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Posts posted by FrankZane

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    A New L2OFF Server with features from Gracia Epilogue and some adjustment is coming.


    The Rates

    • x50 Experience and SP.

    • x50 adena with 100% chance.

    • x4 Mats A-beep-t x12 general chance.

    • x15 SealStones.

    • x5 Knight Epaulletes.

    • x12 Spoil Chance x4 Mats A-beep-ts.

    • x15 Quest rewards, but some quest have been adjusted to give 5 QI instead 1.

    • Epilogue Zones and Quests.

    • Epilogue Skill enchant routes and critical chances.

    • Epilogue Items.

    • Epilogue Instances


    The Features


    Skills Updates


    Some skills changes have been maded in order to fix some unbalances errors done by NcSoft, we all know them.

    • SoulHound Steal Divinity Cooldown increased from 12 seconds to 30 seconds.

    • Doombringer Rush Impact Base landrate decreased from 60% to 40%.

    • Bishop Restore Life Now it can not be casted on enemy target.

    • The Bow/Crossbow Resistance from bow resistance skills have been dramatically decreased (like on Hi5):

    -Song of Wind Storm: Arrow Resistance and Crossbow Resistance changed to 10 and 5 respectively.

    -Dance of Blade Storm: Arrow Resistance and Crossbow Resistance changed to 45 and 25 respectively.

    -Soul Barrier: Arrow Resistance and Crossbow Resistance changed to 10 and 6 respectively.

    -Harmony of Noblesse: Arrow Resistance and Crossbow Resistance changed to 10 and 6 respectively.

    -Symphony of Noblesse: Arrow Resistance and Crossbow Resistance changed to 10 and 6 respectively.

    • Scavenger/Bounty Hunter can learn now: Deadly Blow,Backstab,Dagger mastery and dual dagger mastery.



    Skills Transfer


    Skill transfer is designed to expand the usefulness of healers in party situations.


    • This system allows the dedicated healer classes (Cardinal, Eva's Saint, Shillien Saint) to acquire skills from the other two healer classes. For example: Skill Transfer would allow a Cardinal to learn the skill Party Recall. Or it would allow a Shillien Saint to learn the skill Mass Resurrection.

    • Skill Transfer can be learned through the usual class trainer NPC's (priest, high priest, magister, etc.). One Holy Pomander is required to learn each skill. Holy Pomander is now received as a 3rd class change quest reward.

    • Some skills acquired through Skill Transfer can be enchanted.

    • Subclassed healers can also take advantage of Skill Transfer as long as they meet the requirements.

    Cardinal 1 Holy Pomander

    Eva Saint 1 Holy Pomander

    Shilen Saint 4 Holy Pomander


    Npc Changes


    Zaken Raid Changes


    Zaken is now instanced, Day and Night Zaken are working.



    Other Npcs Changes


    • Fortress Siege NPCs are now level 76.



    Changes into Attribute Manager


    You can now exchange elemental attribute stones for elemental attribute crystals through the Attribute Master NPC:

    • By exchanging 5 stones of the same attribute and 3,000,000 Adena, you can receive 1 Crystal of the same attribute


    Shops Changes


    Shop in towns with Items until A-Grade, Miscellaneus, shoulshots and some epics QI.

    SA Crystal until 12 Stage have been added into Groceries from Luxury.


    New Items


    • The Holy Pomander items have been added..


    Changes on Existing Items


    • The weight of Spirit Ore has been reduced to 0.

    • Now you can purchase soulshots and blessed spiritshots D and C grade from Grocery Shops.

    • Giant's Codex is a stackable item now.


    Quest Changes


    Several Quest has been changed to increase their drop a-beep-t. This is the list:

    • Alliance with Ketra Orcs- Item a-beep-t increased from 1 to 5.

    • Alliance with Varka Silenos- Item a-beep-t increased from 1 to 5.

    • War with Ketra Orcs- Item a-beep-t increased from 1 to 5.

    • War with Varka Silenos- Item a-beep-t increased from 1 to 5.

    • The Finest Ingredient- Item a-beep-t increased from 1 to 5.

    • Relics of the Old Empire- Item a-beep-t increased from 1 to 5.

    • Gather into the Flames- Item a-beep-t increased from 1 to 5.

    • Third Class Change Quests- Increased a-beep-t of Hallisha Marks from 1 to 5.

    • Supplier of Reagents- Item a-beep-t increased from 1 to 5.

    • Legacy of Insolence- Item a-beep-t increased from 1 to 5.



    Olympiads Changes


    •Hero Weapons have been enhanced:

    Basic stats, such as P. Atk. and M. Atk. have increased.

