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Posts posted by wongerlt

  1. Sharing is caring


    This is similar topic to just with it u can decrypt version files.



    Everything same just source code different:


    #include <string>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <map>
    #include "hook.h"
    typedef BOOL(WINAPI *_ReadFile) (HANDLE hFile, char *lpBuffer, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToRead, LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped);
    _ReadFile true_ReadFile;
    typedef HANDLE(WINAPI *_CreateFileW) (LPCWSTR lpFileName, DWORD dwDesiredAccess, DWORD dwShareMode, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, DWORD dwCreationDisposition, DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes, HANDLE hTemplateFile);
    _CreateFileW true_CreateFileW;
    std::map<int, DWORD> Handles;
    void fileputcontents(const std::string& name, char* content, DWORD size, bool append = false) {
    	std::ofstream outfile;
    	if (append)
    		outfile.open(name, std::ios::app | std::ios::binary);
    		outfile.open(name, std::ios::binary);
    	outfile.write(content, size);
    int file = 0;
    BOOL WINAPI new_ReadFile(HANDLE hFile, char *lpBuffer, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToRead, LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped) {
    	bool result = true_ReadFile(hFile, lpBuffer, nNumberOfBytesToRead, lpNumberOfBytesRead, lpOverlapped);
    	std::map<int, DWORD>::iterator it = it = Handles.find((int)hFile);
    	if (it != Handles.end()) {
    		std::string filename;
    		filename = "decrypted_file.txt";
    		if (file == 1) {
    			fileputcontents(filename, lpBuffer, nNumberOfBytesToRead);	
    		else {	
    			fileputcontents(filename, lpBuffer, nNumberOfBytesToRead, true);
    	return result;
    HANDLE WINAPI new_CreateFileW(LPCWSTR lpFileName, DWORD dwDesiredAccess, DWORD dwShareMode, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, DWORD dwCreationDisposition, DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes, HANDLE hTemplateFile) {
    	HANDLE true_handle = true_CreateFileW(lpFileName, dwDesiredAccess, dwShareMode, lpSecurityAttributes, dwCreationDisposition, dwFlagsAndAttributes, hTemplateFile);
    	if (wcsstr(lpFileName, L"SysString-e.dat") != 0) {
    		std::map<int, DWORD>::iterator iter = Handles.find((int)true_handle);
    		Handles.insert(std::make_pair((int)true_handle, (DWORD)0));
    	else {
    		std::map<int, DWORD>::iterator iter = Handles.find((int)true_handle);
    		if (iter != Handles.end())
    	return true_handle;
    bool SetHooks(void)
    	FARPROC addr;
    	HANDLE hEngine = LoadLibraryA("engine.dll");
    	if ((addr = GetProcAddress(LoadLibraryA("kernel32.dll"), "ReadFile")) == 0)
    		return false;
    		true_ReadFile = (_ReadFile)splice((unsigned char*)addr, new_ReadFile);
    	if ((addr = GetProcAddress(LoadLibraryA("kernel32.dll"), "CreateFileW")) == 0)
    		return false;
    		true_CreateFileW = (_CreateFileW)splice((unsigned char*)addr, new_CreateFileW);
    		return true;
    int load(void)
    	return 0;
    BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved)
    	if (fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH)
    		if (!SetHooks()) {
    			return false;
    	return true;







    1. CFF Explorer part: in ogg.dll file.



     SmartDecrypt.dll must be before npkscrypt.dll


    Compiled Version: vs2017 (v141 xp)


    If u want decrypt example interface.u/xdat/or other file then just rename it to SysString-e.dat and run l2.exe (you will get error just click ok) after all in system folder must appear decrypted_file.txt. (this file will be encrypted with regular l2encrypt (413/111 and etc..)

    • Like 2
  2. One idea which i just tested is just replace `UIAPI_MULTISELLNEEDEDITEM` to `UIAPI_HTMLCTRL` and just create how  want via html code.



