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About dr3am3r21

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Γεια σας παιδιά. Εδώ και κάτι εβδομάδες ψάχνω να βρω custom αντικείμενα για τον σέρβερ μου αλλά το μόνο που βρίσκω είναι dead links... Μήπως ξέρει κανείς κανένα καλό όπλο ή πανοπλία για τον σέρβερ μου;; Ο σέρβερ μου είναι Final Gracia(2.3) και δεν βρίσκω τίποτα... Κάποιος βοήθεια;; :D
  2. Would it be okay to ask if someone has a voting npc for final gracia? And if yes can someone give me a link? I would really apriciate it :)
  3. Hello members of maxcheaters . Today I wanted to edit some files from my L2 client so I wanted to edit the textures. I found the Elfocrash tool (amazing tool btw ) and I exported all the files from the utx package and edited the files I wanted. So... Here is the thing... How can I make my changes a utx package again?? . Can anyone help me??
  4. Well...This is embarrassing... :P thx anyway ^_^
  5. Hello members of maxcheaters :) . Today I wanted to edit some files from my L2 client so I wanted to edit the textures. I found the Elfocrash tool (amazing tool btw :D ) and I exported all the files from the utx package and edited the files I wanted. So... Here is the thing... How can I make my changes a utx package again?? :P . Can anyone help me??
  6. Hello members of maxcheaters.. :) I have a problem on my server... I buy the letter from the GM shop from my server but when i go to Caradine and chose the quest... I click and nothing happens... Can someone help me? I get the letter. I clicked both of the quests. And then nothing happens.
  7. Hello guys... I've been searching on this forum for a good buffer for final gracia but i havn't find a buffer that works... Can someone please help me?
  8. thx for the guide dude :) it realy helped me :D
  9. thanks for the share man :) it really helped me!!! :D
  10. wow... thx dude!!! you helped me a lot!! :D
  11. :/ pfff... any ideas someone?? :/
  12. Tried it... Didn't worked... :/ i have the 2.5 files for freya and the freya client the 2nd throne... am i using the correct client???
  13. That's the point... :P it doesn't have min or max... it's freya and it only has: AllowedProtocolRevisions =
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