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Everything posted by ZlipDaZup

  1. What about to increase the exp-rate to x80-x100 since it seems to be a pvp project with this kind of enchant-rate, also your pve system is terrible bad, Actually you gonna destroy the economy of the server if you keep it up.
  2. Server closed forever, You better delete this topic already.
  3. Things are about to be serious, I'm 2 old for this anymore.
  4. I thought you would be smarter than the last time but as i can see you keep up your stupidity.
  5. Would be great, if you keep up the retail time of summoners buff.
  6. server is really playable.
  7. It was quite wrong that he didn't informed people about his movements after the shutdown, he should've made an announcement.
  8. It's not your business. I was talkin' to mathew!
  9. You fckin freaks, The only way to solo a cardinal with dagger is landing your lethal which happens only on retail. There's even a dyes named +DEX that's increasing your Shield def rate (speed, attack speed and critical rate) that bishop is focred to use. GET REAL U FCKIN L2J BULLIES STARWARS PLAYA! Including root, which's kind weird!
  10. What did i just read.
  11. Wipe your mouth, there is still a tiny bit of bullshit around your lips. Bullie-boy!
  12. am i? l0ll0l0l0l0l.
  13. Worst server in 2012. yes
  14. atleast it's way better than l2cartel, i just wanna spend some of time untill l2dismay. so this one its more playable than l2cartelSTARWARS.
  15. I hope you gonna put some decent ddos-protection this time.
  16. When are you going to open it?
  17. i was just talkin' for a non-starwars server like the rest. You actually need to focus "solely" on your ddos-protection once it might be your main problem already.
  18. you're missing the point. Well, being close to "retail" it's always a good achievement. Which can bring some "good community".
  19. I'd rather +3 safe / +10 max and only 1 augmentation skill to be allowed, passive or active. Seems to be an awesome project, Good luck niggers.
  20. Your english is like your face. UGLY
  21. Come on you fat bullie, Your server is totally borring with the worst community ever been in l2 history. You're running the worst pack in l2 developing and you expect from people to keep playin on your terrible server duo there's no any other "serber" to play. Get real.
  22. does that even make sense l0l-l0l
  23. Wipe your mouth, there is still a tiny bit of bullshit around your lips.
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