    PvP extra damage is increased.

    A very strong holy attack power has been added on all Hero weapons.


    • The cost for Giant's Codex is now 550 Olympiad tokens (was 5,500 Olympiad tokens).

    • The a-beep-t of Fame points required to buy Forgotten Scrolls has been reduced to 52,000 Olympiad tokens + 1,950 Fame points + 12,000,000 Adena (was 52,000 Olympiad tokens + 26,000 Fame points + 12,000,000 Adena).




    Sieges and Territory Wars


    • Sieges take place every 2 weeks on Sunday.

    • You can now purchase all the kind of Giant Codex from Territory Managers with badges.




    • Buffers in towns with basic buffs to lvl up.

    • Free First, Second and Third Class changes.

    • Noblesse and Subquest retail like, but the respawn of the bosses have been critically lowered.







    *Sorry for the double post but now there is more complete information about the server.


  2. Continue lying. the only thing that you are getting is yo bump my post.


    I modded final scripts to fit epilogue changes, I didnt moded l2server to parse Freya Scripts or support Freya parameters for skills or skill effects, I didnt modded l2server to parse Ai from Freya, I dont need it to that purpouse, I understand that you are working hard to make your Full Freya OFF, thats not the same, so stop to confuse ppl, at the end they gonna log in, and they gonna find that Crush of Doom have critical chance, or gladi Skills critic more than on final, they will be able to enchant traps,etc.. and this is what matter.


    If you are a c++ freak, and you have a lot of knowledge I respect it,is good, ppl need to know but stop to be a Kid.

  3. i was an AdvExt64 customer some time ago, I used their compiler, and i used all their features, but we went a bit advanced into the script edition when they stopped since they are stopped into a very good gracia final but dont release epilogue content.

    Im not AdvExt64 customer anymore since some months ago, not becasue i dislike it, just by personal decision.



    For Skill crit chances..for example..lets put crush of doom skill which was updated:


    Gracia Final Source:

    skill_begin skill_name = [s_crush_of_doom16] effect = {{i_p_attack;7635;0;1}}


    Gracia Epilogue Source:

    skill_begin skill_name = [s_crush_of_doom16]  effect = {{i_p_attack;7635;20;1}


    btw that is a very minimal change, why you are even asking for?

  4. I think I dont have to repeat my self....but I will make it one more time....since you seems not to be able even to read, THINGS THAT WE HAVE 100% WORKING,(means 100% with Htmls, Ais, Stats, Drops,and everything are).


    -Every -beep-ing new zones with geodata, that include:

      GiantsCave with pathnodes, part 1 and part 3, all the quests working, all the raid working, all new drop working, everybmo with his new AI, scouts, gamlins, etc..ofc his stats and drops (since they are completlly new mobs).

      Den of Evil, with his penalty areas, eyes of kasha, all the quest, all the drops all the new mobs with their AI acting like they must, pahtnodes and geodatas.

      Mitril Mines, All the quest, lucien altar, S80 ones, every quest added. zone with geodata and mobs with his stats Ai, and drops.

      Stakato Nest, every mob is working with their Ai and their stats, all the quest updated, you can also go to the cannibal stakato leaders and Ai is working like they must, you will get your cocoons,etc..

      Field of Whisper and Silence, EVERY QUEST working, mobs with their Ai,stats and drops, you can to select to kill on silence or into whisper, zones, and mbos calling anothers, mutants,etc..WORKING.

    FOG and PI updated to epilogue Stats.

      Delusion Chamber, Every delusion chamber working with geodatas and pathnodes., AI, Aenkinel and everything.

      Seven Sign quests working, even the instanced one,(which AdvExt64 doesnt have working for example).


    Ofc every quest like audience with the grand dragon or baium one have been fixed to fit epilogue, since mobs are not the same anymore.


    Zaken raid Instanced and working,


    Skills critical proabbility UPDATED.

    New Skills Enchant Routes added, now all the traps are enchanteables (that measn the new npcs and their Ais have been added aswel and tested).

    New Items and Talisman added and working, Buff cancel talisman etc.

    Merchant lists for TWs updated.


    All the new raidBosses added with epilogue, with Ai and droplist.

    New Sa chances for crystal lvl up.

    New Third Class Pomanders rewards, you will eb able to learn skills from another class if you are healer from your Npc, (not working in a different skilladquire, but still working).


    And now tell me that it was only copy-paste, or explain me why not everybody is implementing it.


    Since you seems so curious I will to explain how we did all that "copy and paste stuff"...

    1.We added first the geodatas and generated all the pathnodes with software (you should know which ones).

