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Posts posted by mirrow

  1. Shot00008.jpg


    Hi to everybody!

    I'm having problems trying to add quest information on the client side, like (ALT+Q) or Exclamation Mark on NPC Head, don't know what should I edit, I tried to edit questname-e.dat but didn't work but if I delete other quest id in that archive it make disappear exclamation mark and quest information on the quest in the game.

  2. Hi to everybody!
    I'm having a problem when I'm trying  to connect to my database using Multisell Manager.  I'm using Windows 8.1 x86 I though the problem was because I was using a system x64 but the problem stand still, before I ran the program on windows 7 x32 but the I mount a VM with that windows and the error keep going , don't know what to do now, please need help this program make easier the work on build a Store List


  3. Greeting!

    I'm trying to add a quest to the client but every time I tried to save Questname-e.dat but it gave me back an error and deleted the file, like if syntax inside was wrong. if someone could give me a clue, I tried to just open the file and saved with out  changed a thing but still got the same error.

    have I encrypt it in 413 ?


    Thanks for your time!

  4. LOL what the point of explaining this to leechers ;D ? you like new concurrence - and new noobs who can make what you trying to sell =) ?


    i'm not going to sell nothig just trying to learn all i can about lineage, because i love this game and still playing interlude chronicle for about 10 years.

  5. Hi Everybody!
    I want to know, what I should use and do to adapt a NPC to other Chronicle, in this case GoD to IL.
    Tried to do with Unreal Engine and Umodel, But when I enter to the game and spawn the NPC, Crash into a Critical error (Serial Seize Mismatch)
    I followed this guide:

    <a href="http://www.progamercity.net/lineage-guides/1492-guide-how-import-psk-psa-unrealed.html">Guide</a> 

    in this program I set the textures in Skin.
    Then save the Textures in UTX file and put into Systexture and the UKX animation file put into animations folder ,
    add into npcgrp in System folder a line like this:

    : 20001 LineageMonster.gremlin Mirrow.frikios_m00 1 Mirrow.frikios_t00 Mirrow.frikios_t01 0 2 4416 13 1.000000 0 1 3 MonSound.Hit_Wet_4 MonSound.Hit_normal_3 MonSound.Hit_Bone_8 3 MonSound.gremlin_dmg_1 MonSound.gremlin_dmg_2 MonSound.gremlin_dmg_3 0 1 0 LineageEffect.p_u002_a 0 50.000000 250.000000 70.000000 0 1


    if you can bring me some help please.

    Thanks for taking your time

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