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Everything posted by Pwner

  1. good luck mate.
  2. Server Down, Have fun.
  3. you think i can't? after finish attacking on L2Harlem i'm going do it, http://l2topzone.com/lineage2/server-info/9383/L2Legend.html Keep Check Server Status.
  4. Lemonade don't join you going waste your time there because it will be under attack by ddos tonight.
  5. Bump for my friend
  6. Reporting VainSlay, he spam 4 time's at page number 3 also he have already -3 Karma i think he should got Ban for 7 days or some thing. His Profile: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=136537 His Post: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=272185.new#new
  7. already Reported two times for Spamming, you was can make Edit for your Reply.
  8. loool really EPIC FAIL, GREAT JOIN IBUDDY AND VAINSLAY Copying our clan Application Forum into your forum same as our rules you toke 3 of them ???? hahahahahaha TROOLED i think your clan has been famous from the first.
  9. Pwner

    classic [L2J]L2Esen

    nice feature's dude good luck with your server.
  10. you don't want to spam then how you get -3 Karma?
  11. uNnormall Thanks for your words bro it's mean a lot, Vainslay and iBuddy i hope you got it now kids that's the end i don't need anything else TROLLED.
  12. dude why you don't understand also relax you don't need caps lock, our clan is offline at the moment and we are regrouping at the end of the month also i wont make war with MrPro Clan's because he is good guy if you wanna make 9v9 when we coming back get your own friends get them ready.
  13. dude i have to write it again? okay np, HighQualitySquad them are our *** Friends we are always playing together and the video frapsed and edited by iBuddy not by the Clan leader or the Co-Leader we always playing for fun... i was *** MainAssister and HQS know's i will be and we forget to put Second assister so that's what happend and if you want uNnormall or AboveMyDna comes here and reply if you wanted to just tell me and i will show you and every one else what is going on with both of us, THE END [ KID ] i hope you have understand GO Check them YouTube Channel and if you found that video there come and shut me up, dude i never saw you playing in a server before so why you are even posting that video and you didn't even played that server.
  14. no thing just saying my opinion. thanks for your support brother ;) haha i know you don't like it because that's the true, next time when you buy a forum not a free forum write on forum new's who Design it and who didn't because we really don't care, Best Wish's for MrPro clan and his members and i'm really surprised when i found two kids like iBuddy and VainSlay joining him.
  15. :rage: do you guys think we actually care who design it and who didn't? at the end its free forum, iBuddy like i said look to your reply about Forum Design By: iBuddy that's really kid style, gj newbie. loool really EPIC FAIL, GREAT JOIN IBUDDY AND VAINSLAY Copying our clan Application Forum into your forum ???? hahahahahaha WOW Nice also 0 application's on forum epic fail dude, anyone before he going join check our clan rules and our application form and then check this damn this stupid and fail clan that's mine clan forum www.legionhood.info
  16. Hello, i'm just a player there its great server with great Staff always helping people's anyway server has + 50 online just 1day on.
  17. We have done some changes, but all for a better gameplay. International Multi Skill Server Sub's 4+(1 Base ) RATES - XP 5000x - SP 5000x - Party XP 2000x - Party SP 2000x - RateDropItems = 20 - RateSpoilItems = 15 - RateRaidDropItems = 20 - RateQuestDrop = 10 NPC - Teleport Cube (All Town | Town Areas | Level Areas | Farm Areas). - Full NPC Buffer in All towns (Manual Buffs ) all buffs 3h. - Full GM Shop in all towns, all you need!. - Nobbles NPC at Giran Town (Caradine). - Raid Boss Gatekeeper. - Password Manager (You Can Change Your Password). - Casino NPC (You bet your vote coins). - Skill Enchanter NPC. - Augmenter NPC. - About Server NPC. - Warehouse Keeper NPC (Protected). - Custom Shop NPC (No Custom Items). - Rank NPC. - Sub Master (All subs available in one NPC). - Raid Info NPC. - Order Manager (Hit Man). - Clan Manager NPC. - Andromeda NPC. ENCHANT RATES - You can enchant max + 30 only with Crystal Scrolls. - Enchant Rate: 70% Normal. - Enchant Rate: 100% Blessed Max +20. - Enchant Rate: 100% Crystal Max +30. - Safe Enchant: +7. - Max Enchant: +20 With Blessed. - Max Enchant: +30 Only With Crystal Scrolls. AREAS Leveling Area for Level UP with a mob that recovers all your Xp/Sp. - Very Easy Level Up System... [For Now]. 