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Posts posted by Dante44®

  1. Hello guys.

    I wanna make 2 servers with 1 login server.


    1 server interlude/ 1 server C4.


    How I can open both of them with 1 login server on same server machine.


    Thx for your help.

     how to connect 3 computers together: LOGIN PC, GAME PC 1 and GAME PC 2
    We will assume that the databases are set up on all computers
    We will call the computer that will host the loginserver the LOGIN PC
    The other computers will be called the GAME PC 1/2/3/etc...
    LOGIN PC will host the loginserver and one of the gameservers
    GAME PC 1 and GAME PC 2 will each host a gameserver, which will connect to LOGIN PC's loginserver
    If a PC is behind a router, the INTERNAL/LAN IP is the IP that the router assigns to that PC (example:
    If a PC is NOT behind a router, the INTERNAL/LAN IP is
    You can find your EXTERNAL/WAN IP at http://www.whatismyipaddress.com(example: whether you use a router or not
    PHASE 1
    Registering Server Names
    ALL PC's
    For simplicity, we will use ID's 3, 2, and 1 [in that order - GAME PC 2, GAME PC 1, then LOGIN PC] in order to make explaining future
    steps easier. We will change these ID's later so that you can choose your own server names that appear on the server list in-game.
    To view the server names assigned to each ID available, choose option 2
    1.  LOGIN PC - Navigate to the \login\ folder
    2.  LOGIN PC - Run RegisterGameServer.bat
    3.  LOGIN PC - Choose option 1 [Register GameServer]
    4.  LOGIN PC - Enter 3 (This will be used for the GAME PC 2's gameserver)
    5.  LOGIN PC - Insert USB stick or other portable storage device
    6.  LOGIN PC - Navigate to the \login\ folder
    7.  LOGIN PC - Copy hexid.txt from the \login\ folder to the USB stick, replacing any existing files with the same name
    8.  LOGIN PC - Safely remove USB stick
    9.  GAME PC 2 - Insert USB stick
    10. GAME PC 2 - Move the hexid.txt from the USB stick to the \login\ folder, replacing any existing files
    11. GAME PC 2 - Right-click on hexid.txt file you just moved and click COPY
    12. GAME PC 2 - Navigate to the \gameserver\config\ folder
    13. GAME PC 2 - Right-click on an empty space inside the \gameserver\config\ folder and click on PASTE, replacing any existing files
    14. LOGIN PC - Choose option 1 [Register GameServer]
    15. LOGIN PC - Enter 2 (This will be used for the GAME PC 1's gameserver)
    16. LOGIN PC - Insert USB stick or other portable storage device
    17. LOGIN PC - Navigate to the \login\ folder
    18. LOGIN PC - Copy hexid.txt from the \login\ folder to the USB stick, replacing any existing files with the same name
    19. LOGIN PC - Safely remove USB stick
    20. GAME PC 1 - Insert USB stick
    21. GAME PC 1 - Move the hexid.txt from the USB stick to the \login\ folder, replacing any existing files
    22. GAME PC 1 - Right-click on hexid.txt file you just moved and click COPY
    23. GAME PC 1 - Navigate to the \gameserver\config\ folder
    24. GAME PC 1 - Right-click on an empty space inside the \gameserver\config\ folder and click on PASTE, replacing any existing files
    25. LOGIN PC - Choose option 1 [Register GameServer]
    26. LOGIN PC - Enter 1 (This will be used for the LOGIN PC's gameserver)
    27. LOGIN PC - Navigate to the \login\ folder
    28. LOGIN PC - Right-click on hexid.txt file and click COPY
    29. LOGIN PC - Navigate to the \gameserver\config\ folder
    30. LOGIN PC - Right-click on an empty space inside the \gameserver\config\ folder and click on PASTE, replacing any existing files
    PHASE 3
    Change "server_id" entries in Navicat
    After completing PHASE 1 and PHASE 2, you may want to change the names of the gameservers. This can be done in Navicat on the LOGIN PC.
    31. LOGIN PC - Open Navicat
    32. LOGIN PC - Open the l2jdb database
    33. LOGIN PC - Open the "gameservers" table
    34. LOGIN PC - Under the "server_id" column, (top-left-most cell) change the number to the ID that matches the server name you want to
