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<< Masterio >>

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<< Masterio >> last won the day on August 28 2023

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About << Masterio >>

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    Programming, Game Development

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  1. Sorry guys, now I am android games developer and I have no time for JAVA [perhaps in the future]. PS: Code have some bugs for sure, I started learn java on it, if you are good in programming you can improve it on your own ;)
  2. Try to use "User Command", but it require edit 1 of client file.
  3. yes the diff files inside, but it is diff for clear server files.
  4. I released the new version only for H5 server (i have no time for conversions this time). Thanks for using.
  5. acis not support voiceCommands.
  6. I am using JDK 1.7 and it works fine. First check your classpath in eclipse for wrong libs etc, if ok try to update JDK to 1.7, if still not works try to google (i have no idea). GL ;)
  7. it should works on any java pack. Only imports and some methods names can be different.
  8. i havent freya client so i dont. ;)
  9. u can try: ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().executeGeneral(...)
  10. as you can see the param is not complete, RewardList:<rankId>,<pageNo> is correct format. I think you change something in RankPvpSystemPvpStatus.
  11. // try to add this check: else if(param.startsWith("RewardList:")) { System.out.println(param); // <- here, I want to know about the parameters. try {
  12. If you have problem, install jdk 1.7 and change project settings for jdk 1.7 ( Frozen is supporting JDK 1.7). RMB on Project -> Properties -> Java Compiler: it will be the fastest way for You.
  13. You must fix that for every rps file.
  14. Yes, like i sad, i reworked everything for jdk 1.7. It is mean you should change project settings for jdk 1.7 or rework the code in empty brackets: <> you should add for example: JDK 1.7: Map<Integer, TopField> tmpTopGatherersTable = new LinkedHashMap<>(); JDK 1.6: Map<Integer, TopField> tmpTopGatherersTable = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, TopField>(); * find diffrence ;)
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