episis kati prepei na kanw kai me kati tokens??(eksigiste sto n00b ti einai pls :P) ty prokatavolika :) :) :) :)
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