    2.We added then the npcdata, fixing the not needed data, and adding also all the skills-info from the npcs into skilldata, testing that and checing that where working (you know there are things not parsing and you have to edit them).

    3.We decompiled Freya AI.obj, edited the variables not supported with GF AI, but keeping his funtionality, then, we recompiled it with a GF version and added into our AI.

    4.Same for every Npc involved into a quest and added questdata.

    5.We used Freya html with a few fixes for certain quests.

    6.We added the multisell for S80 quests that were not into Freya scripts.

    etc...etc...etc...etc... you know, just copy and paste, you can do it in 3 minutes.

    Please dont make me repeat that again and again, just ask for features that there wasnt added into that list (prolly im missing something), and stop to shit-talking.

  5. You can offer everything from Epilogue, except 3 things:

    Mail syste, Skill Enchant GUI ( you can still enchant the same epilgoue skills from the normal Npcs, new skill enchant tourtes have been added) and SkillTransfer skilladquire (you can also to learn your skills for healers using pomanders in another way).


    And now, explain me, why except these 3 singles things you cant offer the remaining epilogue content.

  6. Its not about the funtions, is about the variables which are in almost every new Npc. iquest..etc..

    You maded your L2Npc parse Freya Ai, welldone, your server gonna be prolly great, Im not going to aspirate to the best servers of the years awards, I just added a server for players to play, with a list of features that are working.

    Its not about who has the big balls, who is most intelligent, who is the best programmer or which one is the best server, we are promising a features, they are in, you want to play? is easy.

    So stop that conversation, Im not even interested in it, Im only interested about players suggestion with the servers features, not about if you are better driver than me or your car is faster than mine.


  7. A.Yes everyone can copy paste, and change the few extra params from Freya.

    It's not hard. It's basic mass data control.

    RegEx 101.


    B. You claim you have your own extender, but you don't.

    You claim your full epilogue, but your not your infact Gracia Final with addins where possible with pure script.


    ...and how do you plead?


    You can't show 1 piece of code to change 1 single thing, yet claim you can do it all yourself.





    Try to make that copy paste deleting the extra parameters with the AI, which is controlling absolutlly every quest, every reward and every behaviour of all the new npcs, and its totally different from GF one, more variables, more handlers,etc..you must to adapt it "at hand" npc by npc, decompiling and re-compiling, and not everybody have that patiente.

    If is so easy like you claim why there are not Epilogue servers 90% full like Interlude or C5 on their days?


    As I said we have our own extender and I keep saying it, it more like a very little dll to fix the known bugs(res bug, Sod and dances exploit) and change protocol, thats all, its not bug-free ofc, and its not so advanced like AdvExt or vangarth, would be easier and better for us to purchase one of that and use our scripts (where we did almost all the work) but that means 5 or 6 months of dedicated when we can just to spend a little more work.


    So stop to be so lame and wait for BETA for critics.


    BTW-Vorpal And Elegia were removed from the list.

  8. So, why won't you just shut us up, and show some code?


    A. Resurrection bug fix.

    B. Augmentation stat bonus stacking bug.

    C. Olympiad Points bug.

    D. Instance zone bug?

    E. Fishing Dupe bug?


    Show you've done something.


    Your just avoiding like a little bitch.

    Cause we are right.


    You copy pasted data, your not really epilogue.

    Data that is FREYA, not actually epilogue.


    But calling yourself freya would be to hypocritical wouldn't it?



    So your responce to our arguments is, not doing anything and sticking your head in the sand?

    Instead of proving what your claim with cold hard data?


    Your the problem with l2off today, you specificly.

    Players please wise up.

    Demand more...



    Becasue everybody know that you can copy-paste scripts from Freya into gracia Final and server will work with it. Specially the AI, and all the missing multisells for Epilogue.etc..


    We can also say then that every Interlude scripts are not Interlude, are c4 custom since there is not leak for Interlude files....I think Info from Freya to Epilogue for the new zones is closer than from c4 to Interlude, but seems that you like to fight. Me not, I prefer to focus into get my server ready and decent. you can continue your discussion if you like.


    About Vorpal or Elegia,  are under discussion, was a custom proposition because the short end-game with that rates, but everything is under discussion, server is not for us, so players are going to decide.

  9. SirRoyal, you don't seem to get it, this server doesn't need to be open for anyone with a brain to know that this guy is lying about everything in his first post, it's not gracia epilogue, it's gracia final system folder on a gracia epilogue client, none of the features present in gracia epilogue will be in this server, that includes the mail system, the skill enchant system, the addition of criticals to certain skills.


