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About scotty

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  1. selling 4,5 million adena for 50 euro pm me here if you are intrested
  2. quitting the game, I wanna sell my 33 cleric, it's a female, decent name, items: moon robe set/elven jewelry (worth 500k) pm me here with your offer if you are intrested I will sell it cheap
  3. price lowered to 20$
  4. price is 20$
  5. Hi I'm selling my char on the free classic server, it's a level 35 tank with good name 0 pk, it has D grade items. The items + adena in inventory worth about 1,6 million adena. If you don't want the char, I can sell the adena/items alone. Pm me your offer if you are intrested.
  6. hi, cant pm you, please me the price for 20kk
  7. fuck it, selling everything, 2 char + adena for 40 euro
  8. bump, 100 euro for all
  9. both in a grade items, sub quest is done on GH and almost done on DC, both has premium acc for 2 more weeks I ask for 50 euro/acc DC + GH + 150m adena = 120 euro
  10. bump new price: 50 euro/acc 120 euro for the full pack (DC + GH + 150m adena)
  11. up edit: GH is now 83, DC needs 10% for 83
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