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Everything posted by Dante44®

  1. anoikse to arxeio script.cfg mesa ston game/data kai kane add to .py tou buffer px custom/SchemeBuffer/__init__.py
  2. An mporeis kane to topic s sto Dev Help Gr me tag [Help] :)
  3. Kalispera exo ena provlima me auto to mob Elite Dragon Knight id 22846 To provlima p antimetopizo ine oti to mob auto exei Dinato M.Atack skill id 4411 to ekan delete apo ta skills tou alla to mob sinexizei na kanei dmg aoe 3.7-5k t edit p ekana sta skill t ine to ekseis <skill id="6763" levels="1" name="Dragon Earth Strike"> <!-- High Five Skill --> <!-- FIXME: value unconfirmed --> <set name="baseCritRate" val="0" /> <set name="castRange" val="150" /> <set name="effectRange" val="100" /> <set name="element" val="1" /> <!-- Earth --> <set name="elementPower" val="1" /> <set name="hitTime" val="1500" /> <set name="magicLvl" val="2" /> <set name="mpConsume" val="79" /> <set name="offensive" val="true" /> <set name="operateType" val="A1" /> <set name="power" val="20" /> <set name="reuseDelay" val="3000" /> <set name="skillType" val="PDAM" /> <set name="targetType" val="ONE" /> Parolo pou exo Vgalei to Crit se 0 kai parolo p to Power tou skill ine 20 to mob kanei aoe dmg 3,7-5K mporei na mou pei kapios ti prepei na kano gia na elatoso to dmg t skill tou? Epis sto sql sto npc exo riksei arketa to M.Atack tou alla to dmg parameni to idio Euxaristo
  4. Kalispera sas exo ena provlima thelo na ftiakso to Seed of Destruction Party Farm area exo kanei add ta mob alla otan o paixtis pataei ston gk gia na paei stin perioxi ton petaei ekso dioti ekei ine instance...Pos mporo na to ftiakso etsi wste na min ton kanei port out kai na mporei o allos na kanei teleport stin perioxi kanonika???
  5. kalispera kai xronia polla se olous tha ithela mia voithia tha mporouse kapios na m pei pou mporo na vro ta icons names dilladi "icon.etc_adena_i00"???
  6. Lathos section Dev Help Gr me Tag [Help] ;)
  7. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- Note: If file is named "ipconfig.xml" this data will be used as network configuration, otherwise server will configure it automatically! --> <!-- Externalhost here (Internet IP) or Localhost IP for local test --> <gameserver address="xxxxxxx" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../../data/xsd/ipconfig.xsd"> <!-- Localhost here --> <define subnet="" address="" /> <!-- Internalhosts here (LANs IPs) --> <define subnet="" address="" /> <define subnet="" address="" /> <define subnet="" address="" /> </gameserver>
  8. Etrexe o server kanonika alla patisa to X sto parathiro eno ekana rr ton server kai apo tote m petaei auto to mnma :S
  9. Network Config: ipconfig.xml exists using manual configuration... Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: empty String at sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.readJavaFormatString(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Float.parseFloat(Unknown Source) at l2r.Config.load(Config.java:2293) at l2r.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:482) Game Server Terminated Abnormally! Game Server Terminated. Πιέστε ένα πλήκτρο για συνέχεια. . .
  10. Kalispera exo ena erotima p den mporo na katalavo <set name="reuseDelay" val="75000" /> posa deuterolepta ine auto? 75'' i 7.5''???
  11. Gia na vreis to ID opioudipote Skill patas Alt+g kai otidiopote allo theleis Npc's Items
  12. Dilladi pas na kaneis ench pano apo 17 apo to Gm Panel kai oxi me normal scrol???
  13. an theleis vale ena [HELP] mprosta apo to topic s :)
  14. Link is dead Invalid or Deleted File. The key you provided for file download was invalid. This is usually caused because the file is no longer stored on MediaFire. This occurs when the file is removed by the originating user or MediaFire. Still have questions, or think we've made a mistake? Please contact support for further assistance.