        give to GAME PC 2's gameserver. (Remember the list of names/ID in RegisterGameServer.bat's option 2? This is where they go.)
    35. LOGIN PC - Change the number on the 2nd row (still under the "server_id" column) to the number of the ID that matches the name you
        want to give give to GAME PC 1's gameserver.
    36. LOGIN PC - Change the number on the 3rd row (still under the "server_id" column) to the number of the ID that matches the name you
        want to give give to LOGIN PC's gameserver.
    37. LOGIN PC - Click the checkmark at the bottom of the window (if you hover over it for a second with your mouse, it will say
        "Update Record"), then close the table, then close Navicat
    PHASE 4
    38. LOGIN PC - Navigate to the \login\config\ folder
    39. LOGIN PC - Open loginserver.properties
    40. LOGIN PC - Find and make the following changes:
        LoginServerHostname = *
        LoginHostname = *
        AcceptNewGameServer = True
    41. Save the file and close it
    PHASE 5
    42. LOGIN PC - Navigate to the \gameserver\config\ folder
    43. LOGIN PC - Open server.properties
    44. LOGIN PC - Find and make the following changes:
        GameserverHostname = *
        ExternalHostname = LOGIN PC's EXTERNAL/WAN IP
        InternalHostname = *
        LoginHost = LOGIN PC's INTERNAL/LAN IP
        RequestServerID = XX (XX must be the LAST number you entered in PHASE 1 when you registered the gameservers = LOGIN PC)
    45. Save the file and close it
    PHASE 6
    GAME PC 1
    46. GAME PC 1 - Navigate to the \gameserver\config\ folder
    47. GAME PC 1 - Open server.properties
    48. GAME PC 1 - Find and make the following changes:
        ExternalHostname = GAME PC 1's EXTERNAL/WAN IP
        InternalHostname = *
        LoginHost = LOGIN PC's EXTERNAL/WAN IP
        GameserverHostname = *
        GameserverPort = 7778 †See note below
        RequestServerID = YY (YY must be the SECOND number you entered in PHASE 1 when you registered the gameservers = GAME PC 1)
    49. Save the file and close it
    † For any gameserver connected beyond the first, the next available port must be used, or else both servers will try to use the same
    port, kind of like two-way traffic on a one-way street. Change the GameServerPort to the next available port. (7778,7779,etc...)
    PHASE 7
    GAME PC 2
    50. GAME PC 2 - Navigate to the \gameserver\config\ folder
    51. GAME PC 2 - Open server.properties
    52. GAME PC 2 - Find and make the following changes:
        ExternalHostname = GAME PC 2's EXTERNAL/WAN IP
        InternalHostname = *
        LoginHost = LOGIN PC's EXTERNAL/WAN IP
        GameserverHostname = *
        GameserverPort = 7779 †See note below
        RequestServerID = ZZ (ZZ must be the FIRST number you entered in PHASE 1 when you registered the gameservers = GAME PC 2)
    53. Save the file and close it
    † For any gameserver connected beyond the first, the next available port must be used, or else both servers will try to use the same
    port, kind of like two-way traffic on a one-way street. Change the GameServerPort to the next available port. (7778,7779,etc...)
    PHASE 8
    ALL PC's
    In the patch or client that you distribute, the l2.ini file tells the client which login server to connect to.
    This file must have the LOGIN PC's EXTERNAL/WAN IP in it, or else clients will not be able to connect.
    To edit this file, you need a decrypting tool such as "L2 FileEdit CT2.4 v0.9.exe"
    54. Open L2 FileEdit CT2.4 v0.9.exe
    55. Click "Open and decrypt" and navigate to l2.ini located in the \system\ folder of your client files
    56. Find and make the following changes:
        ServerAddr = LOGIN PC's EXTERNAL/WAN IP
    57. Click Save and encrypt
    58. Close L2 FileEdit CT2.4 v0.9.exe
    59. Distibute new file to clients \system\ folder, replacing any existing files
    Just Pass the Copy paste in Usb and etc tha PC2 it means a folder also from the different server
  2. I have to play Lineage five years..

