Umm, give me the post where that is? I rarely lock topics, at most I move them if they're in the wrong section or in ezreals case (i think, cant check) that wanted his post deleted. Also, i do actually help people. I help people that have genuine questions or problems, not 'MI NED DRAGUN SURVUR HAX!' or 'HELP HLPAEX NO WORK!'.
Even if i wasn't a mod here, he still would have and i even attempted to unban him because he was annoying the hell outta maxtor but worrom wiped the accounts.
What'd think i did before? I banned OVER 8000 accounts by hand, i spent 2 hours going thru logs EVERY DAY.
To time consuming. Each GM would have to get a picture for proof, send it to me which would take a few mins considering im on dialup, check the IP, goto another place, find the acc and then goto another to ban the acc then goto another to ban the IP. All in all, thats 30 minutes for each person.
You mean the one that stole our name, tried to copy everything and even claims they're the real GvE? hah. I already know they wont last long without donations. There is typically only 2 or 3 people in their irc. Security the bot, Amby the poser (Maybe trying to pose as Ambrosia from GvE who we always called Amby?... hmm..) and d3v1l.
Now, since i only speak english and i dont want to bother asking one of my greek friends to translate, please keep it english else ill request a lock.
The greece IP range will stay banned probably until GvE goes down even if there is a petition with over 5k people in it.
I play GVE is very cool but isn't only"GR" who got childish problem, Players Like LastHope who zerg and start offend all your family/parents/you isn't a pro dude so try to bann them ingame with hide mode because we are bored of this dumbasses~
p.s. Give me some adena in game XD i just got 40 :(