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Everything posted by Fiou

  1. WTS L2 cool Webpage templates + forum smf same link page! ONLY 15 EURO! PHOTO with Zoom Out: and normal size!: http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/3035/dsafdsf.jpg[/img]
  2. isos st interlude 8elei kodika.
  3. kane kati kalitero.vres to ID tou infinity weapon opio dipote kai pigene meta data/stats/items vres to xml p prepei kae search t name kai meta vres afto <item id="6613" type="Weapon" name="Infinity Axe"> <set name="icon" val="icon.weapon_the_axe_of_hero_i00" /> <set name="default_action" val="equip" /> <set name="weapon_type" val="blunt" /> <set name="bodypart" val="rhand" /> <set name="random_damage" val="20" /> <set name="attack_range" val="40" /> <set name="damage_range" val="0;0;40;120" /> <set name="immediate_effect" val="1" /> <set name="crystal_type" val="s" /> <set name="material" val="adamantaite" /> <set name="weight" val="1300" /> <set name="soulshots" val="1" /> <set name="spiritshots" val="1" /> <set name="is_tradable" val="false" /> <set name="is_dropable" val="false" /> <set name="is_destroyable" val="false" /> <set name="is_sellable" val="false" /> <set name="is_depositable" val="false" /> <set name="is_oly_restricted" val="true" /> <set name="oncrit_skill" val="3581-1" /> <set name="item_skill" val="3580-1" /> <cond msgId="1518"> <player isHero="true" /> kanto false kai eisai ok meta kane rr h //reload item h //reload items kai eisai done
  4. in freya not have this line && item.getEnchantLevel() < Config.ENCHANT_SAFE_MAX_FULL)) chance = 100; and i got error on "blessedscroll"
  5. w8 to check if works on freya.brb
  6. hello guys.i have my maximum enchant for armor +15. but when you wanna enchant with beas and eas the armor to +11 +12 +13 +14 +15 require an item...gold bar example..how can i do it?via clientpacks/requestenchantitem.java? i have l2jserver freya pack. thx
  7. 8a psa3w tespa.opios 3erete please na m pei :)
  8. nop milaw gia l2jserver freya :/ iparxoun kati enchant scrolls diaforetika apo ta kanonika S grade anevazoun sto Succuss Rate kata 10% afta bwrw na ta epe3ergasto kapos kai na ta kanw na pigenoun to enchant opos t 8elw ?
  9. hey guys iparxi kana guide pws na ftiaxneis ena diko s enchant scroll? paradigma me t normal kai blessed na pane mexri +10 maximum kai me t custom na bwris na ta pas me 100% success rate mexri +15 leme tra.
  10. mia fora na akousete enan p 3eri dn iparxi.file ante pare kana machine apo server4you.com worldstream na teleionoume kai kapios na lockari afto t gamimeno topic p m diafimizoun ke tn sovahost poutso hoster
  11. nice share.but i when i go to open the buffer panel says an error with init script...
  12. lipon opios m vrei kai m kanei install town war 'event' gia freya kai na douleui OLOSWSTA xwris na m prokalesei provlimata sto workspace/server files tou dinw 10 euro meso p.p
  13. sou eipa dn vgazei sfalma !
  14. afou ta dixnei kanonika.dn dixnei mauro 3erw go ke tetoia ....:S
  15. afto einai t multisell.l2jserver freya... <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <!-- Created with Lineage II - Multisell Manager --> <!-- © 2007 by tReXpert --> <list maintainEnchantment="true"> <!-- Rabbit Ears --> <item id="1"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="7683" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Lady's Hair Pin --> <item id="2"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="6844" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Pirate's Eye Patch --> <item id="3"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="6845" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Monocle --> <item id="4"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="6846" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Forget-me-not Hairpin --> <item id="5"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="7695" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Daisy Hairpin --> <item id="6"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="7696" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Fairy Antennae --> <item id="7"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="8189" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Outlaw's Eyepatch --> <item id="8"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="7681" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Maiden's Hairpin --> <item id="9"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="7682" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Cat Ear --> <item id="10"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="6843" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Raccoon Ears --> <item id="11"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="7680" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Santa's Hat --> <item id="12"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="7836" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Little Angel Wings --> <item id="13"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="8188" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Artisan's Goggles --> <item id="14"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="8186" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Feathered Hat --> <item id="15"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="8185" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Party Hat --> <item id="16"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="8184" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Demon Horns --> <item id="17"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="8660" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Mask of Spirits --> <item id="18"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="8661" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Demon Circlet --> <item id="19"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="8921" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Black Feather Mask (Event) --> <item id="20"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="8910" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Black Half-Mask (Event) --> <item id="21"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="8911" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Single Stem Flower --> <item id="22"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="8912" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Butterfly Hairpin --> <item id="23"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="8913" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Luxurious Gold Circlet --> <item id="24"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="8914" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Luxurious Silver Circlet --> <item id="25"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="8915" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Eye Patch --> <item id="26"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="8916" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Goddess Circlet --> <item id="27"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="8917" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Leather Cap --> <item id="28"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="8918" count="1"/> </item> <!-- First Mate's Hat --> <item id="29"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="8919" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Angel Halo --> <item id="30"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="8920" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Pirate Hat --> <item id="31"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="8922" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Santa's Antlers --> <item id="32"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="8936" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Golden Circlet of Redemption --> <item id="33"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="9158" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Party Mask --> <item id="34"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="5808" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Red Party Mask --> <item id="35"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="6394" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Diadem --> <item id="36"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="8559" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Teddy Bear Hat --> <item id="37"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="8560" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Piggy Hat --> <item id="38"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="8561" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Jester