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L2Goal Server

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Everything posted by L2Goal Server

  1. I apologize that I cannot post the link of my topic but I have some problems with my pc so in posting from my phone and I cannot c/p links. Wanna report SunBeam who is spamming all time in my topic "l2goal server... " in previews of l2servers that coming.i told him to stop but nothing.Please do smt. Ty in advance and soz for the non posting link.
  2. If o2 is a waste of money why did u request me for nexus engine via pm?.i told ya stop spamming. Reported .
  3. At least guys stop spamming my topic Regards
  4. you are more than welcome my friend.Please if you want to help us more take the banner we added at the frist post and put it as your main tag. We appreciate for eveything that L2Goal users do for us. Stay tuned www.l2goal.com
  5. BUMP we added a banner that when u click it is browses you to our website.Please this banner and put it as your tag in every forum,you might be or even in your facebook page. For more info check the first post. Stay tuned www.l2goal.com *NOTE:Remember that server is opening as beta on 10th February 20.00 GMT +1
  6. We are glad to announce you that our server will be opened in BETA MODE at 10th of February 20.00 GMT +1. Server will stay on Beta mode for 7-10 days max and then depends on how the things will be we may set the server down for 1-2 days in order to fix some things that we might missed and you will have reported. Our team would like to ask you ,if you find something to report this to us fast in order to fix it.At these days we might do many restarts cause of the fixes that's why we are opening as beta. Moreover I would to request not to start bitching or crying about server if you find smt.Beta is Beta.You will report this and we will fix it.If you find smt. Ofc beta testers (the guys who will join us here) will be rewarded with smt on Live server.(Don't worry.it won;t affect server's balance) Stay tuned,Best are coming L2Goal staff team.
  7. First of all do not spam my topic.I do not need to know your work.And 2nd who said 2 weeks?
  8. BUMP We are like to finish about the mobs on our farming areas.For now there will be only 2 farming areas but leter,we gonna add more.Moreover we have set mobs (party mobs) that are required a full pt of fighter but they an't be killed by one tanks and 2 max 3 mages.Cuz here at L2 Goal you will farm with the class u like to play not with something u are against to. Stay tuned www.l2goal.com
  9. Yes mate,my bad i apologize.I was so hurry before that's why.I edited my post.Ty
  10. We finished with the re-working of all java codes almost. Next days we gonna make some announcements
  11. We faced a problem with the hosting company and we lost all of our files but we are keeping daily backups so we are up again.Moreover u can see that we are not working only on our game but on the site/forums too.So enjoy our fresh forum re-design here Stay tuned www.l2goal.com EDIT:IF u have problems according to th new forum style just hit f5 5 or 6 times till u see it.
  12. That's why we are existed. Best are coming
  13. Thx mate.I will be more than glad if you join our community,share your own ideas and etc.Remember that at l2Goal we are LISTENING TO people's opinions.This is not my server but YOURS. Stay tuned www.l2goal.com
  14. Hwllo Bin. Well the stats will be added today,almost server is finished,but we have toi think about it a bit more cuz the will be the top jewels. But we are not so hurry about them (i can say xD) cuz u need to farm hard in order to obtain them and for sure will not be in the donation list (which will be up after 1-2 months od the opening) Stay tuned www.l2goal.com
  15. First post edited.We added our custom l2goal epic jewels (tier 3) Check them
  16. You are more thna welcome mate. Be a member of our community and help us to get more people till the opening. -The change log has been added to our forums. Regards www.l2goal.com
  17. L2Goal Server


    And one of them is the well-known "Facebook"
  18. BUMP. -We added some more Multimedia (our Custom loading screen.Check the first post of the topic) Stay tuned on our forums. Regards www.l2goal.com
  19. Ty for your patience guys.be sure u will not be dissapointed. @MasterMind as long as u are waiting u can be part of our community.You can bring your friends too. Regards www.l2goal.com
  20. The first posted was modified.We added some Multimedia
  21. He there mate.We are glad you liked our features.We will announce it at the end of this month
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