  15. Pc-Show.com that characther send me pm and advertise other forum
  16. Kalispera tha ithela na kano share ena programa to opio allazeis to xroma ton weapon opos thelei o kathenas.Dioti vlepo pos polla atoma zitane pos ginete auto,auto to programataki tha sas voithisei arketa...To prwto pragma p xriazomaste ine na anoiksoume me to fileEdit mas to Env.int arxio p vriskete mesa ston fakeo system.... Otan anoiksoume to arxio prepei na pame edo EN:Hi I would like to do share a program that changes the color of the weapon as wants everyone.Cause see how many people are asking what now this, this algorithm will help you enough ... p The first thing we need is to open the fileEdit our Env.int file who is inside the system folder.... When you open the file should go here Opou R,G,B ine ta 3 vasika mas xromata dilladi R=Red,B=Blue,G=Green To programma to opio tha mas voithisei ine auto edo EN:Where R, G, B are the 3 basic colors you could say R = Red, B = Blue, G = Green The program, which will help us is that here Stin prwti epilogi etsi opos anoigoume to programa vlepoume ton Arithmo ena ekei tha valoume to Xroma tou ench p theloume apo kato vlepoume 0 0 0 auto ine i mpara me ta xromata ta 3 vasika opos ipame pio pano R,B,G i prwti ine to kokkino i deuteri to mple kai i triti to prasino As pame lipon na ftiaksoume to weapon as poume mov :P EN: In the first option so as we open the program we see a number there will put the color of ench p we see below 0 0 0 This is the barbell with 3 basic colors as we said above, R, B, G is the first red, the second blue, and the third green So let's go to make the weapon say purple Vallame dilaldi 149 kokkino kai 255 mple kai mas evgale Mov Prepei na ftiaksoume omos kai to glow gia auto lipon patame sto 2 kai ftiaxnoume ena xroma paraplisio tou mov EN:We Add 149 red and 255 blue and took us purple should make the glow for this then press 2 to make and we have a similar color purple Afou teliosame me to xroma mas pame apo kato sto + kai epilegoume se pio ++++ theloume na kanoume add to weapon auto as poume sto +6,Vlepoume dipla akrivos kai akoma 2 epiloges auto ine To Opacity kai to NUM gia na katalavete ti thelo na po http://www.lineage2media.com/glowmodificationlineage2.html As epileksoume +6 me Opacity 10 kai NUM 5 kai patame to Koumpi akrivos apo kato gia na mas vgalei ton kwdika etoimo EN:After we finished with the color of our go below the + and choose a more + + + + we want to add the weapon it say at 6, see next just another 2 options this is the Opacity and NUM to understand what I want to say Let us choose 6 with Opacity 10 and NUM 5 and press the button just below to send us the code ready Pernoume ton kwdika Enchant6=(R1=149,G1=0,B1=255,R2=135,G2=0,B2=153,Opacity=10,Num=5) kai pame sto Env.int kai vriskoume to Enchant6 kai to antikathistoume me ton kwdika p pirame apo to programma Allazoume episei to Ench 6 sta Variation p vriskete pio kato me ton idio kwdika p pirame apo to programma me ton idio akrivos programma.... Kanoume save to Env.int me Save and Encrypt kai imaste etoimi EN:We take the code Enchant6 = (R1 = 149, G1 = 0, B1 = 255, R2 = 135, G2 = 0, B2 = 153, Opacity = 10, Num = 5) and go in and find the Env.int Enchant6 and replace it with the code p got from the program Changing the Erisos Ench 6 in Variation p find below the same code p got from the program with the same program .... We save the Env.int with Save and Encrypt and we are ready Gia idees sxetika me ta xromata mporite na mpite edo http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_colors EN:For Ideas with colors u can look here also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_colors To programma mporite na to katevasete apo edw EN:U can Download the program from here http://www.4shared.com/rar/caU8FG2s/L2Enchant_editorEditor.html To guide ine diko mou Credits gia to Programma by Reptily Update New Program For Easier Edit http://www.mediafire.com/download/jkpjo95rgmc0hlh/Glowtor.rar
  17. http://trac.l2jserver.com/wiki/Eclipse Elpizo na voithisei kapos
  18. Ine statheri i IP tou ipologisti sou sto Ipv4 sto .89?? Port 9014??
  19. Sto ini p trexeis apo ton ipologisti sou vazeis sigourepsou oti ta ports ine anoixta vasi tis IP sou gia na apofigeis tixon provlimata sto IpV4 vale mia statheri IP tin IP stin opia exeis anoiksei ta 3 port... Sto External Hostname Vazeis to No-ip sou sto Internal Hostname vazeis
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