L2StayAlive 5000x Server started on 26th November 2011.
Advantages: admin online almost all the day, and make things better. You can buy RB Jewels and BEW from shop, but need to farm for it. Scheme buffer and much much more.
Head features:
Enchant rate 3/20 on weapon with 70% chance and blessed 100%
Enchant rate armor & weapon 3/16 with 70% chance and blessed 100%
Blessed scrolls and RB jewels can be bought from special shop with Gold Knight.
Gold Knight can be obtained: from TvT, DM, CTF event, Farm zone 3, each PvP kill, RaidBosses
Because of name PvP server, not much farm need.
50 buff slots, No weight limit, 150 Inventory size, no clan penalty, LS skill chance 38%, AllInOne NPC skill enchanter, cheap one click nobles, cheap one click lv 8 clan npc with full rep., Heroes every 5 days. Raidbosses respawn 1-3 hours (there is npc to show their respawn time), farm zone 1 for LS, GS, farm 2 for adena, and much more!
I can continue the features, but its endless :P
Try it, like it, play it... otherwise leave :) Would have a try!
Website: l2stayalive.atw.hu