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About WeedZ

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Great service, used on several different servers always great. big vouch +++
  2. bump 5$ per 100kk
  3. 1,6kkk stock
  4. 1.3kkk in stock 6$ / 100kk
  5. Moirai Jewlery set +33333 +4 Striped Mithril Shirt [CP] Arcana Mace [Acu] IC Set +33333 750+att Vesper Caster 150 Fire Forgotten Blade Health 150 Dark Vesper Robe set +33333 900att Noble Vesper Heavy set +33333 900att Dynasty Duals +4 150 Wind 2x Vorpal Jewlery set +33333 Moirai Heavy Set +33333 900att And loads of random stuff as well, 1.1kkk adena in stock
  6. up, selling it cheap
  7. As title says, selling a lvl 85 Yul archer with lvl 56 subclass, full Immortal set focus bow and some enchanted immortal jewlerys ToI ring, halfway lvled but have the sub to finish it. Also there is a bunch of vitality pots and XP runes on the char. Done parts of the Zaken cloak quest. Send a msg on here or add me on skype YummiYumiYuu for more information! Verified paypal user!
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