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About Ayzhin

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  1. I have multiple League of Legends accounts that I want to sell. I listed 5 of them on my website: http://lolobgaming.webs.com/ I have more level 30s, however, I could only list 5. :p So, if you're wondering about any other accounts I have, then just add me on skype: ayzhin
  2. Hello, here is one account I'll be selling. I'll be opening a thread probably either later today or tomorrow of many additional accounts that I'm selling, but as of now, I don't have the time to check all of them. 1782 RP/3652 IP (Possibly more) Champions NOT Owned: http://gyazo.com/a8d68c8e8f2cc2259a50ecbb12f10834 Rune Pages: http://gyazo.com/ee94dbf6b528bfe3590d84e3036bd20b List of Skins Owned: Red Ridding Annie Frankentibbers Arctic Warfare Caitlyn Pulsefire Ezreal Royal Guard Fiora Nightraven Fiora Atlantean Fizz Fisherman Fizz Spooky Gangplank Desert Trooper Garen Frostblade Irelia Hextech Janna Temple Jax Unmasked Kayle Judgment Kayle Mistletoe LeBlanc Valkyrie Leona Iron Solari Leona Bittersweet Lulu Wicked Lulu Shamrock Malphite Noxus Poppy Surgeon Shen Lumberjack Sion Guqin Sona Arcade Sona Dryad Soraka Emerald Taric Bloodstone Taric Volcanic Wukong General Wukong Jade Dragon Wukong Time Machine Zilean Add me on Skype for any additional information: ayzhin
  3. I am POSSIBLY going to sell my REALLY OLD League of Legends account. I'm looking for only serious offers for this, as I've played this since Closed Beta, and it has quite a few runes/champions/skins/decent elo and other stuff I'll mention. Here are some pictures related to the account: Champions: ELO:http://i.imgur.com/kw979.jpg[/img] Runes:http://i.imgur.com/iBOQf.jpg[/img] My skins: Akali - Stinger Akali Alistar - Unchained Alistar Amumu - Re-gifted Amumu**** Annie - Goth Annie^ Ashe - Queen Ashe Caitlyn - Safari Caitlyn** Cassiopeia - Desperada Cassiopeia Cho'Gath - Gentlemen Cho'Gath* Corki - UFO Corki (Accounts created before 14.01.2010) Evelynn - Shadow Evelynn Gragas - Santa Gragas**** Heimerdinger - Piltover Customs Heimerdinger Janna - Hextech Janna Jarvan IV - Darkforge Jarvan IV Karthus - Grim Reaper Karthus Katarina - Mercenary Katarina Kayle - Judgement Kayle Kennen - Karate Kennen Kog'Maw - Reindeer Kog'Maw**** Lux - Sorceress Lux Malphite - Shamrock Malphite** Malzahar - Vizier Malzahar** Master Yi - Assassin Master Yi Miss Fortune - Secret Agent Miss Fortune Nidalee - Pharaoh Nidalee, Snow Bunny Nidalee*** Nunu - Workshop Nunu*** Olaf - Glacial Olaf, Brolaf* Pantheon - Full Metal Pantheon Poppy - Battle Regalia Poppy Rammus - King Rammus (Closed Beta) Ryze - Triumphant Ryze (Win certain competitions) Shaco - Royal Shaco, Nutcracko**** Shen - Surgeon Shen Singed - Riot Squad Singed (~$60 Skin) Sivir - Spectacular Sivir** Sona - Silent Night Sona**** Taric - Armor of the Fifth Age Taric Teemo - Happy Elf Teemo***, Astronaut Teemo* Tristana - Riot Girl Tristana, Firefighter Tristana*, Earnest Elf Tristana*** Tryndamere - King Tryndamere Twisted Fate - Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate Twitch - Gangster Twitch Udyr - Primal Udyr Veigar - White Mage Veigar Vladimir - Count Vladimir Warwick - Feral Warwick** Xin Zhao - Imperial Xin Zhao Zilean - Old Saint Zilean*** *Legendary **Legacy ***2009 Holiday Skin ****2010 Holiday Skin *****2011 Holiday Skin My friends list also includes various pro players/riot members/etc. This includes Riot members, such as RiotGuinsoo, RiotJeffJew, Pendragon, and more. As for Pros, I have people such as Man Dinh, Chaox, Xpecial, Chauster, oRb Nien, Voyboy, vG Loop, and a bunch more. If you have any questions, like if I have a certain person added, feel free to PM me. Make an offer. :)
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