    I'm sick of seeing all the time the same features..


    Pvp server, is not mean always:

    Starting lvl 80

    x item every pvp

    enchant max 20 or 25

    get crystal scrolls 100% change with f*cking vote items

    Enchant rate 85% with normal

    10 farm zones (In 2 towns with 8 different locations)

    25 pvp zones (the same and here).

    lol... kids!


    Where is the AA? Where is the catacombs? Where is all zones? Where is all Items Grade?

    all the time players is in Giran/Aden. the rest areas/towns is useless.


    Pvp server is not what you have in your mind.. This is just a bored game with 10% preview of what should be there.


    Go ask now a 15 old year kid, Where is the ruins of despair? Where is the Silent Valley? or wrong...

    Better ask him, how i can to go from Giran Town to Dragon Valley with walk? And where is the way for Antharas portal?

    Ask him, what armor is better for C grade fighter or mage. For D-B Grade? How i can to give SA on weapon?

    What Soul Crystal i need for this? Hahaha....

    Answer: What is the Soul Crystal?


    Anyway... i'll not give ideas here for lazy people to read...

    When you want opinions about Lineage 2, send a PM. Here is useless.


    by a player who started from C1... :)

    good days really but...

  3. Dedicated machine από OVH.

    Ισχύουν τα 2 παρακάτω?


    Number of attacks per month  Unlimited

    Gbps limit of attack  Unlimited


    Μόνο 50 ευρώ για dedi με Anti-DDos? Και Unlimited?

    reseller i apo to kannoniko site?

  4. Hello, a team just invited me to create a project with them (something as private sources + custom gameplay)


    So, my ideas were this:


    Increased max level to 99 but not hard to get (Unique ultimate learn on final level for every class)

    1 New hero skill that will be depending race: for example (Dark elf , Shillens Power , increasing for 10 seconds all stats + 3 seconds invisibility) <- this actually wont be implemented, just an example


    No custom armors/weapons (Just raidboss weapons will be just a little better than the usual) 

    Custom cloaks (giving only extra run speed)

    Accesory (Each will give a boost of 2/3 % on stats or even base stats)

    Some unique gameplay zones, like effect zone* , War Zone *


    Not crazy enchant rates but hard to be achieved


    a lot of currency complex to achieve top gear , effects on armor through max enchant


    Effect Zone*= Farm zone/ cool drops but... A debuff will be on your debuff slots that will reduce some speed/accuracy/casting etc so it makes a little more harder

    War Zone* = Full of APC guards, you need to kill them all to achieve the leader.



    So ? Opinions, features request and so on

    It sounds like Pride Style

    Dont know i think the l2 is dead!!!

  5. Ara h tha mou erthei email apo thn ebay oti eftase to dema mou h to tsekaro monos mou vazontas sto site ths elta to Transaction ID:

    to ebay oti itane na kanei to ekane tora ine thema tis metaforikis to ebay apla se enimerose pos to paketo sou ine Shipped apo ekei kai pera tora prepei na apeuthinthis stin analogi ipiresia gia na deis pou vriskete akrivos to dema sou.

    An sta elta sto emfanizei tote nai vale ekei to Transaction ID an kai tis elta to sistima den dinei kai para polles plirofories.Sinithos omos o politis grafei oti Shiped me autin tin etairia Mpes kai sto site tis etairias pou s grafei kai des kai ekei

    To sistima tis elta kala ine na to xrisimopieisis afou ftasei prwta to dema stin ellada kai meta!!!


    Kalhspera paides,

    prin 10 meres peripou parigkila apo to ebay kati apo tourkia

    kai mou eirthe email oti to dema einai shiped (profanos oti ksekinise)

    Pos tha matho ean eftase sto taxudromeio pou aniko? pairnw thl lew to ID tou proiontos kai an eftase?


    an exeis tracking number pou profanos tha exeis iparxoune 2 liseis i mia ine na deis apo tin etairia (taxidromio.courier klp) mpainontas sto site tous kai vazontas to tracking number na deis pou vriskete to dema sou

    Shipped simainei pos efige apo ton apostolea kai exei paei stin etairia pou analamvanei tin apostoli gia na deis oti erxete pros ellada prepei na grapsei Dispatched to Overseas

    mpes omos kai sto site tis elladas kai grapse to tracking number sou



    INFORMATION RECEIVED (This is not an acknowledgment of the physical receipt of the stated Registered Article)...Αυτό εμφανίζεται όταν ο πωλητής ειδοποιήσει το ταχυδρομείο, ότι θα του παραδώσει το πακέτο για αποστολή.

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    DESPATCHED TO OVERSEAS...Εμφανίζεται όταν το πακέτο δηλώνεται προς αποστολή με την επόμενη αεροπορική πτήση συνήθως σε 1-2 ημέρες, εκτός απροόπτου (πχ καιρικές συνθήκες)

    ARRIVED AT OVERSEAS...Εμφανίζεται όταν στο αεροδρόμιο στην Ελλάδα ανοιχθεί ο σάκος όπου βρίσκεται το πακέτο, και καταγραφεί η άφιξη




    ΠΑΡΑΛΑΒΗ ΑΠΟ ΠΕΛΑΤΗ ΣΤΟ ΕΞΩΤΕΡΙΚΟ/ Receive Item From Customer...Το πακέτο παραληφθηκε από τον αποστολέα στο ταχυδρομείο της χώρας αποστολής

