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About Conroy

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  1. There is some items in salle at Dragon-Community Arena Robe Set +6/7 Full atr RaidBoss Jewel Set Icarus+Acumen+10 full atr water Waiting for the offers, please reply in this topic.
  2. Our clan not playing this server anymore, the server onlines are down and has bugged some things in the server also i think the owner its helping his country members.
  3. Its really nice server, everything works fine i'm playing there PM in game xConroy ;) www.tskclan.smffy.com
  4. Mid rate but much npcs good luck
  5. I like the features, but the vote reward isnt good for servers, so I will give a try ;) Wait me there.
  6. Server its again, got ddos attack and this time will hard to get fixed good luck with the server, server owners will need to try to fix much.
  7. The server features are really amazing so some one can offer me from where i can buy cheap domain ?
  8. Looking for mid rate servers there to be sell shop to B grade items only A/S to be craftable, To be L2Off or balanced Java server, with full protection of ddos attack.
  9. I will give a try too, ;) PM xConroy
  10. Yep first time was have 500 550 online now have 80 90 100 120 online maximum
  11. Thanks i will do that, or i will call my friend he knows how to do, He have silkroad online private server and earning cash he will make me :X
  12. What i need to say to my bank? will you help me some xD,
  13. When i login to game and i can stay maximum 1 minutes and 30 seconds and i'm getting dc or error, everything in game getting frozen Better close the server.
  14. They will close the server maximum in 2 weeks.
  15. Lol im not rich also paypal its denied my account i cant add my account to paypal its a a shit.,
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