Hey guys,
Im a 2.1k east player,and along with my 2k friend we do elo jobs.
So far we done 10 accounts successfully,we also have a few screenshots to show it,
At the moment we are only boosting people to gold(1520), and 100 elo usualy takes around 1-2 days.
Price is 10 euros per 100 elo and we ONLY accept paysafes and only boost on EU. This is because we are skin hunters so we want RP xD. If u have a friend thats around your elo you can get a big discount.
Coaching and duo queue price is negotiable
Only requirements we have from u is atleast 1 full AD or AP runepage or whatever, either way we will win For more info add me on skype: ahsanpao13
P.S is there any admin to help me upload screenshots?