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Everything posted by dredz

  1. Hi. Mabe someone can help me with Rin4a's Buffer v1.3? Problem is an error, when i loading like: Traceback (innermost last): File "buffer.py", line 4, in? IportError: no module named net I found some info in l2jserver forum they telling to me problem is in svn, that means i geting allways Rin4a's Buffer v1.3 not l2jserver but like l2j free :/ So can mabe someone ho has the same problem help me ? or corectly Rin4a's Buffer v1.3 for l2jserver link ? Thx ho helping ;)
  2. i talking aboth h5 low rate server ::)
  3. what is the better healer baby pantera or buffalo ?
  4. what can i say i am a noob :D
  5. i gues its like l2 or wow or i mixng this ???
  6. what is diablo ?
  7. what is beter on oly sps or src ? :-\
  8. looking on lol lithuainia players for team play ;)
  9. Hi. Mabe can someone can post how to add to freya server scheme buffer ...
  10. srr for wrong section, keep shearshing.... :-\
  11. good begining, half a job ::)
  12. Mabe some on can share with a f.. working scheme bufer ? For l2j Hive Five or freya thx a lot...
  13. damn finely i found scheme buffer and then always link is f... broke ... :-\
  14. if frend know so wuy yuo asking for help :o
  15. i dont like wings at all on l2 ... when character is moving they look pathetic :/
  16. i like tatto on chest :o
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