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About Fobos25

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. hi5 Dual for sure!
  2. +1 xrist05! Thx for all this tips
  3. WoOo usefull thx. I created a paladin just for test, and he rocks!
  4. I will, at least I hope! x) I tried to stop playing l2 but I couldn't. I still having fun, I don't no why i sould stop playing ^^. Fobos
  5. Str +4 Con -4 Str +1 Con -1 Wit +4 Int -4 You can use DEX but Will add you like 30 atk. speed and will quit 2.5k HP. LOVE this class! Fobos
  6. Hey. First sorry for my english, it's not my mother language... I play L2 for 2 years, but since one months I can't find any good server. Could you give me a good one? I'm looking for a midl rate with good community. Not to former, because if everyone are S84+++ I couldn't do any things in only 2 months. I mostly played duelist and Sph. I hope you could help me to deal with that. ^-^ Fobos.
  7. I just join and I already live.... (deception)
  8. Hum... why not, features are great
  9. I always played Gk they are so sexy >:D Seriously, more P.atk more crit more assasin style
  10. Omg thx a lot!!
  11. Helpfull thx. ;)
  12. I will join for sure, i hope you could make a H5 as good as an interlude serv (quite hard but still....)
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