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  1. L2off Plataform ( Kation ) Can someone please help me how to put the (Button To Village) go giran? Thank you very much.
  2. [PT-BR] Todos vocês que jogaram o ExileL2 em JAVA Plataforma sabem muito bem o que passamos, principalmente eu, todos sabemos como foi um Ótimo server com 900+ jogadores ON, porem teve os seus momentos Ruins vários momentos..! e por esse motivo entre outros resolvi mudar a Plataforma de L2Java para L2OFF ( Oficial Files ), onde tudo é 99,99% funcional. Mudamos algumas coisas, para melhor, entre elas add o Sistema de Aiox e outras coisas que vai ser muito bom para o Server. Site 100% profissional com vários sistemas somente para o ExileL2 o Site oficial vamos disponibilizar ainda essa semana. E hoje eu venho apresentar a vocês as Configurações do Server que permanecera nos rates de 100x -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ENG] All of you who played the JAVA Platform ExileL2 know very well what we, especially me, as we all know was a great server with 900 + players ON, however had their bad moments several times ..! and for this reason among others I decided to change the platform L2Java to L2OFF (Official Files), where everything is 99.99% functional. We changed some things for the better between them added the system Aiox and other things that will be very good for the Server. Site 100% professional with various systems only for ExileL2 the website we also have available this week. And now I come to introduce you to the Server Settings that remained in the rates of 100x ♦ Features ExileL2 • Chronicle: Interlude.( L2Off Oficial Files ) • All grandbosses respawn time: Retail like. • Barakiel respawn time: 6/6h and 1h Random (80lvl). • Buff slots: 20 +4 Slots. • Buff duration: .Normal Classe: 1h / Aiox 3h • NO-Custom Items: Only Retail Itens Chronicle. • Jewell Boss: No-Donate. • Experience: x100. • Experience in party: x2. • Skill Points: x100. • Adena Drop: x200. • Item Drop: x2. • GrandBoss Item Drop: x1. • Spoil Drop: x10. • GrandBoss: All level 80. • Char enter: level 20. • Quest Drop/Reward: x20. • Itens Grade C/B/A: Trade for Adenas in Npc (A grade Sealed). • S Grade Sealed Craft in Npc: Adena, Ancient Adena and Farm Item. • Chaotic Zone: On enter in All Boss Zones. • Enchant Safe: +3 Max: +16. • Enchant: +3 to +16 - 65% Chance. • Bless Enchant: 75% Chance. • Server uptime: 24/7. • Offline trade/craft: enabled. • Buff yourself with in: Alls Towns. • All In One: System Aiox Buffer • GMShop accessable: Giran Town/Goddard Town • For global gatekeeper: Alls Towns. • Skills learn type: Auto. • Class Manager NPC in Giran town: change your class to 1st, 2nd and 3rd for free. • All Quests: Retail Like. • SubClass Quest: From item Star of Destiny (Buy in Gm Shop) • Nobless Quest: Retail Like (Buy Lunargent and Hellfire Oil. • Retail like, fully working AIs: (Grandbosses, raidbosses, other npcs). • Retail like: (castle / clanhall) sieges. • Events: TvT and Gm Event. • Olympiads: Retail Like. • Custom Farm Zone: Coal Mine. ♦ Server Hardware • Cpu: Intel Xeon E3 1245v2 (8 Nuclei ) • Ram: 50GB DDR3 • Hard disks: 2 x Intel SSD DC S3500 6Gbps • Network: 1 Gbps (OVH Data center, France) • OVH Anti-DDoS Protection PRO ♦ Server Timezone • Standard time zone:UTC/GMT -3 hours Opening Day: 23/03/2014 at 21:00 GMT-3 Acessem nossos meios de comunicação: Site: http://www.exilel2.com/ Forum: http://www.exilel2.com/forum Grupo Face: https://www.facebook.com/groups/exilel2server/ Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/ExileL2
