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Everything posted by szczuto

  1. hi l2net how open private store buy/sell thx
  2. Old and useless if you play on servers with a long lasting buffs :)
  3. Anybody know how to set walker to spoil 2 times and no more?
  4. in walker you can copy name of item by rightclicking mouse on item in your inventory. It helps!
  5. nice scripts... with a bit of modification we can put here additional CP pots and others... Great work!
  6. why did you set such big delay ? Isn't that mistake ?
  7. Please let me know if anyone get full version of this great soft :)
  8. Now i just have to find A0 laser color printer and that lovely map will hang on my wall :) Great job!
  9. Login Verify fail.
  10. hi WTS/T weapons ,Armors in L2Word szczuto
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