    ΚΛΕΙΣΙΜΟ ΑΠΟ IPS/ Item in conta IPS...Εμφανίζεται όταν αναχωρίσει η πτήση με το πακέτο μας από τη χώρα αποστολής

    ΆΦΙΞΗ ΣΤΗ ΧΩΡΑ ΠΡΟΟΡΙΣΜΟΥ/ Receive Item At Office Of Exchange...Εμφανίζεται όταν στο αεροδρόμιο στην Ελλάδα ανοιχθεί ο σάκος όπου βρίσκεται το πακέτο, και καταγραφεί η άφιξη

    ΚΛΕΙΣΙΜΟ ΑΠΟ Κ.Δ.ΑΕΡΟΔΡΟΜΙΟΥ/Item in conta Κ.Δ.ΑΕΡΟΔΡΟΜΙΟΥ...Εμφανίζεται όταν το πακέτο είναι έτοιμο να φύγει από το Κέντρο Διαλογής των ΕΛΤΑ στο αεροδρόμιο, και να προωθηθεί στο κεντρικό κέντρο διαλογής που καλύπτει την πόλη μας

    ΚΛΕΙΣΙΜΟ ΑΠΟ/Item in conta ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΔΙΑΛΟΓΗΣ [ΠΕΡΙΟΧΗ]...Το πακέτο έφτασε στο Κεντρο διαλογής του νομού-πόλης όπου ανήκουμε

    ΑΦΙΞΗ ΣΕ Κ.Μ.Δ./Item arr Κ.Μ.Δ. [ΠΕΡΙΟΧΗ]

    ΚΛΕΙΣΙΜΟ ΑΠΟ Κ.Μ.Δ./Item in conta Κ.Μ.Δ. [ΠΕΡΙΟΧΗ]...Το πακέτο έφτασε στο κέντρο διανομής της περιοχής μας κι ο ταχυδρόμος είτε θα το πάρει για να μας το φέρει σπίτι είτε θα μας αφήσει ειδοποιητήριο και θα πάει το πακέτο με φορτηγάκι στο ταχυδρομείο που μας εξυπηρετεί.

    ΠΡΟΣ ΠΑΡΑΔΟΣΗ/Item to be delivered...Ο ταχυδρόμος το πήρε είτε για να μας το φέρει είτε για να το πάει στο ταχυδρομείο

    ΕΙΔΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ...Ο ταχυδρόμος μας έφερε ειδοποιητήριο

    ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ ΠΑΡΑΔΟΘΗΚΕ/Item delivered...Είτε το ταχυδρόμος το άφησε στο ταχυδρομείο, είτε μας το έφερε σπίτι. Αν το άφησε το ταχυδρομείο, όταν το παραλάβουμε θα εμφανιστεί δεύτερη καταχώρηση που αναφέρει τελική παράδοση.

    ΣΗΜΕΙΩΣΗ ΟΣΟ ΑΦΟΡΑ ΤΟ ΤΕΛΩΝΕΙΟ: Το πακέτο περνάει από εκτελωνισμό ΜΟΝΟ αν δούμε στο tracking «ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ ΣΤΟ ΤΕΛΩΝΕΙΟ/Item handed over to customs authority for final delivery». Τα συστημένα πακέτα με διαστάσεις μικρότερες του μισού μέτρου ΔΕΝ εκτελωνίζονται, παρά μόνο σε ειδικές σπάνιες περιπτώσεις.

  7. well dont compare weed with ciggarete, if you are too tired got plenty to do yea.. dont smoke weed


    but if you are happy and need also to relax get some.. You greeks smoke that shit even when you are about to die :D


    You obviously got logic, most of here got some logic.... i expect many more to get that logic..

    because they are too youngs and think okay now we are in university far away from our houses lets smoke weed everyday stay out at night untill the morning and etc...

    Not all the greeks do thats...The most of the people who do that they are the people who grow up really tight...What i mean the family dont let them to do many things and now they believe ohh we are free now to do whatever we want...

    Sorry for bad english

  8. i study here , and 2 guys left from uni cause a fucking exersice 



    Then you tell me that you arent lazy or nonsense.. I used to love greece, lol guys seems that you all got depression and panic get over it and wake up... SHEEPS

    because 2 guys left the university cause form exersice thats not mean nothing that 2 guys are not All the Greek peoples here in country.

    U must learn something in the university i dont know the reason but the most people there are like that 2 guys...I dont know why

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