  3. INFORMAÇÕES DO SERVIDOR GERAL... [PT-BR] Olá..! como muitos já sabem o Exile L2 não é um server qualquer, já temos uma história como Server de Lineage II, nosso primeiro server também era Interlude com Custom Armors e Weapons, nossos jogadores sabem muito bem o grau de excelência do nosso trabalho.O Exile L2 é um server que já vem de longas datas, um server balanceado, cujo o nosso proposito é fornecer aos nosso player a melhor jogabilidade nos PVP's, Oly e Sieges, vou deixar bem claro que EU ADM-DEOLIN estou de volta e comprometido com vocês, e agora é pra ficar, conto com todos vocês meus player, player do Antigo Exile L2, mais de 800 ppl ON, vamos com tudo mais um vez... ATT Adm-Deolin. [ENG] Hey.! as many already know the Exile is not a L2 server any, we already have a story like Server Lineage II, our first server was also Interlude with Custom Armors and Weapons, our players know very well the degree of excellence of our work.The Exile L2 is a server that already has long-time, a balanced server, which our purpose is to provide our players the best gameplay in PVP's, Oly and sieges, I will make it clear that I ADM-DEOLIN'm back and committed to you , and now is to stay tale with you all my player, player of the Old Exile L2, over 800 ppl oN, come with everything one more time ... ATT-Adm Deolin. Rates Info : [+] Chronicle: Interlude [+] All grandbosses respawn time: Retail like [+] Barakiel respawn time: Retail Like (80lvl) [+] Buff slots: 24 +4 Slots [+] Buff duration: (All in One duration 2h) [+] Medium Custom Items: Set (TT/TT{PVP}) Weapon (Epic) [+] Jewell Boss: No-Donate [+] Experience: x100 [+] Experience in party: x1.5 [+] Skill Points: x100 [+] Adena Drop: x200 [+] Item Drop: x10 [+] GrandBoss Item Drop: x1 [+] Spoil Drop: x10 [+] Quest Drop/Reward: x20 [+] GrandBoss: all 80lvl [+] Char enter: level 20 in Custom area to Levelup [+] C Grade / B Grade / A Grade Crafters in NPC: For Adena. [+] S Grade Crafters in Npc: For Adena. [+] TT/Epic Itens S Grade Upgrade in Npc: Adena,S Grade and Farm Item. [+] Custons Farm/Pvp Zones: Imperial Tomb / Monastery [+] Chaotic Zone: FlagPVP on enter in Boss Zones [+] Enchant Safe: +3 Max: +25 [+] Enchant Chance: each level are decreased increased [+] Enchant: + 3 to +6 - 58% Chance. [+] Enchant: + 6 to +8 - 50% de chance. [+] Enchant: + 8 to +10 - 44% de chance. [+] Enchant: +10 to +12 - 38% de chance. [+] Enchant: +12 to +14 - 28% de chance. [+] Enchant: +14 to +25 - 15% de chance. [+] Blessed Scroll Enchant: 75% Chance +1 to +25 [+] Blessed Scroll Enchant 100%: Drop in All Big Boss and sell in Event Trade [+] Offline trade/craft: Enabled ( only start Sell/Buy/Craft Store and quit the game [+] We have working Geodata: 100% [+] Buff yourself with in - Alls Towns. [+] GMShop accessable, in - Giran Town. [+] For global gatekeeper, in - Alls Towns. [+] Class Manager NPC: You may change your class to 1st, 2nd and 3rd for free. [+] Retail like, epic (castle / clanhall): sieges. [+] Olympiads: 15/15 Dias ( Only A Grade Itens ). [+] Quest SubClass - Free. [+] Quest Nobless Status - Basic itens sell in GMShop INFORMAÇÕES ADICIONAIS - Os 5 (cinco) primeros Clans (com tag "bandeira") com 20+ players ON ganhara um aiox de 20 dias. - Evento Clan somente nos 2 primeiros dias de Server. - Suporte apenas por e-mail/skype/forum não vamos dar suporte in-game. DONATIVO - Doações para Aiox. - Doações para Weapon/Armor Custom - Doações para Clan level 8 full skill - Doações para Nobless Status BUGS - Erros? por favor Reporte no Forum. Compartilhem, Curtem e Divulguem para seus amigos e inimigos de L2 (; [LOADING...] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmokmV8qKts
  4. Exile L2 Interlude 100x Medium Custom Server Grand Opening Day 23/11/2013 at 15:00 GMT-3 http://exilel2.com/ http://www.facebook.com/ExileL2?ref=hl Information about our server rates: L2J Plataform [+] Chronicle: Interlude [+] All grandbosses respawn time: Retail like [+] Barakiel respawn time: Retail Like (80lvl) + Status [+] Buff slots: 24 +4 Slots [+] Buff duration: AIO(All in One duration 2h) [+] Medium Custom Items: Set (TT/TT{PVP}) Weapon (Epic) [+] Jewell Boss: No-Donate [+] Experience: x100 [+] Experience in party: x1.5 [+] Skill Points: x100 [+] Adena Drop: x200 [+] Item Drop: x10 [+] GrandBoss: