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About Coenna

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    http://Selling items Innova core

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. proof im scammer? zero. so cry more cry and dont stop crying
  2. every ur post ojsimpson reply ++= ++++ totally +++ yes yes yes haha. good try scammers :)
  3. dany1990 or shillientemplar didnt pm me back at all, while QQing im scammer since i dont pm them. anyway UP
  4. First you two are the same persons. Second i already said im new at the forum and i was selling at that price. noone else was selling any epic like istina neclase so i didnt know the exactly price, as i said at my last post my friend was selling/buying items i need so im not in known with prices Also if i dont have the items, why i writed i can show them ingame? fail kid :) Second im not the Garbage wtihout life who keep spamming at my topic and dont stop insulting you know what is the sad truth? you are one garbage. you are 20 year old + you live with ur parents and you are the parasite trying to scamm peoples with fake accounts you are more than pathetic! i dont have to proove anything to bulgarian trashes like you, i dont know why ur country is not deleted yet there is not bigger trash in europe than bulgarians . that nation must be used like slaves anyway, so what we understanded till now, you are garbage, you are scammer, you can only spamm and dont have any decent proof that i scammed someone. ok i think thats enought i ""Belive you"" nice english btw, you can go to some lessons if ur mother pay it for you of course. i waiting ur new post how i scammed peoples i really enjoy them
  5. Okey if selling neclase at low price is scammer attempt ok i understnad, Ok now price for neck is 120 euro
  6. so i must buy adena to buy epics? and im full epic? what a useless trash go sleep some cause you pissing me hard. go -beep- with ur syster trash. and you are the one who only talk for that guy alleyesonmypony im sure its you. so CRY more i will still make my trades and you will stick lick my cock :) Maybe i want to enchant my skills? maybe i must buy blessed items? srsly ur logic is lower than a brainless money. you can still QQ believe me i dont care. and noone care about you. for trashed noobs like you there are MIDDLEMANS i can make still trades with them even if you call me scammer so again to tell you LICK MY COCK :)
  7. you guys are one group of 13 year kids who trying to scamm at Maxcheaters 4 bulgarians 4 scammers, i offering in use Lain service he telling me scammer i can Show all items ingame he telling me scamer, get lost noob :) you keep spamming that cause you sell/buy items at Core, but noone will trust pathetic looser like you gogo keep doing that,
  8. Well im not the one who is reported at Lain section, you are pathetic scammer and you are bulgarian i am not so maybe you are that famous scammer at core :)
  9. show me any proof showing im scammer, and will delete my acc :)
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