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Everything posted by ashanm10

  1. Hey guys! Im a high diamond east player,and along with high diamond east player and high challenger east player friend, we can provide you with the service of ELO BOOSTING!!! XD This is NOT the only service we can provide, as we can ALSO give LESSONS on how to PLAY the game at a higher level with greater success in your battles and we even LEVEL up accounts from 1 to 30 or PLAY games for a certain amount of IP that you could request :) We have successfully completed all accounts in a fast manner and we have clients to back up our worthiness and quality in our job :D We can boost from bronze to diamond tier leagues. We play on ALL servers. The basic prices would for each league in each tier: bronze tier: 10 euros per division silver tier: 20 euros per division gold tier: 30 euros per division platinum tier: 40 euros per division diamond tier: 50 euros per division The paying methods would be: paypal, money transfers (i.e Western Union) and RiotPoint codes payment (You are talking to Skin addicts here XD ) We can generally negotiate anything on skype, facebook or hotmail too just so that you can be fully aware of what we offer and everything else that you are more than welcome to ASK ALWAYS :D COMMUNICATION is IMPORTANT :) For more info add me on: skype: ahsanpao13 Hotmail: ashanm10@hotmail.com Facebook: (look up) ashanm13 See you people around and keep the services going on ^^ Thank you ALOT for your trust in us!!! :D
  2. meh no time for vouches atm :P but heres proof from back then when i did do and i recently started the service again :) http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=246822.new#new
  3. Hey guys, Im a high diamond east player,and along with my challenger friend we do elo jobs. We have successfully completed all accounts in a fast manner,clients can prove you our worthiness :D, We boost from bronze to diamond. We play on all servers. The prices can be negotiated on skype or facebook or hotmail just so that you can be fully aware of what we offer and everything else :D . We also offer Coaching and duo queues. Also we can do powerleveling of accounts, meaning playing on your smurf accounts to level them up from 1-30. For more info add me on skype: ahsanpao13 Hotmail: ashanm10@hotmail.com Facebook: (look up) ashanm13 See you people around and got many services going on at the moment ^^ Thank you alot!!!
  4. finished account, next ones :)
  6. ACCEPTING NEWER OFFERS :) these going quick :P
  7. Im not being sarcastic but alright...anyway, accepting new offers people :)
  8. we didnt realise we were dealing with a person that has 15 ranked games we will go and tell our support specialist with 720 taric games that hes wrong thanks for the free bumps and entertaining comments XD (what can i say... :P ) peace
  9. Right to reply back to wat you said and to close our little theory discussion and its an elo boost thread im sorry...let me answer once again to the low elo ideas im hearing now and not teaching :P here are 2 comments on ur 2 points :) 1.taric does not counter leona in any way shape or form for a few reason she cant get bursted shes not affected by tarics armor aura as she is a full magic dmg dealing support and her shield gives her double armor that taric can shatter the reason corki is good with her is bcs he has an armor shread of his own along with magic and true dmg in his arsenal 2.alistair is something u generaly want to ban..mostly bcs of his strong jungling also picking an ad with no escapes can backfire on u as in case of the enemy mid/top getting fed makes it hard for u to reposition so right hope that helps, and back to ELO BOOSTING, POWER LVLING AND LESSONS!! :D <3 PEACE
  10. Well np id be glad to tell you, firstly thats a low elo question to begin with :P and ill tell you why :) You are meant to counterpick the bot lane not only the AD, there is a support to be dealt with too. Graves and corki are the strongest ad's...you counterpick graves/taric with leona corki bcs the magic/true dmg goes trough their armor....so as i said the question ends up being stupid ^^ We teach more than that ofcs... :)
  11. BUMP BUMP HELP US GET SKINZ XD nah joking, we are available for more elo boosts, lessons, and new service, powerleveling accounts 1-30 :) see ya around on skype: ahsanpao13
  13. and yea i can do west too why not :)
  14. yea :P 1st customer can get 50% discount :)
  15. Hey guys, Im a 2.1k east player,and along with my 2k friend we do elo jobs. So far we done 10 accounts successfully,we also have a few screenshots to show it, At the moment we are only boosting people to gold(1520), and 100 elo usualy takes around 1-2 days. Price is 10 euros per 100 elo and we ONLY accept paysafes and only boost on EU. This is because we are skin hunters so we want RP xD. If u have a friend thats around your elo you can get a big discount. Coaching and duo queue price is negotiable Only requirements we have from u is atleast 1 full AD or AP runepage or whatever, either way we will win For more info add me on skype: ahsanpao13 P.S is there any admin to help me upload screenshots?
  16. 10 euro=100 elo :) ONLY EU
  17. Im doing elo boosts and accepting paysafe code payment as im trying to complete my skin collection. Quick boosts already done quite a few and very successful as you see in the screenshots lessons can also be done too 2k plat player :) help me get skinzzzzzzzz add me on skype: ahsanpao13
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