    They are not using their own extender they are either using advext or vanganth's extender and claiming it to be their own, that is clearly evident by the fact they are using a revision 87 system folder (gracia final) and not an epilogue one, if they had their own extender then their developer would of fixed the 5 packets which have changed from gf->epilogue instead of halfass gimping it and trying to pass it off as the real deal.


    The best part is this idiot doesn't actually realise that to modify the GF server from revision 83 (which the base files are) to revision 87 requires quite a few network changes because of the addition of packets halfway up the Ex handler table plus the addition of extra data in a few other packets, if they had a developer that was capable of making those changes he would of also made the very few packet updates to make the server really epilogue and able to use the epilogue system.


    This server is fake, it's like putting an interlude system folder into a hellbound client and saying it's hellbound without the kamael race there.


    And Btw, instead to call me idiot free, you should to think a bit more, we both know that you can connect with protocol 87 using even Freya client if you edit your Dat files to take the correct information, you cannot use epilogue packets but to implement the things that I posted before, you dont need absolutly any change into the packets, you can implement that easy into a GF PTS, have been done before and you know is possible, and I will show you soon.

  10. I dont understand yet why ppl cry a lot, where I said We have a faboulous extender where everything works? quote it.


    All that that post promise is a Gracia Epilogue Server almost full on features, with no mail system, and skill transfer skilladquire is not supported,ok..but there is another ways to implement it, and in the end its the same, and its like it suppose to be, get teh features working and generate a good enviroment for players to play, we'r not trying to make "the perfect extender and the perfect GF+ server of the year" and we are not promising that.


    The things that we are promising are:

    1. Full Gracia Epilogue Zones: GC 1 and 2, Den of Evil, Mitril Mines, Stakato Nest, Field of Masacre and Whisper, everything with Epilogue quest, mobs and his AIs working like they must.

    2. Full Gracia Epilogue Items, including all the new talisman with their skill-effects.

    3-Epilogue TW rewards and Shops.

    4.Epilogue Skill enchating, that means all the new routes added with Epilogue, yes, traps etc.. (npcs for traps and skills added also with their AIs and everything tested and working).

    5.Epilogue RaidBosses, GC ones with quest and all the new ones RaidBosses.

    6.Epilogue Zaken Instance, with his Ais and his rewards, everything instanced and working propertly.

    7.Skill critical chances updates, lot of skills crit chances were increased with epilogue, most like gladi or tyrant ones, everything have been propertly updated.

    8.Skill transfer system, (not retail like! becasue as you know Skilladquire for skill transfer is not supported but at the end, will be working the same way..when you finish your third class you get holy pomander, (if you are SE you receive 4) and you can to trade it for Skills into the npc), a bit more confused but IN THE END IS THE SAME.

    9. SA crystal Chances updated.

    10. Delusion chamber working propertly, with his AIs, Aenkinel at the end, room changes, etc..

    11. And yes, everything will be into a Epilogue Client using Gracia Final Protocol, and you know that that is possible for all the features I posted.

    And no, we are not using AdvEtx64 or Vangrath that would be prolly better way with a lot of features and easy to keep..but...we prefer to fix the known bugs into our little own extender, without to add all that great features that they offer for another kind of servers.


    Im prolly missing some features, but feel free to ask me.


    And now a personal opinion:

    I dont understand why you loose your time trash-posting servers, THAT is what we are offering, we are not perfect, we are not perfect developers.,etc..But we are not lying, you want to play into a server like this go ahead, but if you dont like go to another ones, there are good ones, Freya Low Off incoming with better development, but is totally different IDEA.

    L2 development Community seems to be forgotten that at the end, the goal of make a server is to create a funny enviroment for players to spend his time, and they keep all the time trash-posting about another Plug and Play servers or how good or bad developers are, you guys are wrong, that its not the finally, I saw lot of BAD servers be better than perfect ones and success, remember that.


  11. Everything is working and updated with the only exception of the mail system, and you will be able to see it.

    Yes Quest are working, every quest, S80 ones, all the new zones, all the new raids,Instaced zaken is working also, Skill enchant have been updated, Skill crit chances have been updated Ai have been converted from Freya leaked sources , more ppl did that in the past. Is done and tested.

    Its not so intelligent to judge without even to know nothing about our project.


    About the client, we found that was easier use epilogue client with a system modded to work with 87 protocol instead to change packets information. So client will be using some files from gracia final, but every dat have been converted to support every mob, every quest name, every strhing, every skill and every item.



    P.d. Its not a big deal to atract players if they dont gonna stay and they gonna leave the first day. Server would have what we promise , and we are not going to promise more than server will have.

    No, there will not be mail system, but I think that today, there is not any Epilogue OFF server more complete than us.

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