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Everything posted by degenerationX

  1. search for a dictionary of english? no eh
  2. where is the funn if someone really interessed to see some new exploit can see em cause u need 100 or 200 posts? wtf is this, let all see is Just a forum of a game, not a real life -.-
  3. Damn nitrox systems-.-
  4. facking hidennnnnnnnnnnnnn Edit : The Original Quote of first page Has Been Removed.
  5. Donators aren't overpowered, i saw donators die vs nn donators, and you can craft vendetta/epic armor and by killing raid bosses you can gain epic weapons and cloacks. I always answer players when they ask something and i always gived 1kk. On epic challange mob are hard but on other place are easy and u can gain adena easy, SA weps s is easy so is a balanced server, i play here and i like it. Just for rememeber, L2vendetta developers maked epic weapons and armos ;D a screen of ingame style:
  6. 800 on per days, gm near always on(sometimes more than 1gm on), not overpowered donator, i saw nn donators kill donators ;D, olympiads work etc etc and new custom glows for epic weapons:http://www.elderberry-transmission.net/lineage2/zeusmace.JPG http://www.elderberry-transmission.net/lineage2/thorhammer-old.JPG, Maxt0r play here too he is in my ally and hero ;D
  7. eheh New place is borned by the fusion of TheLordOfTheRing and LineageII, Gondor and Minas Tirith are a place of hunting zone on l2 vendetta now ;D http://www.l2-vendetta.com/wiki/index.php?title=Project_Gondor
  8. I reccomand this server is just spectacular, i play here and it's very good, good exp/balanced class(not overpowered) gm always on, non corruption and Pyro+StormRage are the best developer i've never seen, they added new summon for summoners see them here :D:http://www.l2zion.com/summons.jpg, just come to see how mutch good it is^^
  9. Umm, give me the post where that is? I rarely lock topics, at most I move them if they're in the wrong section or in ezreals case (i think, cant check) that wanted his post deleted. Also, i do actually help people. I help people that have genuine questions or problems, not 'MI NED DRAGUN SURVUR HAX!' or 'HELP HLPAEX NO WORK!'. Even if i wasn't a mod here, he still would have and i even attempted to unban him because he was annoying the hell outta maxtor but worrom wiped the accounts. What'd think i did before? I banned OVER 8000 accounts by hand, i spent 2 hours going thru logs EVERY DAY. To time consuming. Each GM would have to get a picture for proof, send it to me which would take a few mins considering im on dialup, check the IP, goto another place, find the acc and then goto another to ban the acc then goto another to ban the IP. All in all, thats 30 minutes for each person. You mean the one that stole our name, tried to copy everything and even claims they're the real GvE? hah. I already know they wont last long without donations. There is typically only 2 or 3 people in their irc. Security the bot, Amby the poser (Maybe trying to pose as Ambrosia from GvE who we always called Amby?... hmm..) and d3v1l. Now, since i only speak english and i dont want to bother asking one of my greek friends to translate, please keep it english else ill request a lock. The greece IP range will stay banned probably until GvE goes down even if there is a petition with over 5k people in it. I play GVE is very cool but isn't only"GR" who got childish problem, Players Like LastHope who zerg and start offend all your family/parents/you isn't a pro dude so try to bann them ingame with hide mode because we are bored of this dumbasses~ p.s. Give me some adena in game XD i just got 40 :(
  10. Read your pm Eko and say to me if u accept^^
  11. Poor mouse go buy another pet XD
  12. Btw i'm trying to find new Bugs on GVE ;D
  13. MaxBastards ~ The Title sayd all xa0xa0x0a0x0axaxxaoxoaoxa
  14. i'll explai maybe racism?:D or maybe he know we can cheat on GVE?
  15. http://www.divshare.com/download/716328-ab1 ITA: Ti Adoro grazie ;D Eng: I love you ty ;D
  16. L2revenge Banned italy from forum spam or something like that >.< bastards
  17. Lol l2 revenge got 10000+ so ;D
  18. Can someone upload his/her lineage 2 interlude system not modified? pls:) i need it or host file method doesn't work ^^ ty.
  19. All max dettail: 1024x768, 72Ghz, shadows,gpu(on) and others on interlude i mean.
  20. My deepest sympathies too...this was a very bad week.........
  21. you'll get all skill of the classes you have added, but only of 2class you gain 3rd job skills, you'll get the 3rd job skills only on the 1st class and the final class you choised.
  22. old and your english is very badd ;D
  23. what about make a password cracker for l2 like john the ripper password cracker :http://www.openwall.com/john/
  24. You dont write over here ;) What l2 c5 or interlude? And what graphic level? med? interlude and look all statistic: Asus A8N32-SLI Deluxe 939 nForce4 CoolPipe, 4SATA, dual raid, True Dual X16 PCI-Express SLI, Dual Gigabit LAN cpu: Intel Pentium 4 video: Asus Nvidia G70 Dual GF7800GTX 512mb 2HDTV PCI Express Ram: Corsair Xms twin 4GB (2x 2GB) 2hard Disk: Hitachi deskstar 1 terabyte(2x 500GB) SATA2 16MB DVD burner: Nec ND4550 DVD+/- RW 16x Duak Kayer 8x Ram 5x Floppy: disk Drive 1.44mb Media Card Flash 13:1 Software Windows XP 2002 Service Pack 2
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