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Everything posted by Thelasthero

  1. go to your db http://localhost/a/ or go to item table and you'll see all the items.You must know the owner id that you can find in chars table. Hope you find the way...
  2. this a very old guide but i think that some guyz dont know how so ok thats good..
  3. i open a server too :p here in patras lol.It will be up after exams..
  4. yes i know that and a person can be helped with this for a site but i remember one buffer in c4 that had template-background in his menu and thats what i want to achive..
  5. unfortunately it didnt work in game! >:( as you see here... if anyone knows how to put background-template on a npc plz tell :P
  6. :p eisai ligo trelos.Gia auto tora to kalokairi kapelaki gia ton ilio pou leei kai o thanos :p
  7. eleoc esi tin erixes pio orea.Vevea i kanoniki basketa einai 10000 plasia apo auti pou erixes esi!
  8. xaxaxa MEWMEW RULEZZZZZZZZZZZZZ+100000000000000000 KARMA
  9. I was searching for codes,html codes because i wanted to add background on my npc and i found something lovely. here is the codes of my html(opened with adobe toolkit) <html> <head> <body background="ivorytower.jpg" bgcolor="orange"> <tr><td><b><font color="3300FF">Shadows Trader-Bank Manager:</font></tr></td></b> <br> <tr><td><font color="ff234f">Here You can find epic weaps and other special items.Also adena-gold bars conversation.</font></tr></td> <br> <br> <a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_multisell 40006"> <b><font color="FFFF00"> Adena-Gold Bars </font></b></a> <br> <a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_multisell 40007"> <b><font color="CC0000"> Epic Weaps </font></b></a> <br> <a action=""> <b><font color="00FF00"> Other Special </font></b></a> </body> </html> you see some different things from normal-classic html's? This is something different <body background="ivorytower.jpg" bgcolor="orange"> and something else is different the <b> </b> codes for bold and look the result you can find more html codes here http://www.web-source.net/html_codes_chart.htm i havent seen it in the game but it suppose to work! >:(
  10. o fuck stop this with marlin manson :P
  11. upgrade how?And Upgrade what? A server with 2000 people(not online) stands in your pack :p and the admin doesnt want to change pack.
  12. i was searching for an image flash maker and i found this... Adobe ExtendScript ToolKit 2 Its a great tool that can open many types of files used in l2j packs(i use it for editing things in l2j packs) and i think its much better from simple notepad and very cool look photos: download it here(the files in the archive are my adobe folder in program files and they should work)Put it in your program files folder and run it. rapidshare link: http://rapidshare.com/files/34621875/Adobe.rar.html mediafire link: http://www.mediafire.com/?ac1y4lkjemj Enjoy it...
  13. and here is my prob.I have pack c5/c6 from Killer(i ask you killer :P) and i want to fix the noblesse skills but i have a problem. <effect count="1" name="NoblesseBless" time="3600" val="0"/> ---->Blessing of Noblesse in this row and in the row with fortune of noblesse it wont tkae it in the db and it gives me critical error on the gameserver console(only with the effects) it says this something wrong with the effect templates!Where can i fix this?The effect templates?
  14. solut this is a nice pack xexe.Fantastic work guyz.Keep it up!!
  15. kai tora tha eprepe na petaxtei kapios kai na pei:<<To SPAM exei kai ta oria tou>> :P :P :P
  16. dragoon se vazo kai ego stis epafes mou
  17. nai re to katalava lol!
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