Hat --> <item id="39"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="8562" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Wizard Hat --> <item id="40"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="8563" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Dapper Cap --> <item id="41"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="8564" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Romantic Chapeau --> <item id="42"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="8565" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Iron Circlet --> <item id="43"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="8566" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Valakas Slayer Circlet --> <item id="44"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="8567" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Antharas Slayer Circlet --> <item id="45"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="8568" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Half Face Mask --> <item id="46"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="8569" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Gran Kain's Black Mask --> <item id="47"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="7839" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Bird Nest --> <item id="48"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="10240" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Purple Viking Circlet --> <item id="49"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="10241" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Panda Hat --> <item id="50"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="10243" count="1"/> </item> <!-- White Sheep Hat --> <item id="51"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="10244" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Black Sheep Hat --> <item id="52"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="10245" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Frog Hat --> <item id="53"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="10246" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Fish Hat --> <item id="54"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="10247" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Straw Hat --> <item id="55"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="10248" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Chicken Hat --> <item id="56"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="10249" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Adventurer Hat (Event) --> <item id="57"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="10250" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Medieval Party Mask --> <item id="58"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="10251" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Scar --> <item id="59"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="8923" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Silenos Hair Accessory --> <item id="60"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="13058" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Varka Karm (used by Varka Silenos) --> <item id="61"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="13234" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Ketra Karm (used by Ketra Orcs) --> <item id="62"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="13235" count="1"/> </item> <!-- AU Karm --> <item id="63"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="13236" count="1"/> </item> <!-- AR Karm --> <item id="64"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="13237" count="1"/> </item> <!-- AE Karm --> <item id="65"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="13238" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Refined Angel Ring --> <item id="66"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="13494" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Refined Black Feather Mask --> <item id="67"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="14747" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Refined Carnival Circlet --> <item id="68"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="13493" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Refined Dapper Cap --> <item id="69"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="13504" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Refined Devil Horn --> <item id="70"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="13495" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Refined Jester Hat --> <item id="71"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="13499" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Refined Medieval Style Party Mask --> <item id="72"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="13503" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Refined Pirate Hat --> <item id="73"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="13496" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Refined Romantic Chapeau --> <item id="74"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="13501" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Refined Wizard Hat --> <item id="75"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="13498" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Improved Mining Hat --> <item id="76"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="13514" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Improved Search Hat --> <item id="77"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="13516" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Event - Sorcerer Hat --> <item id="78"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="13518" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Afro Hair --> <item id="79"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="20017" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Gold Afro --> <item id="80"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="20275" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Pink Afro --> <item id="81"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="20276" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Uniform Hat --> <item id="82"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="20020" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Plastic Hair --> <item id="83"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="20325" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Ruthless Tribe Mask --> <item id="84"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="20022" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Black Gem Mask --> <item id="85"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="20324" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Visor --> <item id="86"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="20024" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Napoleon Hat --> <item id="87"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="20322" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Horn Hairband --> <item id="88"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="20323" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Ribbon Hairband --> <item id="89"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="20023" count="1"/> </item> <!-- Formal Wear --> <item id="90"> <ingredient id="57" count="2000000"/> <production id="6408" count="1"/> </item> </list>
  16. re paidia panta otan pane sta multisell tn accessory meta apo 4-5second efoson exoun bei tous kolaei t para8uro kai tous petaei kai t idio ginete kai me mena ....!
  17. competition periods starts einai to pote 8a ani3ei!:)
  18. hey guys i wanted 1 npc to only change sub classes...i mean i want when 1 character talk to npc right in panel the list of subclasses.and dont press 1 button with "change subclass" and after the list of subclasses...understand?
  19. oriste?katalavate kan t eipa?to "next period" einai gia hero h t "weekly change" LOL!
  20. paidia exw mia aporeia gia ta next hero einai "next weekly change is in 400 minute) h "tosa" minutes until period ends?
  21. re paidia exw mia custom armor kai dn exi ability pvp..pws bwrw na tn kanw na einai pvp type xwris fame kai tetoia? dld t kanoniko tunic paradigma na exi pvp ability...
  22. bwris na m ftia3eis ena command p na leei posa on exi o server?esto gia c6 kai 8a try na t adapt..
  23. error kai afto pff...
  24. to death match vgazei error.einai gia interlude ala3a ta import alla e3akolou8ouse na vgazi error..tespa
  25. ok thx i will check it.:)
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