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  1. of course u ll get banned if an admin catches you ... but on the good side u're probably not smart enough to run it!
  2. if u had looked all tuts closely u had noticed that u need an emulator to run the walker. the walker isnt free: http://www.towalker.com the emulator is enabling u to use it anyway, but it seems not every walker is for every l2 chronicle or not every emu for every walker (i m not sure about the relation) ... c4off with c5 upgrades = 1.52 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=2607.0 BTW: this is not the help forum
  3. just record your action ... 1. double click your scroll 2. choose your weapon after that you stop the recording and put the recorded stuff in here: LABEL(ENCHANT) <---- here goes your recording DELAY(6000) CALL(ENCHANT) pretty simple huh? EDIT: btw this is not the help forum!
  4. i tried it on l2x and the only thing i got is an gameguard error ... lol
  5. those scripts are probably clean even though some are in korean ... the engine.dll i checked at http://www.virustotal.com & Antivir: Nothing found ArcaVir: Nothing found Avast: Nothing found AVG: Nothing found BitDefender: Nothing found ClamAV: Nothing found F-Prot: Nothing found Norman: Nothing found Rising: Nothing found VirusBlokAda32: Nothing found VirusBuster: Nothing found Report overview Scanned by viruschief.com ... but i dont see the use for it and for which versions is it?
  6. it has already been posted like 100 times, but i searched like 15 mins and wont search anymore ... so use my old walker: http://rapidshare.com/files/47960159/L2walker152.zip (check downloads with http://www.viruschief.com/index.html) if you get the file size error, use my exe posted here: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=7405.0 1. append these lines to your c:/WINDOWS/system32/drivers/etc/hosts file vip.tt2xz.com vip1.tt2xz.com vip2.tt2xz.com vip3.tt2xz.com vip4.tt2xz.com vip5.tt2xz.com vip6.tt2xz.com vip7.tt2xz.com vip.towalker.com vip1.towalker.com vip2.towalker.com vip3.towalker.com vip4.towalker.com vip5.towalker.com vip6.towalker.com vip7.towalker.com 2. start the l2aserv.exe 3. start the l2walker.exe 4. choose inside your "lineage2 installation directory"\system folder the l2.exe 5. click run and have fun and btw lineage has to be run in window mode
  7. no it doesnt ... just friggin read 4 posts before yours >:( as final conclusion: 1. 1st link is not working 2. he didnt post anything useful 3. i have tons of working walkers with the filesize error but no working emulator for 1.79
  8. mpj were u able to verify any l2walker greater than 1.76? is there any working emulator published at all for those versions?
  9. what kind of server is it? l2off or l2j and which chronicle ... man the webside is russian, dont u have an english webside?
  10. i need to relax more :) version 1.79 has been tried like i wrote before. and its not sufficient to replace the dll-file u will need the dat-file as well, so just copy the full 1.78 bot and replace the l2walker.exe. the problem now is that no emulator works, because i cant get it up running ... i tried 0.41 - 0.52 and this l2w-vse3.0 they all didnt work. i saw howtos here in the forum were they claimed that everything runs with l2aserv 0.41 ... but i m not sure about this
  11. its not that, its only the damm l2walker which asks for the file size, and i dont know why ... maybe they hook by changing some binary parts of the l2.exe! i already tryed to mess with the new l2.exe which is actually to big, so i did throw some empty parts out, but now gg is a problem again, probably because it checks the file size as well. solution: someone gets the ig walker 1.79 running for c4off ... lol ... with that we are back at the main question. @mpj if u want i ll reduce your l2.exe maybe this will work for you, dont worry about trojans. i can also tell u how its done, just pm me.
  12. @maddafakkas at least you told him that u cant help him. so good of you, they should ban you for that! @InG only one few posts away someone asked a artmonkey related question. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=1223.0 conclusion: it wont do you any good in l2! EDIT: lol ... i didnt check the question's date ... are u shitting me madda? -.-
  13. how about TRY IT YOURSELF instead of asking, it wont break ... since they introduced this post count for threads everyone is spamming ... its so annoying. i dont know how it was before those hidden topics, but right now its a mess and no fun at all to read threads
  14. @marvin great post -.- ... and mine is even more spam -.- -.-
  15. its working to bypass the gg of l2x with those emulators posted here ... and yes i tried 1.79, its the only one which doesnt care about the file size (or maybe because its just the right size), but its the same problem: the skills are not shown. but this way i m pretty sure to find a solution!
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