Sorry if im spaming but i put on search button and i didnt find any info about it... i need to know where i can find it and a simply guide of how to use it.... Thx u so much
naab xGamiaSx here... u wanna cheat bitch.. dont said anythink about that... but check in 1 week when the bugg will be removed...check the server for new info about it
an den kano lathos h porta tou zaken anoigei 12 h ora to bradi tou paixnidiou.. paizei na yparxei ena buggaki gia na mpeneis prin... Pigene me ena strider stin porta.. kola stin porta.. kai bgale to strider.. kabalato... kai traba me ta belakia brosta.. logika tha se bgalei mesa xD
Well.. to be honest i get hacked some months a go at phoenix.. and im gonna start a new char.. i also need to bot.. i think that someone can find how to do it again...