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Everything posted by L2-Zur

  1. If you follow the video properly and do everything correctly it should work. Havent seen a case where it hasnt worked yet. Sounds like your color maps are wrong, remake them according to the tutorial and it should work. The keyboard has to be set to english in the bot and in the game and it will work.
  2. This will happen if the bot can get a target, but can not engage it, and this repeats 4 times. For example, if you have melee only attacks and you cant get to the target. Or if you have magic attacks and all targets nearby are not reachable. Simply, if you can get a target 4 times, but cant do any damage, stuck detection gets engaged for security reasons. Watch tutorial video 3. It explains what to do when the bot cant find your client in default settings.
  3. You color-maps are badly configured. Rewatch the tutorial and reconfigure the color-maps properly, and it will all work.
  4. I can safely say that it worked on Innova about half a year ago. Unless they did some major changes, it will still work. You are very probably not configuring it right. This is most probably due to badly configured color maps. Re-watch the tutorial video and reconfigure your colormaps. You have to have BOTH the game client and the bot set to the English keyboard. Then it will work.
  5. For some reason I stopped getting email notifications for replies to this thread. Im sorry for not responding guys. I will go through most important stuff here: There was a problem server-side, which caused a problem client-side. This bot is free, but running the update servers and other stuff is not, so sometimes there is problems, since I have to use cheap, unreliable hosting services. The best way to avoid this in the future is donating. Just like it sais, you need to configure a self-target macro. Please watch the tutorial video on buffs. The bot will only work on x64 systems. Nope, this bot is for mobbing only.
  6. Check if Heartbeat.exe is located in the Resources folder. If so, make sure none of the bot files are being blocked by your anti-virus or firewall.
  7. Heal problems you are having are due to bad Color-Maps. So re-creating your color-maps in the bot is what you need to do. The bot takes pure colors from the windows screen buffer, so it doesnt matter what monitor calibration or color-enhancement you use. I would reccomend you re-watch the tutorial video and go over your config and color-maps again, that will fix the heal issues. It works for everyone else. About stuck: with any bot in any game, botting is always about location, location, location. Short for lvls 86-94, there is always an alternate location you can use that is pretty good for botting. Noone complained because of stuck issues yet, so you need to find a spot that works for you. The go to town is something I would like to implement myself, but its not easy, I might put some efford into it in the future, no promises tho. Range limits - impossible with this bot, because of the way this bot works, discussed before.
  8. 1) It is a pixel bot, but it is far from simple. 2) This is not meant to be as effective as walker. However, this is infinatelly more secure.
  9. Yeah, im looking into it. I havent had much time the past few days, but I'll get to it as soon as I can.
  10. Pot spamming is not going to happen. Implementing it to work with the current bot mechanics would require quite a bit of work. It would be ineffective, and foremost, you dont need it with a bot like this. Not to mention noone has requested it yet except you.
  11. Yeah, that sounds like protection indeed. What server are you playing on? I know the bot works with GameGuard, Kasha, Frost, WS protections.
  12. Does it close right away or after running for a few minutes? Do both the bot and L2 close, or just L2?
  13. Your L2 client closes when you start the bot? Also, you cant get the device context error using the compatibility mode, since the compatibility mode doesnt use device context. Please let me know what you get when switched to compatibility mode.
  14. And you got this value by running the bot and measuring with precise timer DLLs injected into my exe I take it? Oh right, no you didnt. Thanks for a free bump! Anyway, to get some actual data posted in here: On my PC the pixel detection for checking if a mob is targeted is ~1.28ms with Improved Mode and ~23ms with Compatibility mode.
  15. Actually, it runs for 8+ hours straight if you set it up correctly. But thanks for your useless post anyway.
  16. Read the FAQ, this is covered. The bot doesnt send Shift+7, it sends a direct keystroke to the L2 window handle, but keyboard settings do come info effect.
  17. np! also, New version out: Added an After-Combat ability, that is executed after killing a target. Usefull for spoil/sweep combo for example.
  18. In the FAQ the question whether it works with multiple L2 clients is answered. You can run as many clients and as many instances of the bot on a single PC as you like. Configure the buffs for your buffer, and as self-target macro, make a macro that targets your main instad of your buffer. It can do what you want it to do on a single PC without a problem, with both windows running in the background even.
  19. No, the error you are receiving has nothing to do with any timers. There is a new version out now that allows you to choose which pixel capture method to use. Use the "Pixel Capture" tab in the configuration to change the modes. Please let me know if everything works using the "Compatibility Mode"
  20. Try running the bot multiple times, and see if the error occurs at the same time on every try. I will make a switch for the picture capture techniques in a patch today. But running Win 7 64bit SP1 here, everything works fine on a 4-hour run.
  21. I've had a few reports of these errors after the latest update, which introduced a new DLL for pixel capture in order to enable full background mode functionality. What OS and what Service Pack are you running? I will look more into this tommorow, and make a GUI switch to switch between old and new pixel capture methods.
  22. No estimates on 32bit support, from what I've been testing so far, it is far away. Currently, every dll the bot uses is native 64bit and sadly its not as simple as compiling it all in 32bit. Also, there is an issue of time and priorities. I've spent over 100 development hours on this bot already. It is free, so I can not keep putting insane hours into it constantly. I work on it when I can, so sorry, but I cant give any solid estimates on 32bit support.
  23. New version released today. Background mode is now fully supported without any limitations. The only requirement is that the game client window is not minimized. If someone can check if this works on Vista I would be thankful, since I tested on Win 7 only.
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