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About johhnywannabe

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  1. Hello , i WTS Hierophant lvl 80 - no subs. Premium until 6.04 Items : DC robe set +3334 MJ HV set +3336 TTS jewels set +33333 SOM Acu +3 - ACTIVE HURRICANE AM ACU +3 [ 150 DARK ] - ACTIVE DRAIN IIMPERIAL STAFF +3 [ 150 HOLY] - ACTIVE SOLAR FLARE VIP lvl 4 Cloak Perma auto loot bracelet Arcana Sigil +1 Skills : Mana Drain +12 Hold + 12 Robe Mastery + 12 HV armor mastery +6 Anti Magic + 12 Wisdom +2 PRICE : 100 Euro + MM PRICE : 79 EURO 60 EURO PayPal We can do middleman
  2. WTB any working bot for E-global masterwork
  3. hello , quitting server and selling out all stuff. Got like 700k to sell. Discord : MJRniko#4438
  4. As tittle says , im leaving server and willing to sell dagger character with all items together.Most of donation shop items are end game. - BW light set +10 - Kris +3 , othell rune +13 , Passive : Might - Augumented Lance - active PVP might - Elmod. Cloak - Legendary - Fire Dragon Belt - Fire dragon Pendant lvl 3 + 8 - Agumented Wizard Hat < WIT/CON > +10 - Bracelet Of Duty lvl5 - ADEN + 6 , Authority +5 - Aghaton Brace lvl 5 - Leo + 6, elizabeth +5 - Brooch lvl 5 - 3/4 lvl jewels PRICE : 45 Euro 35EURO 29EURO PayPal only , contact me here or discord MJRniko#4438
  5. Hello , im selling account with Bishop 81 LVL ; IM NOT SELLING ANY EQ alone - JUST WHOLE ACCONT AS A PACK Augumented Demon's Staff WITH FEOH 10 LVL SUPER RUNE - 200 DP - 17 EURO Elmoreden Cloak - 200 DP - 17 Euro Earth Dragon Belt - 200 DP - 17 Euro Water Dragon Pendant lvl 3 +8 - 120DP - 10 Euro Dark Crystal Robe Full set - around 110 DP - 10 Euro Refined Wizard Hat +10 ( +1 WIT / +1 DEX) - 250-300 DP - 20-25 Euro Ignis's Old Necklace lvl 3 Brooch lvl 5 ( jade 3 , vital 2 , ruby 2 , garnet 4 , sapphire 3 , diamond 2 ) Bracelet of duty lvl 4 - 300 DP - 20-25 Euro Talisman of authority lvl 5 - 250 DP - 17-20 Euro 500 millions Adena 50 DPs I want 85 Euro for all. I accept any of middleman services etc. Trade via PayPal.
  6. Hello , i want to sell PACK ---> Adventurer [79] + Doomcryer [78] + Blade dancer [77] ITEMS : GREAT WOLF 80 lvl + TOP EQ around 600kk Adena on accounts sh*t load of mats and full drops in WH - around 300kk Adena pm me here or skype : sdacs@hotmail.com price = 50 Euro for all
  7. Price 69 Euro! Hello , wts bishop on Eu classic server naked. 57 lvl and 30 % 80 days of sub. 69 euro skype : sdacs@hotmail.com Also WTS avadon robe set and iss rune lvl 6 via PayPal EDIT : price lowered . EDIT 1.02 : price again lowered !
  8. Hello , as tittle says. can be naked/geared leave pms
  9. till 26.12.2016 EU version. pm me
  10. as tille says. pm me here with skype
  11. as tittle says price is 40$ 2 days of sub left . skype : sdacs@hotmail.com
  12. - most skills + 10 - Ruby 3lvl, Opal 3lvl, Diament lvl3, Pearl lvl 3 - nobless - +7 shirt (Wrath lvl2 and celestial) - aghaton madcaw ( 30 sec rapso) - Dye +15 dex - Talisman helfire - exalted tiara Duall class Yul 99 lvl 40 %, 9 AP most skills +10 dye +15 str skype yokki4u or PM here 120 euro
  13. hi, Wtb ghost hunter on official Core server . naked/geared pm me price and spec. skype : yokki4u
  14. price for it ? added u on skype . acc
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