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Everything posted by Ancestor

  1. new updates http://lineage.gb.net
  2. Server ONLINE
  3. Lineage 2 Stuck Subclass - Official Lineage 2 Stuck Subclass Official Server Rates - http://lineage.gb.net Exp: 150x or 400x - anyway we will have a Level UP location SP: 400x Adena: 500x No other custom zones excepting lvl up location Server Game Play Stuck Subclass Server You can obtain subclass by making quest Alliance with Varka/Ketra LvL 1 - every mob drop 5 quest items Second way to gain subclass is by geting Noblesse status Noblesse status can be obtained by killing Barakiel - you don't need any quest just to be in last hit party After you finished one of these steps you can go now to Grand Magister of your RACE and add subclass you want !You are eligible to add subclass only from your RACE, Dwarfs are allowed to take subclass from Any RACE! Every monster over the map have a chance to drop Medals(20%), Glittering Medals(10%) with these medals you can buy some spcial items from GM Shop - We dont have custom items Every RaidBoss over the MAP have lvl 80 and drop Enchants Our team have been checked like 90% of subclasses combinations and we all problems we will try make 80% of combinations playable anyway the most important thing !! We don't have OverPower Combinations !!! We are going to make this server like retail excepting StuckSub and GM Shop Enchant Rates Normal Scroll: 60% Chance Blessed Scroll: 60% Chance Crystal Scroll: 75% Chance - we will implement later in game Custom NPC Gm Shop - all items up to S Grade - we have included some low grades weapon with good SA Crystal at highest prices Hair Accesories will be available only to Events All consumables will be in shop NPC Buffer - Without 3rd buffs Events We will not implement auto events We will have 2 GM Events Funny Prizes - we will not offer to events enchanted items auguments and other stuffs we just give Potions wich are not added in shop/ hair accesories/ and other consumable items like enchants / giants books / life stones ETC... We think manualy events made by GM's are the best Events - and a retail stuck subclass with retail manualy events will be a most good thing ! Our Server will be opend Today 06.09.2012 at 20:00 or 22:00 +2 GMT Lineage 2 Stuck Subclass Team Lineage 2 Stuck Subclass Official
  4. no man you are wrong... even in night server have 50+ players not afk and in morning is very low online players and here are more clans with 10+ ppls online.. belive me server players count is not decreasing... and offline shop disabled to avoid bots..
  5. yea.. all said ppls will leave but nobody left yet and will not leave for sure ... anyway i work to balance
  6. every custom item = unbalance so i will not add custom items http://lineage.gb.net
  7. another video for ppls whitch still sustian low online player this is a video of fighint between 2 clans
  8. You really joined on my server and not other? even in morning are 40 online when is lowest poppulation Giran IS EMPTY just few ppls there.. the new ppls.. all others are in goddard
  9. Thanks GameKeeper, thats what i'm looking for.. a part of DN Arena has joined anyone can see that, they really like it and all told me that i did a good job. But the problem is 100 players is still low anyway for just few days should be good.. http://lineage.gb.net
  10. This guy is post here wrong informations you can check guys server have many online goddard is main town is most populated
  11. new demo video Demo l2 presentation video
  12. New updates http://lineage.gb.net
  13. Come and join on our server we grow every day, we wait for you too.
  14. Server is online
  15. i'm think i was answer right i'm not insulting anyone but he give wrong informations about my server :P every one is welcome i'm open for suggestions
  16. join and check :)
  17. Lineage 2 Stuck Subclass Server ONLINE Demo l2 presentation video Some of server features - the list will continue when we finish the site our domain is http://lineage.gb.net Rate: 400x Enchant System: +3 Safe +16 Max Enchant Rate: 60% Normal - 60% Blessed Subclass System: Same Race 1+1 No Custom Items GM Shop till to S Grade Buffer no 3rd - 24+4divine slot buffs Excepting these features server will be reatil like donation closed 1st month More Info: How you will add subclass in our server: 1. Everything is working as retail way, you go to any grand magister of your race (EX: if you want Fighter subclass you go to Warrior guild and add subclass the Master will lets you choise only subclasses of your race not others) 2. Dwarfs can subclass any race 3. To add subclass you should become nobless or you should have Alliance With Ketra/Varka LvL 1 no more 4. To Become nobless you should kill barakiel - every one from the party will gain nobless status without anyquest ( you dont need quest to become nobless you just have to kill barakiel thats all) a photo of main town
  18. Server will start today at 20:00 +2GMT
  19. Server open time will have delay few hours
  20. Lineage 2 Stuck Subclass We just want to announce you as we will open soon a new server - the estimated open time is 03.08.2012 Some of server features - the list will continue when we finish the site our domain is http://lineage.gb.net Rate: 400x Enchant System: +3 Safe +16 Max Enchant Rate: 50% Normal - 65% Blessed Subclass System: Same Race 1+1 No Custom Items GM Shop till to S Grade Buffer no 3rd - 28+4divine slot buffs Excepting these features server will be reatil like donation closed 1st month More Info: How you will add subclass in our server: 1. Everything is working as retail way, you go to any grand magister of your race (EX: if you want Fighter subclass you go to Warrior guild and add subclass the Master will lets you choise only subclasses of your race not others) 2. Dwarfs can subclass any race 3. To add subclass you should become nobless or you should have Alliance With Ketra/Varka LvL 1 no more 4. To Become nobless you should kill barakiel - every one from the party will gain nobless status without anyquest ( you dont need quest to become nobless you just have to kill barakiel thats all)
  21. is not l2j
  22. More Info: How you will add subclass in our server: 1. Everything is working as retail way, you go to any grand magister of your race (EX: if you want Fighter subclass you go to Warrior guild and add subclass the Master will lets you choise only subclasses of your race not others) 2. Dwarfs can subclass any race 3. To add subclass you should become nobless or you should have Alliance With Ketra/Varka LvL 1 no more 4. To Become nobless you should kill barakiel - every one from the party will gain nobless status without anyquest ( you dont need quest to become nobless you just have to kill barakiel thats all) @Alvardo we have already got a webdesing of one server which has closed off but we should make some little changes so be patience this is not final design :)
  23. donate will be closed 1-2 months and btw i can survive and without donate
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