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  1. BUMP! For trusted guys i can send template first! Send your offer
  2. No, It's like buying a car and reselling it... XDrac and Evo have nothing against, especially as the template from the Evo is very changed.
  3. I bought these templates from xDrac and from Evo. With the purchase I got the right to sell these templates. In addition, I did some work in to change the template from the Evo. For what this comment? It bothers, that I bought and wants to resell templates because I no longer be needed?
  4. I have no intention to deceive anyone, I've already written a couple of proofs. someone wants more - PM. Do not you trust me? Fuck it, I will advise nothing on it. And dont spam my topic more. I'm waiting for serious offers! :)
  5. I'm waiting for serious offers ;/ For sure I can put auctions on eBay, the designers who I bought the templates will ensure that I am fully trusted person ... P.S. L2RW Project developer here, not scammer, this is end of us adventure with l2 developing, so i just want sell what was left of the project.( https://www.l2rw.com and https://www.facebook.com/L2OnceAgain)
  6. Hi! I have for sale a template for SMF forum, and a template for the l2 website. Templates were made by the featured in this forum designers. Templates have been edited by me. I sell original versions along with the edited. For l2 website template is PSD file. In eddited l2website template is nice slider(4 pictures with nice slide effect), facebook like. L2 website templste is in html file AND IN STRESSWEB TEMPLATE! I have also votereward script. SMF forum template preview: http://i48.tinypic.com/bfqdqx.png[/img] L2 Website template preview: http://i46.tinypic.com/2wmjjog.png[/img] If you are interested, send a PM with your offer. Templates sells only once! PW on forum or on skype: malinek66
  7. We still waiting for response about fixes to actual issues...
  8. Yea, but he should respond to my emails. Also partly my fault, but he also wasted my time. So, I still wants buy antibot!
  9. BUMP! (Lost time by DarthVader...) The price of a new lameguard license is too high, so I wants to buy a license from someone who has ceased to use it. I will consider every offer, because I needs it now!
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