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About Cludo/Nicesurprise

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. custom...2290 cast speed max...1900 atk speed max...well gl with this .......
  2. Pvp server with no star wars wepons...an easy enchant system...Big farm zone with many spots, pvp area. Gcms farmable (solo)...all in shop...pvp items can be obtained farming (not hard), a simple server that can make enjoy many ppl i think. And plz make a Beta test first of grand opening...I m bored to start servers posting on forum minor bugs that u can easly find in a beta test so in the grand opening u can already start a server where ppl have tryed a bit all and see what is the balance situation.
  3. Many really many things to balance and fix like blink skil that dont work...a titan wihtout fryenzy and zealot made me 5k on elf tank...and i wasnt on full patk...gcm system is really bad, mages hitting way too much...cod deal huge dmg, with steal divinity i could steal all dances and song + some buffs lol...song of wisdom have too much time, gm on never able petits, super small famr area ( i was controlling farm area with my clan -.-'') no dualbox allowded, the farm coin is not tradable, i could make 300 dmg with shining edge and than (same char) 6k lol? ahahah xD i didnt tested if judi buffs stay for 2 hours but u can check lol...Well let s hope you wil fix something :P
  4. Yeah pretty features lets see
  5. I think u should put international forum as website to get much more ppl on...When i see a forum or website in other language normally i dont even try it. But no good pvp servers around so..
  6. Man ppl was blaming about the web site link cause u changed name of link but the link make u go in the first web site not the new one...try to modify again :)
  7. Man ppl was blaming about the web site link cause u changed name of link but the link make u go in the first web site not the new one...try to modify again :)
  8. Well i had hero slh male...and some one stole my charchter...gm dont wanna do anything...and i heard of other ppl like this...waste of time...
  9. When write on google l2 eternalmoon becomes to hard...well apologizes http://l2eternalmoon.com/
  10. XP : 1000x SP : 500x Adena : 300x Drop : 2x Spoil : 1x Party : 2x No op donations Safe : +4 Max For Weapons : +10 Max For Armors : +10 Max For Jewels : +10 Enchant Rate : 60% Blessed Rate : 85% Max donator +12 Scheme buffer Fast farming Raid zones Well im having much fun here...110+ players on u should try!
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