Server rates: 50x exp, 15x Adena, 15x spoil ( adena drop rate might be changed)
Server custom npc :
- Global gatekeeper
- Buff npc with 24 buff slots + 12 songs / dances
- Wedding manager
- GM Shop Full
- Noblesse manager
- Clan Reputation manager
- Augmenter npc
- Warehouse manager
- PVP manager
- Event manager
Server features
- auto-account
- balanced classes
- buff duration - 1 hour
- raid boss jewels only from epic raid boss ( have spawn in 24- 26h)
- subclass max lvl is 85
- raid boss over lvl 80 have custom drop
- safe enchant +10 , max enchant +30
- normal scroll of enchant rate : 60% / blessed enchant scroll rate 80% . Got the "cojones" to enchant to max?
- custom farm zones
- auto events
- gm events
- global gk teleport to epic rbs
- custom currency
- noblesse without quest
- sub-class without quest
- epic raids without quests (items needed for them are in gm shop)
- NO cumulative subclasses
- certificates system , no rebirth