Clan Name: HellsAngels
Clan Leader: Hank
Clan Level: 0, server not live yet(March 2nd 2012)
Clan skills: None, server not live yet(March 2nd 2012), but its first priority
Number of Members: 23 core members, recruiting some more to fill CP's
Most Active Days/Times: Evenings GMT 0 , and weekends 24/7
Primary Language: English
Clan Communication: Ventrilo
Clan Spirit: We're small clan, our aim is to dominate and have fun doing it together and enjoy Aria! We are a helpful bunch, very friendly and try to make new people feel like they belong here, a few core members are ex-official players that played L2 on and off and on privates since the prelude.
Clan Activity Focus: PvP/Sieges/Raiding/Normal Farm, thats what l2 is about.
Clan Website/Forums: SOON
Any Recruitment Requirements?: Currently only recruiting supports, tanks and daggers
PM ME HERE ON PMFUN or ON "Hank" for an interview via pm or Vent
Cya on Lineage 2 Aria, March 2nd!