3 Farm Areas with much spawns. - Farm Area 1 Spawn [A],Spawn . - Farm Area 2 Spawn [A],Spawn - (Hard farm [you need full sub classes to farm there). - Spawn [C],Spawn [D] - (Easy farm for newbies). - Safe Farm Area (Spawn [A]). RAID BOSS AREAS - Ketra's Hero Hekaton. - Varka's Hero Shadith. - Queen Shyeed. - Ketra's Commander Tayr. - Varka's Commander Mos. - Ember. - Varka's Chief Horus. - Ketra's Chief Brakki. - Master Anays. - Queen Ant. - Core. - Orfen. - Zaken. - Baium. - Antharas. - Valakas. OTHER FEATURES - Fishing. - Seven Signs. - Castle Sieges. - Clan Hall Sieges. - Noblesse System. - Max Level 80. - AutoLearn Skills. - All Quests. - Clan Wars. - C5/Interlude Clan System. - Wepon Augmentations. - Dueling System. - All C4/C5/Interlude Skills. - Olympiad Retail like. - Flawless Geodata & Pathnodes!. - Active and experienced development/GMteam!. - All Grand Bosses are at custom level with respawn - 12h!. - PvP/PK Feed protection!. - Oly Feed Protect(Same IP / Dual Boxes). - TvT Dual Box Protect(Same IP / Dual Boxes). - Working cursed weapons system. - Subclass without quest. - Subclass with item (Farm Item). Grand Olympiad -Olympiad system Every 2 Weeks (Full Working) Retail Olympiad. -Olympiadstart 18:00 and end 24:00 -Heroes Change Every Monday. -Validation period 12h. Events -Team vs Team. -Capture the flag. -DeathMatch. -LastHero. -Dual Box at oly and at events isn't allowed. Vote Event System For -CaptureThem. -TreasureHunter. -ProtectLeader. -CastleWars. Commands: -.help command for help. -.menu Menu of character. -.goto -.blockgoto -allowgoto -.castlemanager -.info Website: www.tolmachov.eu Forum: www.tolmachov.eu/forum
  18. what?
  19. dude you are a kid how old are you 13/14 because i don't remember. thanks my friend. dunno really i'm just helping my friend for adv his server.
  20. haha omg dude really epic fail Kid Rules :happyforever:..
  21. oh god dude i dunno what i can say what a kind nice word's from a kid >>> Go up again and check the chat and show me how you going make him join you.. even i didn't see you until now playing l2 then before you speak you can ask this people's and you might know them: FakeSmile, Saruman, Arawan, Koza, uNnormall, AbovemyDna, WalkingTerror, Jayde, Sm00kie, Becks and xEmptySoul this people's from RainBow, Koza Clan, HighQualitySquad.. so maybe you heard them maybe not just ask unnormall and AboveMyDna about me.. Good luck with your clan i can't wait until see his gaming style.
  22. omg dude you have eyes am i right? i was the Main Assist i was the main target of HQS because them know's i will be MainAssister and we forget to make Second main assister, so please please stop making fail reply's that's all because ivo didn't joined you??
  23. hehe first of all i didn't pm Cruscher he make application and we accepted him and i didn't know he from your clan Ivo told me he dose.. hahahah HQS them are Our friends you idiot Go to them channel and look if them upload this video or no.. and if you wanna me let AbovemyDna or uNnormall make Reply on the Topic for you get believe it why do you speak and you didn't even played on the server??, dude there is nothing interesting on your reply's i think you get Trolled.
  24. english please, RidBol 13 years or what ever but he have a brain and he know's how to play also he respecting all clan members and have exp on Lineage not like you and iBuddy, check TopZone Topic TakeMyLife didn't know we are coming back he tough clan is closed, and if he want to join them i can let him them are my friends and its easy to let him join, about 9v9 when we finish our exams and we come back we can play 9v9..
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