    function OnClickItem( String strID, int index )			// ItemWindow
    	local int i;
    	local int Index2;
    	local int have;
    	local string param;
    	local string html;
    	local string multi;
    	local ItemInfo a_ItemInfo;
    	InventoryItem = ItemWindowHandle(GetHandle("InventoryWnd.InventoryItem"));
    	//debug("OnClickItem : " $ strID $ ", index : " $ index );
    	if( strID == "ItemList" )
    		if( index >= 0 && index < m_itemList.Length )
    			for( i=0 ; i < m_itemList[index].NeededItemList.Length ; ++i )
    				have = 0;
    				param = "";
    				//ParamAdd( param, "Name", m_itemList[index].NeededItemList[i].Name $ "\r\n99999");
    				//ParamAdd( param, "ID", string(m_itemList[index].NeededItemList[i].ID ));
    				//ParamAdd( param, "Num", string(m_itemList[index].NeededItemList[i].Count ));
    				//ParamAdd( param, "Icon", m_itemList[index].NeededItemList[i].IconName );
    				//ParamAdd( param, "enchant", string(m_itemList[index].NeededItemList[i].Enchant) );
    				//ParamAdd( param, "CrystalType", string(m_itemList[index].NeededItemList[i].CrystalType) );
    				//ParamAdd( param, "ItemType", string(m_itemList[index].NeededItemList[i].ItemType) );
    				//debug("AddData " $ param );
    				//class'UIAPI_MULTISELLNEEDEDITEM'.static.AddData("MultiSellWnd.NeededItem", param);
    					Index2 = InventoryItem.FindItemWithClassID(m_itemList[index].NeededItemList[i].ID);
    					if (Index2 > -1) {
    						have = a_ItemInfo.ItemNum;
    				multi = multi $ "<tr><td width=32><button width=32 height=32 back=\""$m_itemList[index].NeededItemList[i].IconName$"\" fore=\""$m_itemList[index].NeededItemList[i].IconName$"\"></td><td width=188 align=left><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=188><tr><td>"$m_itemList[index].NeededItemList[i].Name$"</td></tr><tr><td>x "$string(m_itemList[index].NeededItemList[i].Count )$" (x"$string(have)$")</td></tr></table></td></tr>";
    			html = "<html><body><table width=220>"$multi$"</table></body></html>";
    			class'UIAPI_HTMLCTRL'.static.LoadHtmlFromString("MultiSellWnd.NeededItemHtml", html);
    			for( i=0 ; i < m_itemList[index].NeededItemNum ; ++i )
    				class'UIAPI_MULTISELLITEMINFO'.static.SetItemInfo("MultiSellWnd.ItemInfo", i, m_itemList[index].ItemInfoList[i] );




  3. L2Custom Server Information

    Website: https://l2custom.com

    Start Date: 2024/02/17 18:00


    Interlude (C6) PVP server with custom modifications. Server has high rates and 80 level. at start. In server shops you can get free A/S grade and farm with it for better custom gears. You don't need buy many potions, soul/spirit-shots, arrows and etc., because this items is not consumable.

    Start Level: 80 lv.
    Max Level: 90 lv.
    Custom Items.
    All Interlude monsters with modified levels (80-95lv).
    All Interlude Zones.
    All Interlude Quests with modified rewards.
    GM Shop.
    Global Gatekeeper with all Interlude Zones.
    Raid Boss Gatekeeper with over ~200 Raid/Grand Bosses (All bosses levels modified 80-96).
    AIO/Scheme Buffer with all buffs with modified durations (1-2 hours).
    Free Sub-Class.
    Free Noblesse
    Olympiad from 86 Lv.
    Rebirth System.
    Skin System - Skin use as normal item (special inventory slots for skins)
    Auction House (Marketer) System.
    Auto Hunting system (2 hours per day)
    Mastery System.
    Changed Augment system (less mouse clicks)
    Fast Login Feature
    Giant/Champion Monsters (Normal Monsters have chance respawn as Champion/Giant with better drop/stats.)
    And much more...

    Fast Login


    Giant/Champion Monsters


    AIO Buffer


    Global Gatekepper


    Auto Hunt Feature


    Mastery Skills Feature


    GM Shop


    Rebirth System


    Skins System


    Auction House System


    Raid/Grand Boss Gatekepper


    Custom Crystal Scrolls


    Monster Drop List Feature


  4. 2 hours ago, 911reg said:

    You can literally delete everything from inside LineagePawn, and just leave this:
    class LineagePawn extends Pawn;

    since you won't be using any of the functions that are stored inside of LineagePawn.uc when compiling LineageMonster. Same with LineageNpc.HerdNpc, same with LineageMonster.HerdMonster, etc.
    You can also delete all files from LineageWarrior's folder, and only leave LineagePawn

    If you need help with that kind of stuff, send me a DM on Discord

    Oh thanks you. finally compiled, but another problem animations gone from monster which im editing

  5. Hello,


    I'm trying compile unreal script (LineageMonster.u) but stucked.


    Looks cant find superclass LineagePawn , ok then im trying recompile LineageWarrior where is LineagePawn but get error:


    on these lines are

    simulated function AnimateRunning ()
      TurnLeftAnim = GetWalkAnimName(); // 400 line
      TurnRightAnim = GetWalkAnimName();
      MovementAnims[0] = GetCurMoveAnimName();
      MovementAnims[1] = GetCurMoveAnimName();
      MovementAnims[2] = GetCurMoveAnimName();
      MovementAnims[3] = GetCurMoveAnimName();

    if i comment this line then next line with same error.


    Very unclear all these errors, can't understand where is problem...


    Maybe someone had this problem?

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