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Posts posted by Apathy

  1. I've been messing around with the xdat editor and I've managed to do some things, like add duplicate standalone skill bars and stuff, but there are still some things I don't quite understand. For example, I added this simple bar to act as a 5th independent skillbar, but it has a pink cursor:



    Then I found the children needed to remove that pink cursor and also deleted the useless arrows and  the number.



    Now I've managed to find that FlightShipCtrlWnd that I've seen in some servers to handle Talismans and stuff, and managed to get it to the size I wanted (I'm playing a multiskill server and want to use this for buff skills so I have more space on my regular skillbar for skills and macros.



    However, that one does not allow me to drag any skill, action, macro or item into it. I want to make those 12 slots usable like the ones from the FlightTransformCtrlWnd one (images 1 & 2).


    Any help would be appreciated.

  2. @bistabil What I meant is that the dude is doing a good job with the work itself, he obviously knows his way around bugs and coding/server side modifications. 

    My main gripe is with his minimalistic gameplay ideas that resemble a more limited classic-like server. 

  3. I will never understand why these servers with the same copy/paste features and files feel the need to have month-long beta phases.

    Beta phases have never worked for more than a week, everything that people need to test is usually done in batches and reported quickly as long as there are ACTIVE staff members to guide players in their testing.

    Setting up launches so far ahead only brings problems, like several other servers opening, clans losing interest due to wait time and so on.

  4. I'm gonna weight in a little bit here.

    What I've noticed about the project at first glance, was the lack of content that it provided. It felt like a dumbed down classic server seeing how limited the skills and classes were. No buff classes, hardly any debuffs to influence PvE and PvP which results in awful class balance. 


    To put class balance into perspective, take a look at the Ranger and the Paladin:

    Ranger: Only one 3rd class offensive skill (Lethal Shot)


    Paladin: Angelic Icon, Soul of Phoenix, Shield Slam, Touch of Life and a Servitor (Dark Panther)



    Also because of the lack of buffs, the gameplay is just awful, low attack speed, low damage values, slow combat and general pacing. This also goes against the general idea of a faction server, since those are usually inclined to include High Rate/PvP features like full buffs.

    Another thing that bothers me is game progression. There are quests that require you to kills dozens of mobs which are 10+ levels below your own, making quests not only uninteresting, but also extremely boring. The lack of AoE play is also a huge turn off, and only encourages solo play. 

    I know that it's a one man project, and @IpotoniC is doing a good job, but he has some ideas that will simply never work with today's people. One of the main features that  people look for in custom servers is finding ways to avoid the chore of questing and grinding the traditional way. Forcing people through a quest line is one way to get people to instantly close the client and leave.

    There are many interesting features like mining, fishing and stuff, I'm not gonna get into those because they have potential to be awesome with the right tweaks.


    So yeah, I always like seeing custom projects that are well thought-out, most of  them are interesting, but a lot of times the DEVs are so disconnected with the playerbase that it feels like they're trying to make a general RPG in RPGMaker rather than a fully functional MMORPG experience.

    I wish you luck, I will definitely try the server out once you launch later this year or whenever you decide to, but please consider moving  towards faster PvP-oriented gameplay rather than a classic-feel server where no matter your level, you will always feel like a low level character.

  5. I'm kind of skeptic.

    People won't drop their 104+ characters on Core to join a fresh server. However, it might get a good amount of people that play NCWest servers and are tired of bots.

    I will definitely try it because I remember the first month of fresh Magmeld server back when GoD launched as one of the best experiences I've had with L2 servers. Being lvl 65-69 and pvping for more than 10 hours straight with 3 parties against 2 other sides with similar numbers in Tower of Insolence just to gain control of floors 10+ was amazing, and something I haven't experienced in a private server yet. 

    I also think lvl 1-85 PvP in GoD client is the best out there, though it's to be expected since they're official files of course. Global vampiric effects really helped PvP longevity and mass PvP duration.

    I'm looking forward to it.

  6. Kamaels need resistances against stun and mental attacks due to their relatively low CON and MEN, so in the end Freya is better since it gives mental attack resistance as well as stun, while Frintezza gives stun resistance and dark resistance (and you already have a toggle for +dark res).

    Mass PvP-wise, if you play with an archer CP, you're gonna want to maximize your AA power and Attack Speed, so going +4 DEX and +5 STR (-9 CON) is a very risky move but can be quite worth it if you play smart and not get focused. A simple +5 STR dye is ok if you don't feel comfortable with being squishier, and you can even take out DEX since you have warp or if you plan on spamming skills.

    As for Oly dyes, +5 STR -5 DEX is all you need. Don't ever take out CON or MEN, you need those to not get owned by fear, stun, and so on.

  7. Horrible server and horrible setup.

    +12 Top S84 in the donation shop, lots of skills are bugged including Turn Undead which means EEs and SEs are fucked, Cubics don't work most of the time, Nightshade skills have 0% land rate, and so on.

    That's the problem with this H5 pack that everyone is using, they don't work on it because they think the files are perfect. 


    This is just a server to grab money from people and nothing else.

  8. be smart dude and think about it ,its freaking summer ,most people got vacations,examinations and shits ,september is the perfect time to open it,and till then many people will already know about it and have plenty of time in order to get in touch with other friends that they wanna play together.

    That just means it will have more competition. And this server has way too many custom features to keep a big population. Retail-like servers take up the vast majority of the playerbase, and that is a FACT.


    I like the project, but September is a huge no-no, since I will probably join a bigger project with 3k online or so.

  9. I will never understand why these server owners set up such distant opening dates.

    You don't hype up a server in months, it usually takes 3-4 weeks or so for people to get interested. Anything after that and people will just join something else. The servers that announce opening dates for several months ahead, usually last 1 or 2 weeks, because everyone expects more and more from the server and end up dissapointed.

    Everything looks like it's already done, so why will it take 3 months to open? You're gonna kill the server's lifespan.

  10. With no custom armors/weapons/farm zones or anything. Just a regular 2h buffs 50x-100x H5 server with 30x drop/spoil rate or something along those lines.

    There's too many servers with full buffs and low rates, or some with high rates but really low spoil/drop chance.

    I don't have much time to dedicate to this almost dead game anymore, and would like something I could play for a few hours a day and reach endgame in a week or so.

    Also considering Gracia Final or Epilogue, as long as they don't have any customs. Not interested in Interlude.

  11. So long since I played on Dragon Network 15x. They didn't even have substack back then, it was C3 and it was one of the 2 or 3 servers with 2k+ players (along with Revenge and Eternal Sin). Good times, I made a lot of friends there, definitely one of the best servers I've played.

    I'm not a huge fan of Substack servers, but I will definitely join because I know I will see some of the old peeps around and it might be a good change from all the H5 nonsense nowadays.

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