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About avaric3

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  1. yes, I see :D 19 online :D
  2. do you have some time for me? :)
  3. ok, thx a lot, do you have ICQ or any better comunicator? Or we can use private message
  4. I tried this pack and all is working but when I try connect from another PC dont working...I put account and password, click OK and I see Bartz light and 17 ping then I chose it and nothing happend :( my LAN ip: so I write in all *.ini and in lin2db to server: 1 l2server 0 1 0 7777 1 too
  5. whitch pack is better?
  6. thx a lot :) and whats about this ? http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BHMH1HV5
  7. But now I try many things and I write account and password and click OK, then I see server Bartz, light and ping 17 but when I chose server and click ok, nothing happend :( but no disconnect
  8. Windows 2003 R2 64bit MSSQL 2000 Enterprise edition and I have this files: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=210342.0 becouse I think its the best PTS on this forum for free or not? :)
  9. I made my server C6 PTS and when I try to connect from another PC, I recieve disconnect when I chose server Bartz (light and 17ping) Help me pls. Sorry for my english
  10. Thanks a lot! make OOG plox :)
  11. How I can encrypt file in data folders for adding custom NPC on Server?
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