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Everything posted by L2Sensity

  1. Hmm, mostly around 100 at peak atm but rising every day more and more.
  2. <3 haters. :) Check it out guys, lots of players joined, stayed (ofc) and play already - really enjoyable. :)
  3. Tanks got a bit further more nerfed, nerf of wr has been removed and what do you mean with op tricksters? And btw mages got boosted and are played as well, same for duelists, tyrants and titans. I don't know where you see mainly tanks. Maybe check it out again and get a clear sight of the current (real) situation. ;)
  4. Atm there are around 100 guys online at peak and what feature is "too much" in your opinion?
  5. Thank you. :) And thank you too! :) I hope all are enjoying the server. :) Btw why "m o u n" is censored here? oO
  6. Lots of stuff added, reworked, fixed. Check it out now. :)
  7. Sorry if the server offers too much for you. We made a lot of polls and discussed a lot the features our server should have and the majority just wants and needs a npc buffer (our is an account-based scheme buffer btw). But btw what server hasnt got a npc buffer these days?
  8. http://www.l2sensity.com/ All players who joined are very confident with our server so try it out - you wont regret it. :)
  9. http://ul.to/forz9zwg works just fine for me but I will upload it to several other filehosters now as the demand is a bit higher as expected.^^ Try this location: http://www.shragle.com/files/1d139f0f/L2Sensity_Patch_HighFive%2528V273%2529.zip or this http://turbobit.net/nakwt2vcia94.html One should work. :p
  10. Huh? The server started on march 31st (around 10 pm?). Hehe no not on fools day.^^ The player a-beep-t is constantly rising but we are still not on hopzone and topzone.
  11. L2Sensity Rates: XP - 500x (Party-Bonus x2) SP - 500x (Party-Bonus x2) Adena - 250x Fame achieval - 10x Clan Reputation Point achieval - 10x Special NPCs: Luxury Gatekeeper Deluxe Scheme Buffer Custom Subclass Manager Accessory Trader GM Shop Fame/PC-Bang-Point Shop Clan-Reputation-Points Trader Color Manager Leaderbord Manager (Arena, Fisherman, Craft and TvT) Noblesse Manager PvP-Item Manager Vote Shop Special Features: Shop currency: Golden Apiga Clanhall weekly fees: Golden Apiga Increased Weight Limit (10x) Increased knight epaulette drop 1 hour buffs/songs/dances (except some self-, kamael- & hero-buffs) Extended buff-slots (30) and retail-like dance-/song-slots (12) Adjusted several skills to maintain the best PvP-Experience Custom Cancellation System (cancelled buffs are restored again outside oly) No clan penalties No weight penalty No grade penalty No death penalty No xp level difference penalty Coloured Clan Leader Name Easy Clan-leveling All-In-One Item (multiple useful functions in just one item) DressMe-System (save your favourite armor set as visual armor set) PC Bang Point Engine (gather points while being online) Max. Element Enchant lvl4 (server-side cap) Max. Skill Enchant +20 (server-side cap) Full Wedding System including Cupid Bow which comes with additional special love skills for couples Community Board with integrated Top10 PvP-List and several colored states HighFive Geodata (no wallshooting etc.) PvP-Anti-Feed-Protection (delay, same ip, clan, party, ally) PvP-Weapons are augmentable and tradeable PvP-Color-System (5 Stages, Bonus-Fame each Stage) PvP-Reward-System (100 Fame each PvP) Kill-Streak-Announcement-System Kill-Streak-Reward-System (10 Stages, Bonus-Fame each Kill-Streak-Stage) Stop-The-Kill-Streak-Announcement-System Stop-The-Kill-Streak-Reward-System (Bonus-Fame each stopped Kill-Streak) Special effects for guys who win a pvp / reach a Kill-Streak-Stage Mana Potion restores 1000 mp in PvE and 500mp in PvP (10 secs reuse delay) Mana Drug restores 100 mp in PvE and 50 mp in PvP per tick for 10 secs Quick-Healing-Potions deactivated in PvP / when having Karma Bsoe-scrolls deactivated in PvP / when having Karma 1 Easy Farm Area [safe] 1 Mid Farm Area [PvP] with several Anti-Pk-Guards who detect even Pks in silent move or in hide mode 1 Hard Farm Area [PvP] 1 RaidBoss Area [PvP] 1 Expert Farm/PvP Training Area (fight against a mob group looking like normal players) Weekly Olympiad Period All enchants lowered to +6 during an olympiad match Hero-Weapons are enchantable, augmentable and attributable Automated TvT-Event every 2 hours (5 different random chosen locations) TvT-Frag-Counter-System TvT-God-Like-Mode TvT-Kill-Streak-Reward-System Automated CtF Event Automated Raid Event Automated Deathmatch Event Automated Quiz Event Hitman Event Squish the Squash Event Special GM events like Hide and Seek, Korean TvT, King of the Hill and and and... and much more! ;) Enchant Rates: Safe: +10 | Max: +16 Normal Enchant Chance: 75 % Blessed Enchant Chance: 90 % Element Enchant Chance: 80 % Custom Voice Commands: .buffoff: Enable Buff Refusal Mode | .buffon: Disable Buff Refusal Mode .changepassword: Change your account password ingame .cloakoff: Put your cloak visually off | .cloakon: Put your cloak visually on again .debug: Display your personal skill-/effect-land-rate .dressme: Save your favourite armor set as visual armor set .getpks: Localization of PKs nearby .lson: Enable Leetspeak Mod | .lsoff: Disable Leetspeak Mod again .siegereg: Register for Siege (only 1 participant per IP allowed) .tradeoff: Enable Trade Refusal Mode | .tradeon: Disable Trade Refusal Mode http://www.l2sensity.com Join us NOW, you wont regret it! :-)
  12. http://www.l2sensity.com Check it out and be the first when it starts. :)
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