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Posts posted by Boter+

  1. For thouse who don't know how the enchant process is. It is like this:


    You call to a friend and tell him to thow a dice. If the result is 1-2-3-4 Success 5-6 Fail. Could you do something to change the result, or to predict the result?

    The answer is simple, NO you can't.


    So please stop saying this "if you can tell to the game that your weapon is +1 and will be +2, there's no random.. it's certain enchant...".

  2. I read the first post. I did not found anything new cos I already knew that.


    Mew asked: "How is the l2 probability calculated?" I don't know the answer, but it could be posible to disASM a l2server to see how the enchant process is done. Am I right?


    And one more thing I want to say. The random is not really random, you can predict what a rand fucntion will thow, if you know the previous results/time. But when you OE anything, do you know what was the last item that OE? How many time has passed? What was the result?


    So, i agree that the OE in not trully random, but for the client side, it is.



  3. I know what you mean. Use WP. You can decode the packets with some functions like gsys.BFdec(key), the only problem is that you won't be able to log the decoded packets.


    You can log them with something like Log(_gOutBuff).


    PD: Maybe the sintax or the funcions are not OK, I am writing without looking at the WP xD

  4. After installing the server and doing some testing, I must say the admins have made a very good job.


    Problems I found:

    -The GG is working in that server, so the walker needs to pass the GG auth first. And I don't know how to do that.

    -The GS packets IDs have been changed or the GS has been coded. If the IDs has been changed it will be very hard to make a script for that. But if the GS has been coded it will be easyer.


    Anyway the admins have worked hard to protect that server. If anyone plays there they may want to make a script to make L2w work. But I don't play there and I don't have time to make it.


    I don't play there, so I will not do such a job. But maybe you have luck and somebody playing there want to do it.

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