all 80lvl [+] Char enter: Level 20 in Custom area to Levelup [+] C Grade / B Grade / A Grade Crafters in NPC: For Adena [+] S Grade Crafters in Npcs: For Adena [+] TT/Epic Itens S Grade Crafters in Npcs: Adena and Farm Item. [+] Custons Farms / Custons Pvp Zones: Imperial Tomb / Hall of Argos [+] Chaotic Zone: FlagPVP on enter in Boss Zones [+] Enchant Safe: +3 Max: +25 [+] Enchant Chance: each level are decreased increased [+] Enchant: + 3 to +6 - 58% Chance. [+] Enchant: + 6 to +8 - 50% de chance. [+] Enchant: + 8 to +10 - 44% de chance. [+] Enchant: +10 to +12 - 38% de chance. [+] Enchant: +12 to +14 - 28% de chance. [+] Enchant: +14 to +25 - 15% de chance. [+] Blessed Scroll Enchant: 75% Chance +1 to +25 [+] Blessed Scroll Enchant 100%: Drop in All Big Boss and sell in Event Trade [+] Offline trade/craft: Enabled ( only start Sell/Buy/Craft Store and quit the game. [+] We have working Geodata: 100% [+] Buff yourself with in - Alls Towns . [+] GMShop accessable, in - Giran Town . [+] For global gatekeeper, in - Alls Towns. [+] Class Manager NPC: You may change your class to 1st, 2nd and 3rd for free. [+] Retail like, epic (castle / clanhall): sieges. [+] Olympiads: 15/15 Dias ( Only A Grade Itens ). [+] Quest SubClass: Free. [+] Quest Nobless Status - Only Kill Boss ( you need SubClass level 80 more PT Full players to kill Boss Barakiel ) All members of the PT is not noblesse gain Status. AT: Adm-Deolin
  5. yes ... the server open tomorrow GMT-3 (20:00 PM) the server No-Custom ... already have a Custom ON
  6. Armor Max: +6 Weapon Max: +12 ;)
  7. Ok! I'll modify the Max Weapon to +12
  8. FALTA POUCOS MINUTOS PARA A INAUGURAÇÃO Apenas 20 minutos MISSING A FEW MINUTES FOR THE INAUGURATION Only 20 minutes [PT]Olá amigos do forum MaxCheaters venho aqui apresentar o meu projeto Interlude No-Custom que vamos inaugurar dia 17/04/2012 GMT -3 ( 20:00 PM ) Server L2The Throne Rates: XP: 100x SP: 100x Adena: 250x Party XP: 2x Quest: 5x Enchants Retail: Safe +3 ( Armor e Weapon ) a cima Chance 65% Blessed 85% Max +6 Armor Max +12 Weapon Características: - NPC Buffer - GK Global - Class Master - GM Shop - Aio Buffer - Skills funcionando normalmente. - Siege 100% - SpawnPoint 20 segundos - Offline shopping - Auto Learn Skills - Sistema de Clan level 8 por adena 100% - Sistema de Nobless por adena 100% Modificações: - Argumentos Desativados para nao dar Skill - Auto Loot Itens (Auto Pickup). - Area Farme - Imperial Tomb (Drop AA) - Area Farme - Varkas e Ketra Orc (Drop Medal) - Sistemas seguros anti-bot/anti-hack Shop: - Armors: C,B,A a venda por Adena - Weapon: C,B,A a venda por Adena - Armor: S a venda por Adena - Weapon: S trade por farme items Buffs: - 24 buffs + 8 debuffs - 2 hrs buffs/songs/dances Olimpiada / Heroi: - 15~15 Dias - Horário: das 18:00 ás 00:00 hrs. [ENG]Hello friends of the forum MaxCheaters come here to present my project in Interlude No-Custom that we inaugurate in day 17/04/2012 GMT -3 ( 20:00 PM ) Server L2The Throne Rates: XP: 100x SP: 100x Adena: 250x Party XP: 2x Quest: 5x Enchants Retail: Safe +3 ( Armor e Weapon ) Up to Chance normal scrol 65% Blessed 85% Max +6 Armor Max +12 Weapon Features: - NPC Buffer - GK Global - Class Master - GM Shop - Aio Buffer - Skills functioning normally. - Siege 100% - SpawnPoint 20 sec - Offline shopping - Auto Learn Skills - Clan System level 8 for adena 100% - System Nobless for adena 100% Modifications: - Arguments Disabled dont give Skill - Auto Loot Itens (Auto Pickup). - Area Farme - Imperial Tomb (Drop AA) - Area Farme - Varkas and Ketra Orc (Drop Medal) - Secure systems anti-bot/anti-hack Shop: - Armors: C,B,A Sale for Adena - Weapon: C,B,A Sale for Adena - Armor: S Sale for Adena - Weapon: S trade for farme items Buffs: - 24 buffs + 8 debuffs - 2 hrs buffs/songs/dances Olympiad / Hero: - 15~15 Days - Time: 18:00 to 00:00 hrs. Site: www.l2tt.com
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